Scorpiux [Devlog]

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  • Working on a few more tasks. Coming soon ;)

  • These are the tasks that are now left on the list....

    1. Top 5 leaderboard & enter your name

    2. 2-player Mode

    3. Go to next level

    4. Pause Menu

    5. Preview

    6. Getting my Icon alert to work

    7. Some layout transitions

    8. Ending

    9. Animation action (when level is beaten)

    10.Let player know the amount of systems you have to destroy before the game starts

    Currently working on 2-player mode for the game and then I will work on the leaderboard. These two are the most time consuming tasks because of the level of coding you have to put in and make sure everything works properly. So im planning on tackling those two out the way and the game will be basically near complete. last I have to get my icon to shut off if player is near or far from within distance of the stations. Once that's done I just have to fix some control functions if the player were to press up or down at the same time and make the movement stop all together. I cannot not wait to announce my new project I am ready to start on! I might even be interested on having someone collab with me on it. But it's a fighting game I want to make and im sure I can pull it off. Anyways, thanks for the read! Hope to finish this soon!!!!!

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  • Hey guys, the game is finally complete and I will soon release it to play on The only thing I didn't complete was 2 player mode. But other than that, this is my second project I have made using construct 3. Thanks everyone who has joined me on this devlog to be apart of this journey of development. Looking forward to announce my new project soon. See ya.


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