Colludium's Forum Posts

  • Game breaking changes have been implemented .

    Not really. But hopefully some improvements.... What I mean is I've increased the gravity, so jumps and falls are more interesting, and I've adjusted the rope climb mechanism (for the gravity change and so you have better control climbing up and down).

  • OK,

    A quick update here. These are a few bugs & areas of interest for my work:

    Rope climb - the player can climb off the rope when the rope is at non-vertical angles. It was all going so well...

    Random deaths - a couple of random deaths have been reported. Of course, I have not been able to duplicate these (yet). If anyone encounters a random death, please let me know about it, with game/player conditions at the time as well, if possible. There should be no random deaths!!!

    If anyone encounters any more snags then please feedback - I like being kept busy!

    I'm going to try tweaking the game gravity this weekend to see if I can get a slightly quicker jump effect. Backing up all of my files first, though....

  • I hope that this makes it through all of the spam .

    Here's a link to the alpha demo of Level 2.

    The layout contains more objects than level 1 and there's more going on - I would appreciate any feedback on performance, especially if there's any jank, periodic stuttering or just plain old slow framerate problems.


  • Spoke too soon ! Perhaps low rep accounts should be limited to only be able to start one thread per day and limit the rate of posts they can make to one per 10 minutes, or something similar? I dunno - I don't have a monopoly on good ideas - but this just reacting to the spam makes this forum seem a bit behind the times compared to many others...

  • I noticed over the weekend that my audio no longer works when running in NW 10.5. I know, I know, it's not supported any more.... But something 'happened' recently.

  • Scirra forums appear to suffer from spam much more than any of the other forums I frequent. An effective solution used by the others seems to be to require newbie posts to be approved by a moderator, and until then the newbie is unable to make a second post. Newbies are also unable to start a thread until their probation period is over. Just an idea that is effective.

  • Just to add - I've also been spending a little bit of time trying to get to grips with Unity. I have a problem - the lack of a c2/c3 development plan coupled with a reliable exe export option makes me a bit nervous about investing all of my time into this game using c2. Part of my problem is that Unity is much harder to learn and use. Over the weekend I found that Umbra no longer plays audio in NW 10.5 - I have no idea why, but none of the sound files play there any more (and they used to!!). Things like that are not good for the confidence - so I'm now stuck with / committed to using the latest NW; let's hope Google can fix their own jank problem and then don't screw it up (again).

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  • Thanks MadSpy! Level 2 is going slowly but well - I've been distracted (once again) by my real job and had to work away from home with no computer access (desperate!!). If only I didn't have to feed myself and my family!!

    I have spent a good few hours last weekend ironing out a bunch of small but niggly behavior bugs - the closer I look the more I tweaks I find the game needs... But it's progress in the right direction! I hope to have a level 2 alpha for you to try in the next couple of weeks .

  • Do you have the shake command running only once or is it being triggered each tick?

  • Check out the tutorial linked in my signature below - I hope it helps!

    Edit to add I misread the question. As far as I know, the only objects that can have css effects applied to them are the browser UI objects, not sprites unfortunately.

  • All browsers seem to render fonts differently. The only solution to achieve the same effect on all browsers is the solution you don't want, I'm afraid.

  • I hope Scirra are going to produce something like Overlap2D, because as said above - live particle effects in the editor, aside from making game dev easier and quicker - it would make the dev experience so much more satisfying.

    So, an editor possibly running Node.js....? Inside NW.js I guess, or how else could it be done? An interesting idea indeed!

  • You do not need to optimize your collision checks that way - Render Cells ensure that such actions are superfluous. On Collision demands more of the engine than Is Overlapping checks, but Is Overlapping will give True if one instance is overlapping and will not trigger again if a second occurs while the first is still true (in case you use Trigger Once, it will only trigger for the first Is Overlapping), so use it wisely to give best performance but understand its limitations. Read through this thread for a complete discussion on testing for collisions.

  • If you don't want to publish to chrome web store then it's not a problem and you don't have to use the new plugin, I think.

  • michael, I'm with you 100%. I downloaded 20 hours of Unity videos 3 weeks ago because I think enough is enough. I've already started the slow transition, although I'm hoping that a c2 export becomes commercially viable while I am a Unity noob.

    Like you say, though, a functioning export appears unlikely in the next 12 months - at least for fast paced games (which is one reason why Umbra is so slow, I just accepted the c2 limits when u started). I admire the work done on c2 but I am not sure I only want to spend time on making slow non-action puzzle games.

    Back on thread - have Google acknowledged a limitation or made any progress with this yet?