Biim Games's Forum Posts

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  • It's all day I'm trying to login to GitHub, but despite having reset the password plenty of times I cannot access.

    I will try again tomorrow.

    Anyway, the issue is the same as this:

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Ashley should I have posted this in the bug section?

  • I forgot to say that I tried to export with minified option on and off, but still same result.

    I have done another test exporting the Template: Vertical space shooter as it is (adding just version, description and ID) and the result is always the same:

  • I am trying for the first time to test a mobile game and I am trying to import the Cordova project from C2 into C3 Export Manager as per official instructions.

    I have found myself in the same situation of Tinimations from a post of 3 years ago (sorry I couldn't post directly there because too old):

    Has the issue been solved?

    I have tried for the first time to do the same thing and I get the same error.

    I can't find info about these types of issues anywhere, maybe I am using wrong keywords?

    Anyone knows how to solve the issue?

    My game is very little and has no third party plugins, effects or similar.

    It's 100% official C2.

    Thank you

  • >

    , I will contact you next week and you can let me know your availability.

    Great, thank you jamesnesbitt :-)

    Talk you soon!

  • I am busy with another client (at least until this Friday), but if I my help isn't required anymore I will be happy to help.

    You can check some of my projects on my website here:

    And here there is a small showreel with some of my projects:

    Thank you

  • I prefer MMORPG type

    1) Good luck in making it with Construct. Not impossible, but probably not the best option to work with a big team.

    2) You need a big team.

    3) You need lot of money.

    4) Everyone needs lots of experience.

    5) It will takes many years...

    6) I'm leaving this point empty, for anyone that wants to add more... :P

  • You are welcome :-)

    And don't forget to share your progress! :D

  • Good luck with it and enjoy the process.

    It sounds fun to do! :)

  • was really a great game back then.

    I would suggest you to check out the MS-DOS version that is definitely better than the C64 conversion.

    The animations are so good because they were made in rotoscope, a tachnique that records a real actor and then artists draw frame by frame on top of the original image. In this way all the movements feel very natural.

    Have a look at this footage about the game:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    The idea is for sure not bad, but you need to create interesting puzzles to make it stand out.

    Animation wise, you can try to go with rotoscope too and record a friend or even yourself :D

  • Creepy Mahjong is now available in Early Access with a Level Editor.


    Unleash your spooky imagination for Halloween!

    Share your creations with your friends.

    Try this code to start with an alternative giant bat level!
