BlackClan Studio's Forum Posts

  • I wanted to share my little idea of a classic style arcade rpg maze like adventure quest game from one of my side projects. I haven't made anything else for it, but I do have an idea of what I want the characters to look like and draw them. I have many ideas for the levels(they all wont just be blocked walls, some will be an actual mushroom trail or an open plains field to travel through.) I have some basic ideas of the enemies and last just some simple ideas, to add such as treasure chest to add for high points and other items. The classes can level up too, allowing characters to gain more life, increase dmg atks, and increase speed. You can only choose one class to play as for this game. Thats all the ideas and things I have for now, but here is my little work of it.


    class types


    Hello everyone again, sorry for being so inactive and inconsistent with the updates of this posts. I deleted some posts on here to give a fresh new update of what's happening now. So to start, last time I shared that I once more changed the concept of this game because I realized that the game was not possible to play (game wise). So I had to change the concept and made the game a shooting game.


    Besides the whole game idea itself being changed, I have put in a great amount of work of making the player better looking for the game and the animation. Before, the player was this wide shape red square body guy. I had design 4 players in total throughout this whole project. Starting as a Tank, to a short man that could trap the enemy in boxes, to the red square body man, to a more better red guy.

    new player design on left / old player design on right.

    Other changes I worked on was some redesign of the level/layout, sound effects, score, and some redesign for the menu.


    So we are back to square one with the mechanics. Since this is a new concept of a game. I had to restart on some areas of the game. I got the enemy to follow player and now im working on some character animation. I got the player to walk smoothly and turn, but now im working on making the player crouch to shoot. While in crouch position, player cannot move, but can still turn to the appropriate direction to shoot if an enemy is coming from the top, bottom, or side direction.


    As stated before, my aim is to created old school style indie arcade games. So far, everything is coming along wonderfully. Sounds sounds nice, movement is good, and everything looks neat so far. Got a lot more to work on but im proud to show where im at so far.

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  • Hello, im back again on with the development. So the last time I posted, I was working on the mechanics of my game. Unfortunately, I came to a realization that the idea of this game was not possible for me to achieve. I almost threw the whole project out because of this, but I decided to continue working on the project despite this fail T_T. So, I change the concept of the game again which is more achievable for me to work with and basically I made it a shooting game where the player has to find and locate "BioEnergy" that caused the environment to mutate and grew in size. I changed the player, took out the tilemap, did some recoding and editing and now im back and rolling with making this "project" be completed. I have some thoughts of making this a short game maybe like 12 levels, but I will see.

    While this wasn't originally what I planned to make, I think its good for me to continue to learn for coding purposes.

    Heres the screenshot of the new player (which would probably be changed again) and how the game is now.

  • Update: I've implemented combat mechanics with different types of damages (physical, elemental, magic), armors, dmg reduction, special skills and other stuff. Also, I'm trying out some stylistic choices for the game :)

    Oh my gosh, amazing job man. I love how well your project is coming along and looking. I really like games like this that makes me want to explore it and fight monsters in a turn base battle.

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  • Thanks so much for your help and your time doing the coding events. it works now and also thanks for a better coding then what I had for my events.

  • Oh okay. But they are inside the "pursue" state event. When I run the code that way, they just stop moving. they will wander, but when it switches to pursue, they move to the bottom of the screen and just stay there...

    this is the code of event 24-25 being inside State= "Pursue"

    and when I put 24-25 event in like this, the enemies just ignores the player

  • Ah, I understand what you mean now. Thank you very much. It works now. I changed event 23 to trigger once, and now it works. I appreciate your help a lot.

  • In the short example you shared to me, the bullets also uses everytick in your demo as well. So do I change that event then to something else for my project?

  • Thanks so much! That's exactly what im trying to accomplish! I followed the coding but the enemy doesnt fully follow the player. They will go back and forth and follow the player, but they won't actually go up or down to fully go to the player...

    this is the coding of it

    in event 23, I changed the event to "Each enemy" instead of "Enemy on create". I tried both and a few other different event such as "Enemy on screen" and "pick all, enemy" but they dont seem to work.

  • Im back again to tell another story of yet another one my projects that is sent to the grave(RIP). This game is called the Castle of Death.

    Castle of Death was a side project that did not go NO WHERE at all lol. It was game planned to be a platformer game with lots of traps that the player have to avoid and find their way out of a the deadly castle. The name was cliché and it was a very cheesy and cheap idea of a game. I actually only made the title and the background of the "game" and never bothered to do anything else with this project or even reopen this project within 3 years of me starting construct. Though this project is for sure dead and gone, I have already reinvented the idea and made a much better side project of a similar but better idea of a game then this. While I did like the skulls I made, this overall just wasn't something I would be investing my time in for.

  • Hope everyone had a merry Christmas! Im back working on my project and was wondering how I could get my enemies to move in a 90 degree movements towards my player. My enemies keep moving in angles when going towards him.

    I have them move the way I want them to move in my wander state, moving in the degree of 0, 90, 180, and 270. But when it comes to targeting the player, they just cut across the screen to target him and not move in, 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees towards him. How do I get enemy using the bullet behavior to move towards player in 0, 90, 180 and 270 degree movements?

    This is move my code I have for their wander state.

    This is the code I have for the enemy pursue state.

  • Yes! I got it to work now using the Time Behavior. It's kinda janky, so I still got to do a little editing to make it smoother. but I got it to finally delete when there's no full connected trap or if it is a full connected trap but no enemies are in it, delete itself when necessary.