corlenbelspar's Forum Posts

  • Mine is too and only getting bigger. It took FOREVER to figure out which object it was out of 400+ objects.

  • I found I needed to delete and recreate an object to get it to work, but it takes like 2 minutes to get off the black screen. lol

    EDIT: Also, web worker breaks Android exports. I need to file a bug report.

  • I'm trying to export my game to Android just to see how it works on my phone and it doesn't. I get a black screen unless I delete all objects. Are there any behaviors or plugins that don't work at all on Android? It works fine when I do a remote preview, but debug APK is failing to work.

  • Hey Ashley do you think I could send you my project one more time? I can't replicate the issue where C3 won't close when my project is open in it unless I use Task Manager to kill it.

  • I think you're right. I displaced my line fo sight characters by so many pixels and then put them back after the line fo sight check and it seems to have fixed it because my origin points can't be centered.

  • How many pixels thick is the line and from where on the object does it start drawing the line?

  • I have an enemy that uses line of sight that can't detect objects when next to walls, so I wanted some info on how the behavior works so I can fix this.

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  • I flipped it by adding a minus sign before vTex.y in p.y = (vTex.y + pos_y) * scale;, but now the parameters are backwards. I can work with this, but I'd still prefer it to be fixed rather than my hack applied to it.

  • I got it to import and not mess up C3, but the effect is upside down instead of right side up like it was in C2. LOL

    Any ideas how to flip it vertically?

  • I think I may have fixed it, but I'm not considering it fixed until a week or so from now with no out of memory errors. I guess having like 500 objects with 50+ variables is bad on memory when the layout starts even if you're destroying the objects at the very start. So I made all the objects a tileset during edittime and then they become sprites at runtime to get around this problem. =D

  • Thanks, I didn't even know there was a manual for C3 yet. I guess I was still clicking the manual for C2 and didn't look hard enough. I will read over this.

  • Ashley is every single thing in a project loaded into memory even if it's not open in a tab?

  • Anytime I try to preview my project, I get the error, "Not enough memory to open this page," and Construct 3 crashes.

    I'm assuming the same is true of the desktop build of C3 because it just closes suddenly when I try to run a preview, but doesn't give me an error message.

    I have 16gb of RAM and C3 is only up to 3GB of memory usage when I run the preview and it crashes.

    EDIT: If I check to use worker then it runs the preview, but then exporting my game doesn't work.

  • I upgraded to C3 and I'm happy to report it works great. No more preview loading times of upwards of 1.5 to 2 minutes. Only problem I have now is I have to use Google Chrome Canary because the sheer memory use causes other browsers (and the desktop NWjs build of C3) to crash.

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