Bootfit's Forum Posts

  • How long does it take for an issue in the github to be assigned to someone and looked at?

    I posted an issue a week or so ago ( and issues raised since then have had folks assigned to them already.


  • Brilliant - sorted it. Cheers for that.

  • If I want to build a Retro style game for a tablet (iPad) what veiwport size and aspect ratio do I set it for if I want it to fill the full screen? If I use the standard 180 x 320 I'm left with spaces either side of the screen as the aspect ratios for both devices differ.

    I have the game ready to go for the iPhone, but if I play it on the iPad I get the spaces either side. Am I best having a single app that is deployed on both but rejigged slightly for the iPad? I know Viewport fit and Fullscreen mode come in to play here - but I'm not sure how to configure them properly.

    cheers all :)

  • Yeah, to my knowledge I'm running the Latest release. What’s the current version number?

  • So I’m guessing all apps across both stores that have Google Ads installed have their sound drop out after an interstitial shows. Poor show on Google’s part.

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  • So am I right in thinking that everyone who uses interstitials has the sound crap out of their app during use, or is it just specific apps? Is it iPhone-specific or on Android too?

    I’ve also noticed that once sound has dropped out, if you leave the app (not close it) and go to the home screen then go back into the app, the sound returns. This is similar to a bug I’ve posted in the bug thread where the Game Center object doesn’t run twice until you’ve gone back to the home screen and then back into the app.

  • I have a panel that appears on the Game Over screen. On the panel are 4 medals that appear depending on the user's score and the score/high scores that are sprite fonts. They're all on the same layer called GAME OVER PANEL

    At the moment they all appear static.

    I want all elements of this layer to act as one and appear at the same time, fading in, and moving down 10 pixels.

    Make sense?

  • I’m confused too.

    I’ve no idea what I’m doing. I was trying to follow what you suggested in your earlier post, but obviously got it wrong.

  • OK - I've done this, but it doesn't seem to work correctly...

    What am I missing?

  • That's brilliant thank you :)

    What if I want to move all of the assets on a single layer - do I need to move each one individually or can I tween the layer, or is there an alternative?

  • This is a basic, but how do I make an object appear and move from one set of X,Y coordinates to another over the time of about 0.5 seconds?

  • OK - hows this?

    On the authentication failed event I can create a popup telling the user they need to turn on Game Center to allow for the leaderboard.

    On the score submit fail event I'll need an error message but I don't know what - why would a score not submit? Perhaps just a general error message, try again later. Same with the leaderboard error.

    In regards to the Leaderboard displayed event - I might delete this as there's no need for it - if the leaderboard displays then thats the end goal of pressing the Leaderboard button.

    So does this look correct?

  • Here’s the thing -

    On Touch Leaderboard Button > authenticate user - this works and brings up the Welcome to Game Center message

    However, if the authentication doesn’t work then you’d want to add in a ‘Authentication failed‘ event under this. But you’re not allowed to add another event that has a green arrow as part of the same main event.

    I only want the user to have to press the Leaderboard button once to send the data through, hence the Authenticate User as part of the startup on the first page.

    Any other way would mean the user having to press the Leaderboard button once to authenticate and then again to send the data/go to the leaderboard.

    If there’s another way can anyone show me?

  • That’s why I authenticate when the game first starts up - see first pic. The second authentication is if the first one fails.

  • Hey thanks for your help with this - I’m not ignoring your post, but had issues with Apple over the last few days that have taken me away from it. Hopefully I’ll be back on this in the next couple of days.