BlackClan Studio's Forum Posts

  • Thanks. To not make it a generic maze game or a cloned Pacman, I wanted to add different foods that give more point value to the player. There's also a very simple reason why there are more than one type of food in each maze. But I won't say, to at least let the player discover it on their own.


    In this update, I will be focusing on creating the levels. I'm not sure how many levels there will be, but for this game I have an idea total of maybe 30 - 50 levels.

    The tasks for this is simple...

    1. Design each level uniquely and have fun.

    I've started on a few levels already and working on creating nice food themes for each level.

    Take a look below.

    Cheese and Wine

    Coffee, Donuts + Muffins

    Apples, Oranges and Bananas

    That all for now, stay tuned.

  • MENU UPDATE 1 - Menu Completed

    Due to a hurricane that recently hit my town, I was unable to work on my project for a while. However, im back and ready to give an update.

    Menu tasks is complete.

    1.Create the menu.

    2.Go to desired option player choose.

    3.Design the other layouts of the options.

    4.Have picked option go back to main menu.

    Next thing to do are the Levels.

  • Thanks


    To start, I always like to work out the overall theme/design of how the project will look and feel. Since im going for an old-style look, this won't be hard for me to think about. For this update, I will be working on the menu layout and inputting it's configurations of the menu options the player chooses.

    These tasks will include...

    1.Create the menu.

    2.Go to desired option player choose.

    3.Design the other layouts of the options.

    4.Have picked option go back to main menu.

  • Hey wassup everybody! I'm officially announcing my 3rd project of Construct 3 called Mouse. Mouse is retro-style maze game where the player is a "mouse"; that must collect all the foods inside the tricky maze. Once collected, the mouse must run to it's home in order to win the level. Snakes will be inside the maze to try to catch or corner the "mouse" and eat it. There will be other objects besides just the food the player can come into contact with. Other than that, I will openly work on this project from start to finish. Anyone is more than welcome to give ideas of mechanics or suggestions for the project. Now let's begin.


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  • EpicRaid Thanks for your comment. I do plan to do some YouTube videos and record gameplay of my games, as well as doing recordings of development.

    Did you make any sales? Because I made a bunch of games myself in all kinds of shapes and forms but I always felt I'd be too 'bold' to ask money for them , and would wonder who'd pay for them.

    So, im new to marketing and selling games. That's why im taking steps of putting myself out there to look and target an audience that is interested in playing old style games. The price of it is reasonable to sell or ask for IF your confident in your work. I didn't want to sell too low or too high, but I picked a price that was comfortable to go with for the project. For my first game, I did receive good feedback, but no sale. But, that is okay because it was my first project. And looking back on it, there are many things that I can see that needs to be improved on it. So, it's all about learning and looking on how you can improved yourself as a developer.

  • Hello everyone. Scorpiux is now released to play on and GameJolt. Scorpiux is a short retro arcade game and it's my second project that I developed using Construct 3. Check out the links below to read more about the game.



  • Looking to connect with other developers and actually have a genuine bond. Looking to mainly chat and discussed on topics such as coding tips, market strategies, and truthful honest feedback of our work that can be improved, possible collabs, and other general things. I know we can do this all on discord, but I find it not really good to truly connect with others as everyone is just doing their own thing and in their own zone despite being in the same group. So, this will be more personal as I am to actually chat with you and get to know you personally. If you are a developer and have Instagram, lets add eachother and send me a message on my account. Just say a simple hello, and let me know a little about you. Hope to make some great connections

    IG: Blackclanstudios

  • Hey guys, the game is finally complete and I will soon release it to play on The only thing I didn't complete was 2 player mode. But other than that, this is my second project I have made using construct 3. Thanks everyone who has joined me on this devlog to be apart of this journey of development. Looking forward to announce my new project soon. See ya.


  • These are the tasks that are now left on the list....

    1. Top 5 leaderboard & enter your name

    2. 2-player Mode

    3. Go to next level

    4. Pause Menu

    5. Preview

    6. Getting my Icon alert to work

    7. Some layout transitions

    8. Ending

    9. Animation action (when level is beaten)

    10.Let player know the amount of systems you have to destroy before the game starts

    Currently working on 2-player mode for the game and then I will work on the leaderboard. These two are the most time consuming tasks because of the level of coding you have to put in and make sure everything works properly. So im planning on tackling those two out the way and the game will be basically near complete. last I have to get my icon to shut off if player is near or far from within distance of the stations. Once that's done I just have to fix some control functions if the player were to press up or down at the same time and make the movement stop all together. I cannot not wait to announce my new project I am ready to start on! I might even be interested on having someone collab with me on it. But it's a fighting game I want to make and im sure I can pull it off. Anyways, thanks for the read! Hope to finish this soon!!!!!

  • I think it should stay as is. It's not bad, but maybe more impact when it squashes the enemies or thowmps the ground.

  • Working on a few more tasks. Coming soon ;)

  • GO to next level UPDATE 0 - COMPLETED

    Animation action (when level is beaten) UPDATE 0 - COMPLETED

    Extra lives earned UPDATE 0 - COMPLETED

    These are the tasks that are now left on the list....

    1. Top 5 leaderboard & enter your name

    2. 2-player Mode

    3. Go to next level

    4. Pause Menu

    5. Preview

    6. Getting my Icon alert to work

    7. Some layout transitions

    8. Ending

    9. Animation action (when level is beaten)

    10.Let player know the amount of systems you have to destroy before the game starts

    I have a few more tasks left, but the game is near to finish. After I complete these tasks I will work on double checking everything and make sure to fix things that needs fixing. Im very excited to start my new project! I can't wait to share it with everyone!

  • There also is this Website by the Construct Community where you could submit your game.

    Never knew that existed. Thanks for putting this out.