Bootfit's Forum Posts

  • OK - if no one can point me towards a tutorial, can you help with the following:

    Each time my game loads I want the system to choose a random variable (called result), either 1 or 2.

    So my event currently looks like:

    System > Every tick > System > Set result to int(random(1,2))

    How's this? Does this look right?

  • Can someone point me towards a tutorial that explains how to implement variables?

    I've looked through the manual but the explanation seems pretty light. I need a working example so I can see how set them up within the Construct interface.

    Thanks all

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Just jotting down couple of game ideas and was wondering if it's possible for Construct to access mobile phone contacts so the player can message a selected contact once they've achieved a certain criteria?


    • Dave won the gold medal

    • game messages Jack

    • message: Dave won the gold medal! (picture of medal)

  • Can you explain how I do that? I'm still learning the basics.


  • I've just added an audio effect (.wav file) to my game. It plays fine when playing over a normal audio player, but when it plays through the game it comes out elongated and distorted. Is there some action I need to add to remove this effect?


  • Hi all - new to Construct, these boards and the world of making games in general.

    At this point I'm going to be focusing on making games for mobile only - and I'll have some very, very basic questions that will be second nature to you more seasoned game builders.

    So let's start at the beginning - my first question is, when I start a new project, what preset or Viewport size do I need to select for mobile?

    Thanks all