I play my music intros and loops as separate files, but on its own the loop doesn't seamlessly play after the intro. Is there somehow I can use audio scheduling with music folder files? I tried using it and it acts like I didn't even put scheduling in the script.
EDIT: I found that music files give a duration of 0 so I guess it's a matter of somehow determining the music length.
you can use the song ended expression and play next the next song based on that, or start playing the song at 2 seconds before the song playing ends, by using the expression audio.tracklength or something like that.
You might need to edit your music files with a audio editor, like audacity or something similar and remove the silent parts and beginning or end of songs, you will also get to know what is the actual song length from that, the schedule expression works as intended however as with any object in Construct is a matter how you use them.
Construct offers you the tools, but isn't doing everything for you, you have to puzzle them together, and use some common sense. Have fun ^_^.