corlenbelspar's Forum Posts

  • Preferably through a base64 string, if possible. I suppose loading it into memory via the audio object wouldn't be relevant to this if the base64 string is stored in something such as a dictionary object.

  • lol I just tried in the Chrome app version of C3 to put in "" to an image on this website that Construct 3 is built into and that doesn't even work. I'm only able to get it to do anything if I import an image into the project files folder and just put its name in, but given the default URI entry starts with "http://" I assume you're supposed to be able to actually use it like it isn't working at all for me no matter what I've tried.

  • I want to specifically make it load an image from a file on the computer for a tilemap, but I've put in 3 different actual URLs to images online trying to test it out as the action is literally named to work, such as "", and nothing happens. I've heard it can be used to load files on the computer as well, but that's not going to happen if I can't even get it to load uploaded images.

  • I have my ideas, but maybe someone knows a way better than I thought up. The concept is pretty simple. I want to make a folder in my game's root folder to put spritesheets or folders for a collection of sprites each into, and during runtime it loads these into a sprite object so as to implement a thing such as a custom character in my game for players.

  • I'm trying to use the nwJS C3 to work on my stuff. Maybe I'll have better luck with the browser version? I didn't think to try it. I honestly don't care what it works in as long as it works.

    EDIT: Seems to work fine in the Chrome app. Desktop C3 must need some tweaking then.

  • Guess I'll just have to only use it online since not being able to preview offline kinda makes the whole thing unusable. It works fine offline until I try to preview, then nothing.

    I'll be having to find another thing such as Unity though when my projects in it are all done because I don't feel like paying a subscription for something where I may not have reliable access to the internet which then makes it not work at all.

    This kinda makes me sad because C3 is actually a really great thing, but oh well I guess.

  • If it works offline with previews, then why is the console giving this error when I try to run one?

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  • I called my ISP and fixed the connectivity issues and I've opened it 10 times now for 5 minutes a piece or so and it isn't doing it.

  • So what can I do to fix this?

  • How do I know if the ready-offline notification appeared already or not? I updated days ago and have been using it since and it still refuses to work when my internet is having connectivity issues that I'm currently trying to iron out.

  • How do I do that since you require a project file and I don't even know how to replicate it beyond turning my internet on and off?

  • Despite the claims made on this website, when I'm not online, Construct 3 won't even open and if it's open, it is unable to run a preview. Also I can't build my game either as an NWjs game when offline. This is pretty consistent as I've tested it 20 times, 10 while offline, 10 while online.

  • Apparently it was the max-height setting in the layout files being set to some ridiculous numbers like 40000 tiles and there's no way to change that unless you go into the files themselves with something like Notepad++. So I used regex find and replace to set the max-height to 14 rather than 40000 because none of my tilemaps ever are anything but 14 tiles high. Now the memory usage is 200mb. Maybe in the future you should consider making Construct 3 alter the max-width and max-height settings on the tilemaps to whatever size the tilemaps actually are?

  • That's only 1,792 tiles so it shouldn't be an issue.