1. Diablo 1+2+3
2. Starcraft
3. AoE
4. Contra aka. Super Probotector Alien Rebels
5. War of the Monsters
6. Golden Eye
7. Quake 3 Arena
8. Resident Evil
9. Super Tennis
10. FIFA
could add a million more....
It´s one big appstore, only search results and language differ!
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
To be honest, I don´t really understand your screen problem. If you want to let the player appear on the other side again, use the "wrap" behaviour.
Double click the sprite and take a look on the top left. There should be a "loop" option for animations.
I guess you are talking about In-App-Purchases. Have a look on that...
We can´t see ur link, cause you don´t have enough reputation
I like the family feature most I guess.... really helpful.
What I would like to see is an official Scirra game, with the little helmet-monster and the pirate princess^^
Look at your "read before you post" example. It shows 1-reply but you are the only one that posted. Happens on a very large number of threads for me.
Yeahhhh! That looks really cool
I can test-play it if you like, but I´m not a "great" programmer as well.
I use Illustrator and Photoshop most of the time. The great feature of Smart-Objects makes it incredibly great to work cross-over.
Looks great.
My company is launching a 3D Workshop very Spin. Hope to learn at least the basics.
I´m in it as well.....waiting for email!
Will give this a try very soon! Thank you YellowAfterlife
I guess those companies aren´t interested in "Smalltalk" as the make their stuff for a living.
You wouldn´t talk to strangers either when you need the time for serious business.
You need to test it with a wrapper like CocoonJS, to get acceptable performance.
Although I would highly recommend to read the manual entries on mobile stuff first!