corlenbelspar's Forum Posts

  • I tried using on destroyed and if the object.count = 1, but that doesn't work if two objects of that type exist and are destroyed simultaneously.

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  • Hey thanks, that works. I had a convoluted method of doing it and this is much more efficient.

  • I need to check if all instances of an object equal -1 in a certain variable. How do I do this?

  • I wanted to have some traps in my game be timed to the music. What's the most effective method to do this?

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  • Hey, thanks a bunch! This will do nicely.

  • Not much else needed to describe my question.

  • Nevermind. Still having the same problem.

  • I may have figured it out, but take that with a grain of salt due to the random nature of this issue. I have something akin to 4,000 objects in some layouts that were using webGL effects and apparently the effects were all active even when not being used. I imagine this overloaded my video cards, if this is indeed the problem.

  • As I reported once before, NWjs caused my video card on an old computer to crash seemingly at random when launching with my game. Now it doesn't crash on my brand new PC, but still, seemingly at random, has the webGL effects become unable to be displayed until I, once again, restart my computer.

  • Is there some magic setting in this I need to change any of this to? I don't want any sounds to be directional.

  • Yeah. An actual example of something that happened was I have a fake Z coordinate for air height on my objects. I had a tower of objects relying on air height to work right. It was fine and then I updated. Instead of it placing them above each other, they got shifted in Y coordinate and the air height variable wasn't even working. I had to perform some minor tweaks, but it's frustrating figuring it out when you didn't even do anything wrong.

  • Every time I update to the next "stable" version of Construct 2 I have capx files that worked perfectly fine in the previous version but won't run properly in the updated version. Most of my projects will run but with lots of minor bugs that didn't exist previously, some won't run at all, returning errors stating things like the cpx file is missing.

    When I didn't have as many projects, and when my projects were simpler, it was easy enough to debug or rebuild, but it's starting to get seriously annoying. Is anyone else having this problem, is it something I'm doing wrong?

    I have the same issue. The timing of everything gets whack where I have to readjust everything. Or, for example, variables don't work the same as they used to. It's so pervasive I can't really list in great detail how everything messes up. I'm just not going to update from now on since C2 is basically finalized anyway, unless some extraordinary new function gets added or a critical bug fix. Thank god someone else noticed. I was starting to think I was causing it to happen and was about to rip my hair out from frustration.

  • Is there a certain limit to the number of sounds playing at once? I have a brand new computer with 16 processors, 16GB of RAM, etc. and I still get audio stuttering bad in my game when a lot of sounds are playing at once.

    EDIT: It seems only positioned audio has this problem.