Colludium's Forum Posts

  • As for's just an incredibly buggy and obtuse piece of software if you ask me........Frankly I (and a large portion of the community it seems) would be happy with a single native windows desktop exporter, and have no problem waiting for other native exporters down the road. This whole multi-platform craze is ridiculous....

    Spot on....

    I am continually balancing any advantages of moving to another software. If I do it will be to something better than GMS! Unity or, perhaps, UE4 - but I will be acknowledging such a move would be stepping back 2 years in ability before I might become vaguely competent. So, considering a 2 year time frame, I'm just balancing what I think will be the best use of that time. I could be wrong, but thus far my time is being gambled with c2...

  • MadSpy has a particularly excellent bug finding talent - I can also attest to that!

  • Level 2 is progressing and is turning out to be quite large. I'm being careful to optimize my events and to enable/disable groups and/for objects that are nowhere near the viewport.

  • Have a look at Monkey Business, which was my LD32 entry, if you want to see one of the many examples of what you can do quickly with c2. My graphics are not of the same standard as Crayon Poke, but the c2 platform engine is far superior, IMO. So is the editor, in terms of flexibility and capability. Shameless plug, I know, but I did have fun making the animations .

  • It's a workaround.... You can obtain the object's scale on each axis, without using variables, by using the following technique:

    (ScaleX is an object variable for its scale on the x axis...)

    Object.ScaleX = Object.Width / Object.ImageWidth

    There are similar object values to use for Y scale (ImageHeight etc).

    So, if you want to set the Object.ScaleX to Object.ScaleX - 0.1 (or whatever you want = YourDeltaScaleValueHere) you could do the following:

    Object.Width = clamp(Object.Width / Object.ImageWidth + YourDeltaScaleValueHere, 0.01, 100) * Object.ImageWidth

    I would use clamp to ensure your sprite doesn't either disappear or invert.

    NB, if you have stretched or changed the dimensions of your object in the editor then that will have altered the scale such that this might not work as you anticipate; in such a case I would create a Scale family and, On Scale Created, set Scale.StartWidth and Scale.StartHeight values to the Width and Height values (to equate to a scale of 1). Then substitute StartWidth in place of ImageWidth etc in the equation above.

    I hope I have managed to explain this ok? It's hardly simple, but you could put it into a function and call it whenever you need to, having only to write it once.

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  • Love the gameplay. A lot. Running at 60 fps on i7 HD4600 in chrome, no jank or problems (30 to 40 percent cpu). I had one snag on a restart where my robot exploded into flaming pieces for no reason (I think I jumped) and I had to start over, otherwise it's looking really excellent!! Keep it up, you're doing it right!

  • deleted

  • Image artifact problem solved because of some hidden objects that I had neglected to delete!

  • It didn't happen if there's no capx...

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  • Object.Physics: disable collisions. Then just pick the other object (type, not an instance) that you want it to not collide with.

  • PSI - the only thing you need to move is the nw.exe file; everything else you can leave alone (at least that's what I've been doing without any problems). Most of the files are just duplicates of each other, while c2 adds dxwebsetup.exe and d3dcompiler_46.dll for compatibility reasons. From Ashley's tutorial here

    "When publishing Windows apps, NW.js only supports the faster and more powerful WebGL rendering mode if the latest DirectX runtime components are installed. The exported dxwebsetup.exe file installs these if they are not already present on a user's system. You should ensure this is installed on user's systems before running your project, for example by creating an installer for your game that runs the file as one of the installation steps. " I think that dxwebsetup requires the d3dcompiler dll.

  • PSI, yes - it's easy (if I can do it....). When you export to NW, c2 will create all NW versions in the export location as sub-folders. So all you have to do is ignore the win64 export folder and use the win32 version for your windows export.

  • lucid and Elliott - thank you both for your quick responses! I understand that I was asking for the moon on a stick. So, I think I'll go for a crouch-stand animation, just in case the player wants to start running before it's finished.

    This plugin and the Spriter program are awesome, by the way. I would be lost without it... Cheers.

    Edit to add that it took me a whole 10 mins to change this aspect of the animations and it now works a treat. Thank you - I can only apologize for my lack of imagination....

  • Hi lucid,

    I have an observation and a request for help or an update to the c2 plugin, if I may.

    I have an animation problem and I'm not sure if a solution can be achieved. Here's the scenario: my player has a "squat" animation that runs when the down control is selected. On release of the down control, the "squat" animation blends well to the "idle" animation using the plugin controls. However, a problem arises if I try to blend to a "run" animation (the player presses the left or right button) while the "squat" - "idle" blend is playing. In that case, the plugin commands the animation to blend to a "run" animation but it disregards the animation's current bone positions - instead it resets and starts the new blend from the "squat" animation instead. Is this intentional and can it be worked around without forcing the player to wait (the admittedly short time, in this particular case) until the blend has finished?

    The appearance is ugly and looks like a glitch. I'm going to have a play around and see if there's a neat way of working around this. If I cannot find a solution, can I request that the plugin adds a feature to allow new blends to start blending from the current position of the player's bones? I'll cope if there's no fix, but this is my ideal. I hope this makes sense - here's a gif of what I mean, showing a good blend between squat-idle and then an interrupted blend...
