Bootfit's Forum Posts

  • I've been having issues with the Apple Store over the last couple of days - they keep rejecting my app, saying that when the Leaderboard button is pressed nothing happens.

    This App has been live for 14 months or so with folks posting scores to the leaderboard quite regularly, but since my last app update a couple of days ago it is now throwing up errors at Apple.

    The current breakdown of the events are: On the start screen on Start of Layout the game authenticates the user and signs them in to the Game Center.

    When the user presses the Leaderboard button on the Game Over screen it authenticates the user again, then submits the highscore, then shows the leaderboard.

    This has worked fine for the past 14 months and works fine on the other apps I have on the App Store. It works fine on the current dev version of this app that I build through XCode and it works fine on the live version of the app - but for some reason Apple are saying this particular version of the app nothing happens when they press the Leaderboard button.

    I've had a message saying the Apple Resolution Center will be calling me in the next few days to discuss it further.

    Has anyone had any similar issues with Apple?

    Also in the mean time can anyone post a screenshot of the events they themselves use to sign in to the GameCenter and post to the leaderboard?

    Cheers all :)

  • OK - I've done this. Is this correct?

  • As ever I'm still flailing in the dark...

    When you say check the speed and angle - check the speed and angle of what?

  • Yes, Event sheet - sorry.

    Looks like this is going to massively advanced for my limited skills. No idea where to start when comparing time and direction etc.

    Where would I even begin with that?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • You can also use Touch.AngleAt() and Touch.SpeedAt() expressions.

    For example, if Touch.SpeedAt(0)>200 and Touch.AngleAt(0) between -45 and 45 degrees, it's a swipe to the right.

    dop2000 - this seems a logical approach, with the other angles being between:

    Right: -45/45 degrees

    Down: 45/135 degrees

    Left: 135/225 degrees

    Up: 225/-45 degrees

    How would I begin to implement this via the stylesheets though?

    For example if I had a sprite (ball) and I wanted to swipe up to move it up, how would i do this?

  • Hi guys, check out my first ever android game made with Construct 3. Got my 2 kids involved also! It's very basic, but learnt a lot doing it.

    I saw your game has 10k+ downloads. How did you manage this? Did you buy adverts etc or is it all organic searches?

  • This is a follow up question from my earlier thread regarding the Rate pop up not working via the Share object on iOS devices.

    As it turns out the Rate pop up does work fine, the issue is with Apple and the fact that they only allow an app to display a Rate pop up 3 times per app per year. So after testing that the pop up worked several times once the app was live I’d used up my 3 times this year.

    The Rate pop up on my app was triggered via a button. Apple discourage this due to (as I’ve discovered with my app) only being allowed 3 pop ups per year and once they’re used up the button appears to be broken.

    So, where would the logical place for the Rate pop up to appear as an automated pop up rather than a button request? I’m guessing at the Game Over page when the user has just scored a high score as they’ll have a positive state of mind. However, if they score 3 high scores in a row then that’s the whole year’s 3 pop ups used up.

    What would be the best way to stagger these pop ups?

  • I’m building for Xcode and uploading to the Apple App Store via C3 on a daily basis with no problems at all.

    I’m guessing you have an Apple Developer account?

    How far through the process do you get?

  • I’ve just been reading Apple’s documentation and they say they’ve put a limitation of allowing 3 popups per app per every 365 days. So it looks like I won’t be getting anymore popups on this app for the next 300-odd days as I used all 3 of my popups up in testing once the App was launched.

  • In one of my apps, after an interstitial advert displays (Google AdMob), when the advert is over or cancelled, when I return to the game the sounds in the game no longer play.

    Anybody else have a similar issue?

  • In the Share object there is the ability to have a Rate popup message.

    In the object parameters box for Share there is the box App ID.

    In this I've put the following: "com.url.appname" - however this doesn't work on iOS.

    Have I entered the wrong App ID? Is there something else I'm meant to put in here instead?

    Cheers all :)

  • Just a quick question - is it possible to do Swipe gestures in Construct 3 or it it variations of Tap only?

  • OK - I seem to be having a bit of a problem with this. I've got the events working, however the codes seem to be not selecting properly. I've currently got:

    System > On Start of layout >

    System > Browser.Language = "en" > System Create object "England" on layer TITLE at (240,160)

    System > Browser.Language = "en-ca" > System Create object "Canada" on layer TITLE at (240,160)

    However when the iPhone language is set to UK and I expect it to display the "en" "England" title nothing displays.

    But when I set the iPhone language to Canada I expect it to display the "en-ca" "Canada" title, but it displays the "England" title instead.

    In an answer above dop2000 says I only need the first two letters of the language code, but I really want it to check all 4 (or 5 if you count the -) if available. Any ideas on how to do this?

    Thanks all :)

  • Smashing thanks. I'm guessing i can use the full character string though if I need to, as multiple countries use the same two letters as their first letters, eg:

    en: English

    en-au: English (Australia)

    en-bz: English (Belize)

    en-ca: English (Canada)

  • Thanks - but can I bulk import images as separate sprites?