corlenbelspar's Forum Posts

  • I found a resource hacker that lets you use it through command prompt, so I made a batch file that I run that, among other things only I can really use, it changes the NW.jr explorer icon.

    First you need to download the aptly-named Resource Hacker.

    From then on, all you need to do is make a batch file and put this line of code in it with whatever else you want. In my case, I merge the package.nw and NW.js EXE into one, rename it, etc. Be sure to put it in the directory with your project.


    And that's about it. Try to keep the files all on the same drive because otherwise this probably won't work and will be 10x harder to pull off correctly. I put in italics what needs to be altered for your PC.

  • I tried replicating it in a bare-bones CAPX, but it won't do it now for some reason.

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  • I finally figured it out. It was I was trying to call a value from a spot on an array that didn't exist.

  • I keep getting this error seemingly at random and can't figure out for the life of me how to isolate it to make a bug report, so I was hoping someone could shed some light on the nature of the error.

  • I want to have tiles in the tilemap play ambient sounds, such as running water, and I was wondering what the best way was to do this because having a sound play on every tile gets really CPU intensive fast, plus it messes up the audio and other unpleasantries.

  • I basically just have an event at the very end of my events that moves the object to it's Y position - air height, then at the very start of the code it's told to do the opposite so its collision detection and everything is still at base air height, but the sprite is drawn at its air height to pull off fake 3D. I just was thinking it might be more efficient to do this another way because I need to optimize my game some more, but I guess 0.7% CPU usage on each of those events alone isn't enough to even care about. That's a lot less than I thought it was.

    By the by, is this 64 collisions per tick when nothing is happening good for having 2,273 objects in a layout? Most are static obstacle objects.

  • I'd tried Googling this and came up with nothing. Then there'd be the problem of how to reference the variable of a sprite's air height because I want to use this for an easy jumping effect in a top-down view.

  • I think it's maybe to do with webGL, but I wasn't sure. I can try reinstalling my drivers, but that didn't seem to fix anything, but then Windows Update is possessive about updating them and that always screws them up somehow.

  • I wouldn't care so much, except it causes C2 to freeze up when it happens and I lose all my work if I hadn't saved. Which, due to the random nature of it, I have to save every 2 seconds.

  • I'm not really criticizing him. It's just something I noticed. He was resistant to the idea of making a better collision detection system, but ultimately did it because it was worth the time and people kept requesting it.

  • Ashley can be really stubborn, but he does oftentimes relent if people demand something enough and it's not needlessly difficult to implement.

  • Every once in a while, seemingly at random, my video card will crash and I seldom get the following error message just when NW.js loads, but usually it crashes my video card after my game fully loads and then I get no error message.!Ak5NmenBvuyPjRxuRpQirzmNIwjo

  • What's the difference between moving to XY and moving to delta XY in the moveto behavior?

  • If I wanted an object to move exactly 16 pixels by the end of its movement and had it move 1 pixel per frame with DT as part of the equation, how do I ensure it ends up exactly 16 pixels away?

  • I meant a Windows menu bar. I found documentation for it anyway. It basically requires some JavaScript with the Browser object. If you know of any pointers, I'd be grateful if you pointed them out.