Horrible C3 lag when large complicated event sheets fully opened

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  • I did look for perf problems and found some case that causes lag in animation editor and other dialogs, but I did test with my own theme and also changed some CSS. So to pinpoint problem 100% could take time, which i don't rly want to do.

    But overall there seems to be bugged case, which lags other dialogs sometimes and sometimes it does not. Not sure what it is, as I changing a lot of some stuff around, but did not remove or hide anything and lag changed a lot.

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  • I've already spent a long time trying to optimise the event sheet layout. Unfortunately though the layout is all calculated by the browser, and improving layout performance in browsers seems to be a kind of dark art that is barely covered by any documentation or official performance advice. You can find some blog posts on the subject but they cover just the most simple, trivial changes that we're long past. So I don't really know what else could improve it. Maybe different browsers perform better.

    In short the more content that is visible (i.e. expanded) in the event sheet view, the more layout work the browser has to do. It's possible some combination of CSS properties would improve it, but we have little more than sheer guesswork to go on, and I already spent a long time on it. You can play around with it yourself tweaking styles in dev tools. If you find anything that makes a significant difference, I'd be interested to know what that is.

  • Expressions dialog seems to stay/stack/bug or something.

  • I've already spent a long time trying to optimise the event sheet layout. Unfortunately though the layout is all calculated by the browser, and improving layout performance in browsers seems to be a kind of dark art that is barely covered by any documentation or official performance advice. You can find some blog posts on the subject but they cover just the most simple, trivial changes that we're long past. So I don't really know what else could improve it. Maybe different browsers perform better.

    In short the more content that is visible (i.e. expanded) in the event sheet view, the more layout work the browser has to do. It's possible some combination of CSS properties would improve it, but we have little more than sheer guesswork to go on, and I already spent a long time on it. You can play around with it yourself tweaking styles in dev tools. If you find anything that makes a significant difference, I'd be interested to know what that is.

    Yeah I guess you can't really do much else like if any of us used C3 but didn't have the CPU profiler when sometimes a single event done in the incorrect order can cause massive performance issues in the game we're making but we would have to just guess blindly much the same, but we don't have that hypothetical issue because you gave us a profiler. I think thus far you've probably worked the engine to a top notch state for now.

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