Bringing attention to a dumb bug

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  • OK I've been having this issue where construct 3 will crash when doing any of the following. adding/removing behavers, changing global variables, adding prams to functions, making a new project, adding a instance variable, when changing a instance variable, ect. I have made a bug report but no update, this is a post asking if anyone else has been encouning this bug and if you've managed to fix it!

    (Happends on both stable and beta, and on both my pcs)

    Image of crash




  • Heyy, what browser do you use? What plugins/addons/extensions do you use on your browser?

  • This happens to me, but only when I am running C3 in multiple tabs with different games - so I assume I'm confusing the program.

    Let's say I'm trying to build some special menu that I used 3 games ago and I can't remember how I did it. So I open that game in another tab and start to copy and paste from one game to the other ...... then I see something stupid that I did in the second game and attempt to fix it and save ...... Typically, that's when I give C3 a coronary and I get that error.

    Or if I have C3 open on 2 different laptops, that usually takes longer to get an error, but usually something goes crazy.

    I use C3 in Chrome, not sure if the same thing happens in FF, but I assume it would.

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  • I don't think I've ever had this crash, but I have often had what seems like a totally random crash that only happens if using C3 for more than a few hours straight where it says something about over 100 instances being reached and C3 actually asks me "is this right?" in the error type it shows. lmao

  • Can anyone confirm if this crash still happens in the latest beta or not?

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