Biim Games's Forum Posts

  • Thank you Kyatric, I will try the second even if I would prefer to don't show additional plugins to don't confuse visitors.

    I am not really happy with the Steam system to be honest, so I guess I will leave that option as last resort.

  • Hi guys,

    I want to try to create some C2 video tutorial and I wanted to create something that might be useful for absolute beginners using the free version.

    I currently have the Personal License and if I try to install again C2, rather than being asked where I want to install it, I get automatically a message saying if I want to uninstall my current version first or just overwrite it. I need to keep both versions, the Personal one with the plugins to work and the Free one without any plugin to create tutorials.

    How can I solve this problem?

    I have tried to create another account on my computer but nothing changes.

    Thank you.

  • thanks.. i am looking for ways to make it online. but still stick with it. so headache.

    Yes, online multiplayer is much harder, that's why I am not getting into it yet. First I want to be confident with local multiplayer and make the move later.

    In these days I am working to port the game on AirConsole so it is a bit step further, not easy but doable. Just takes more time and lots of patience with testing.

  • awsome. how can you select character in multiplayer online game. pleaese can you show me?

    Thank you vutankhoa2015

    The game is local multiplayer only, I have developed purposely in that way to remember the old time having fun with friends playing next to each other. No online multiplayer will be added, or at list not for a long time.

    I dig the pixel art.

    Thank you staleevolution, I will let Lysa, the artist, know that you like it

    I am working now to port the game on AirConsole, after there will be soon new updates

  • Hey Crawnic did you know if someone made it?


  • I would love to use it for Mega Drive games instead, what a pity...

  • I've made a neuro-ski controlled game with some workaround...

    You can try with Clone.js

    I have just discovered Neurosky and I was curious to see if someone has already worked on it on C2 and I am glad to see that you have done it. I am Italian too and I could understand perfectly the video in the linked page <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    I was wondering if after 2 years the device is improved or the software. Are you still doing something with that? How much you think is possible today to create a game controlled by that? Like let's say 8 direction behaviour and 1-2 action buttons?


  • Hey guys, thanks for the suggestions. I spent all day today trying to think of a way to do this and came up with a super simple solution that works!

    On the beginning of the first layout I want to 'reset' to I added a 'On start of layout>System>Save' to a slot called 'Reset' (which will only trigger the first run) Then at game over simply Load the save slot reset and your golden! All the persistent objects restore themselves back to the initial save! So much easier than trying to program them individually WOOHOO hehe

    Thanks you saved my a lot of headache! Even if before find this old tread I bashed my head on the code for a while

  • 64x64 ill-fated has been submitted on for the #LOWREZJAM

    You can now play the game alone or with friends, it support local multiplayer up to 4 players.

    We hope you will enjoy it!

    Thank you!


    VIDEO 5 - Control selection screen, character selection and multiplayer for 4 players in actions.

  • looks nice, maybe needs a little bit more contrast

    Thank you Donald

    I am not sure if we have time to adjust the art before the end of the competition since lots is still missing, but if people will like the game we'll keep developing it and make it looks better

    By the way, how can I quote you using "@"? Your name has a space in the middle and if I try I get only the user called Donald.

    donald Cela

    Sorry user with name just "Donald" if I have linked you here...

  • Hi everyone,

    I am taking a break from the development of The Outermost Bastion for participate at the #LOWREZJAM 2017 on

    Last year I did 64x64 UFOs in about 15 hours

    This year, with the help of a friend that is taking care about the art and with a bit of more free time, I am experimenting something new for me but a genre that I love. Horizontal scrolling beat 'em up!

    So far after being stuck a bit with the code, I am progressing quite well.

    Here you can see in chronological order the videos of my work in progress game (aimed to be up to 4 players), 64x64 ill-fated:

    VIDEO 1 - First testing, goblin enemy and cave with parallax.

    VIDEO 2 - Multiple enemies, Life/Stamina/Mind bars. You can attack only if you have stamina left, every attack drains some stamina. To make it fair, enemies as well have stamina. Torch effects.

    VIDEO 3 - New enemy with different logic, first attack normally and then stick on you and suck your blood.

    VIDEO 4 - Multiplayer (2 players for the moment), New boss monster: Drake, Loss of sanity effect (not on video, you will have to try it in the game).

    Let me know if you would like to know more about the game, I will try to squeeze some time before the end of the competition to give you more info


    VIDEO 5 - Control selection screen, character selection and multiplayer for 4 players in actions.


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  • Hi guys, I have a work in progress game: The Outermost Bastion. It is currently on early access and I am working in these days at version 0.8.1. Online you can play one of the old version (0.7.4) via browser. The early access let you currently download the 0.7.6

    Here is the link of the game:

    If you want to follow the game on Facebook, this is the link:

    The game requires mouse + keyboard. There's an option to use gamepad as well but it is recommended to use mouse + keyboard.

    Thank you!

  • Hi guys, are Game Jam entries good to use on this list?

    I have made so far 2 games + my game studio website until now. My main game The Outermost Bastion is currently under development, while 64 x 64 UFOs has been created for a jam as break from the main project. The jam was 2 weeks but I could give to it only 15 hours to complete the game, I am pretty happy anyway about the result considering my skill of that time.

    The Outermost Bastion in on early access, I am currently working on the version 0.8.1 but you can have a sneak peak of the game playing the 0.7.4 via browser. The early access let you currently download the 0.7.6

    Here is the link of the game:

    If you want to follow the game on Facebook, this is the link:

    The game requires mouse + keyboard. There's an option to use gamepad as well but it is recommended to use mouse + keyboard.

    64 x 64 UFOs can be played here:

    The games require mouse but might work on some mobiles.

    My website is actually made as game. It is still in Alpha version but currently playable, entirely done with Construct 2.

    You can have a look at it here:

  • I have created a new customised loading screen for my game studio (website still in alpha test).

    I am going to use it for all my games and my website.

    What do you think?