You pass the UID as a parameter and then Pick by UID.
You are picking by target.targetID (events 16,21,27) but if that target is destroyed, there is nothing to pick so the "destroyed" logic is never being called. You need to shift that to trigger either on the enemy collision, or enemy On destroyed...
Paster plugin lets you do this.
Event 14 has no condition, so it runs constantly.
You'd have to post what you are doing to get help.
Can you just post the CAPX. It makes life much easier.
I just explained this same issue over here:
See if that helps.
Don't stack the logic like that. Your first test should be: Left-clicked. From there use sub-events to break down the next steps for 0 Else -60 Else 60.
If you step through what it's doing you see what is wrong. (Method2.PNG won't work as you are changing frames but testing angles - you didn't change the angle). Method1.PNG: When the events run, "Left-clicked is True *for all cases*. So, event 4 checks the angle is 0, then sets it to -60. Then event 5 runs and the angle is -60, so it sets it to 60, then event 6 runs and sets it to 0!
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You've got the playerbox & player using Platform independently. Get rid of it from player and pin player to the playerbox. Fix events 8 & 9.
value = choose(1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,17,18,19,20)
Put all relevant objects in a Family, then it does exactly what you want.
Edit: also, needing 25 different objects usually points to unnecessary complexity. You could use just one sprite with 25 frames/animations. Just track by frame number/animation name.
File:Preferences:Reset dialogs
On the Project tab, right-click the Layouts folder and choose "Add layout".