Bootfit's Forum Posts

  • This might be a proper basic to many of you, but a quick question regarding the Facebook plugins.

    Is there a way to reward a user for clicking a 'share on Facebook' button? eg Once it's shared a user is rewarded with an extra life?

    cheers all :)

  • Smashing - thanks :)

  • Where is the system > is on platform expression in the C3 runtime?

    When I was using the C2 runtime in C3 it was under Special Conditions - but it's gone now.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks all :)

  • Probably a really easy one this but I've yet to implement anything with basic movement...

    On the title screen I have a character that starts off screen (at -50, 55) and walks on screen (to 15, 55).

    What events or behaviours etc do I need to implement this?

    Thanks all :)

  • Wow that was easy. Thanks :)

  • How do I get scores and high scores to appear as 01, 02, 03 ... 10, 11, 12 etc as opposed to just 1, 2, 3 etc...?

    Thanks all :)

  • The sub-conditions worked. Added sub-conditions then inverted them.

    Thanks for your help đź‘Ť

  • I have a one-click game that has a single button (MainButton) that covers the whole layout.

    On the Game Over screen are three other buttons (ButtonShare, ButtonRate, ButtonLeaderboard) on a layer above MainButton - however when I press any of these three buttons it also triggers MainButton which restarts the game.

    How would I go about implementing pressing ButtonShare, ButtonRate, or ButtonLeaderboard without also triggering ButtonMain at the same time?

    Thanks all :)

  • Managed to get it working - removed the "" from the second event:

    System > create "BackgroundTile" on layer "COLOUR"...

    so it now reads

    System > create BackgroundTile on layer "COLOUR"...

    I guess these are the "" you told me to remove initially - thanks for your help with this đź‘Ť

  • The second event:

    System > create object “BackgroundTile”...

    is create object by name.

    Plus removing the “” doesn’t make any difference.

  • The second event:

    System > create object “BackgroundTile”...

    is create object by name.

  • If you want something like that, you will need a global variable to store the name of tileBG in Layout 1

    var randomTile(String)

    On Start Layout:

    Set randomtile to choose("Colour06","Colour07","Colour08","Colour09","Colour10")

    Create object randomTile on layer "COLOUR" at (-100, -100)

    Then you can move to Layout 2 and create the randomTile only

    Thanks for this - but when I do this:

    It doesn't display any colours.

    Am I doing something wrong?

  • In Event Sheet 1 on start of layout I choose a random tiled background (Colour06 ... Colour10) and display that in Layout 1. Then on Layout 2 I want whichever tiled background was chosen in Layout 1 to be used.

    So how do I pass through to Layout 2 the randomly selected tiled background from Layout 1?

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  • On start of layout I select one of five tiled backgrounds colours to display:

    System > On start of layout > System > Create object choose("Colour06","Colour07","Colour08","Colour09","Colour10") on layer "COLOUR" at (-100, -100)

    How would I then take whichever one was chosen into the next layout?

    Thanks all :)

  • You can use System > Create Object(by Name)

    Then put in Object Name: choose("Obj01","Obj02,"Obj03")

    Thats great - thanks.

    One issue thats arose from this is that I now have to duplicate every event of Object01 every time t appears in the event sheet. Eg:

    Object01 > X=300 > Object01 > Destroy

    now becomes

    Object01 > X=300 > Object01 > Destroy

    Object02 > X=300 > Object02 > Destroy

    Object03 > X=300 > Object03 > Destroy

    Object04 > X=300 > Object04 > Destroy

    Is there away to group all these separate Objects together under one label? Is this where Families comes into play?