bad_wolf's Forum Posts

  • Hi all,

    Can you give me some advice on time management.

    I am working long hours a day and even during the weekends I am very busy. I have some game ideas I like to work out. However, while I am developing them, my busy time schedule is always interfering with it. That means I have to pause, sometimes for weeks until I can return to my game idea again. I forgot to mention that I do game development as a hobby, not professionally.

    What I do now, is when I stop working in Construct, adding comments so I know next time where to look out for or what I was busy accomplishing. However, those event sheets become so crowded with comments it is not practical any longer to find a piece of code easily.

    I also tried to set a certain moment as my Construct game development time (Friday evening). However that didn't work either because of the heavy workload with deadlines.

    Still I want to finish my game idea and see a working version.

    Can you give me some advice how you succeed game development combined with a busy time schedule?

    Thank you very much for your insights which will be very much appreciated.


  • Hi all,

    I want to make exercises for our small one to help her with her schoolwork. Especially fractions I want to exercise with C3. For this I created a font myself in Font Creator.

    I read the blog about Web fonts but I am not sure if I understand correctly. When I understand correctly, I import a TrueType font into the "Fonts" folder and it becomes available to my game on every device the game is used unesteemed if that font is installed or not.

    I imported a Truetype font into the "Font" folder but cannot test it out because I have only this laptop on which that font is installed.

    Am I correct in my assumption?

    Thank you very much for your help.


    • Post link icon

    When I am in Botswana, there is only a very poor internet connection and I can use Construct 3 without any problem.

    The offline version works fine.

    A one time payment kills the resources for the developer fast. Imagine you working for your boss and your boss pays you only one month. How many months are you gonna work for that boss for that one time salary?

    That is exactly what you are asking from Scirra with your one time payment. How is Scirra gonna pay their developers? Their families?

    Tell me when the initial one time payment source is drying up, how will Scirra find the funds to add new features, constantly improve. Or does that not matter as long as you have your one time payment.

    Please be serious. The subscription model is so much better than the lifetime licenses for C2. The subscription model will guarantee Scirra a constant flow of revenue which on its turn can be used to add new features, platforms and pay the developers.

    Do you really want to use a tool with a very insecure financial future or doesn't it matter as long as you can hack and clone around?

    Really, I get tired of this kind of threads showing up from time to time.

    Do you know what; if you don't have the money, learn JavaScript, Python and code your game yourself. Both languages are free, you do not have to pay anything. And when you finally finished your game, give it for free to the internet. Lets see how long Nelostic will be happy.

    Your bad internet is a very poor excuse and you know it. You want things for free but only the sun goes up for free every day and even that will come to an end in the very far future.

  • I gave up on this tutorial because the screen actions are way too fast and because of that I am wasting too much time figuring out, scrolling back.

    I hope you take this suggestion serious because I am wondering how many of your students actually finish the Small Tactics game.

    The speed is fine as long as not trying to actually build it. However once you start building it, its a nightmare. Nevertheless I keep watching it to the end, I am sure it will give me a very good idea how to create my own boardgame.

    Don't get me wrong, as told in my former post, it is a 4,5 star rating.

    I am now following a Udemy course to teach me how to create a board game. Regretfully there is not a single course who covers creation of a board game like yours do.

    Thank you.


  • Hi all,

    To give a different color to comments, just right click on them and in the popup menu choose "Colors" and choose text or background color.

    Regretfully you have to repeat the whole process for every comment you want to change.

    This works only for comments, events, conditions and everything else you have to accept the colors Scirra assigned to them.

  • Kyatric,

    Thank you very much for your excellent tutorials which are a true help when learning something new in Construct 2 or 3.

    On this moment I am watching your tutorial "Small Tactics game" created for Construct 2 but I am using Construct 3. Your explanations are very clear, easy to follow. I do not know why so many people add background music, but the lack of any background noise (music)I do appreciate.

    If I can give you one advice or suggestion to make your tutorials even better (if that is still possible), take a little more time when you showing on screen. In some cases it is hard to follow what you are doing on screen. That is in my humble opinion, the only part you need to pay attention to. Remember that your student is learning and therefore needs a more time. In several sections, especially in part 3 in the function "CheckMove" I had to go back several times before finding out where to click and what to choose.

    If you want to give me a rating for your Small Tactics tutorial, I will give a 4,5 star out of 5. You loose half of a star because the reason mentioned above.

    Excellent work, keep up the good work. I really do appreciate your efforts in sharing your knowledge.

    Thank you very much.


  • Hi all,

    Can you please help me with the following problem.

    In Construct 2 we could setup custom colors in event sheets. Lets say you wanted a white text on a green background, you could go to preferences and then changed that to your own likings. Also for other parts of those event sheets you could change the color scheme.

    Now I wanted to change the color of those comments in C3) to a white to a white text on a green background to let them standout. But I cannot find this option any longer in the Settings dialog.

    Do you know if this is possible and how to do it?

    Thank you very much in advance.


  • Hi Kios,

    You made very good suggestions. Did you suggest them also to Scirra? If not, you should share your suggestions soon with them.

    I do not know if the Scirra team will do something with the suggestions here. They have another dedicated channel (I think Github) to make feature requests and suggestions.

    Keep up the good work!

  • I just searched the manual and come across the following page :


    I do not know if this link will remain because this account does not have enough points I am afraid (my regular account has but I do not longer use it because it breaks forum rule having 2 accounts).

    However when the link is removed search for "Local Storage" or localstorage in the user manual. This will give you all information. Or go to "Plugin reference" and in the list search for Local Storage.

    Hope this helps.


  • I my answer to you will be incorrect. However I thought you can save your userdate to a localstorage. I am sure you can save it as a cookie with your browser, however when your player empty the cookie cache, your game data will also be lost.

    Why not saving your data to the cloud and also as a browser cookie? In case the cache is being emptied, then your player can restore from the cloud? This will also help in cases when the player has no internet.

    There is some tutorial somewhere about saving user data in C3, however I can't find it.

    Hope this helps.


  • Why do we have to wait for the future of C3? The future is now. Remaining with C2 is living in the past, a past which is already fading away. Despite the fact I also liked C2 very much and it is still on this laptop, I keep myself from using it.

    C3 is the future and the only way to go. Do you really want the Scirra team dividing their resources between C2 and C3? I think their time is better spent on C3 because in that way they can give us new features much quicker and can concentrate to make many improvements.

    Rex Rainbow made a lot of very usefull plugins for C2. Many people used them and he did a great job. When my understanding is correct, Rex Rainbow decided a time ago not to port his plugins to C3. I regret his decision very much but have to respect that. However, are we gonna put the future of C3 on the decision of one man? That is not a good idea in my opinion.

    Also with C3, everybody of us can write his/her own plugin in JavaScript when necessary. I am sure other people will fill the places of those who left.

    I see a very good and stable future for C3. One of my wishes is that in the future, we can use Construct also for developing administrational programs, the same way as now developing a game. When I first came accross Construct 2, I found it a revolutionairy method. To be honest, I was worried about the lifetime license because one time in the future it limits the revenue for the developers. I want the tools I use to have a stable future. Lifetime licenses are just the other way around. And when you do not agree with me about lifetime licenses, let me give you one question ;

    When you create a popular program which took you years to develop and once you release it you know you have to maintain it for years. You have many users which start to ask new features. In the first years you get a lot of new users, however your sales start to degrade. You know you have to support your family but also your development team. You desperate need resources to support new developments and has to keep up with the competition. Still your revenue is degrading because everybody is using your lifetime license. Your users are very happy because they ask you and they receive what they want for free. However there comes a time your revenue will sink to such low limits, it is no longer worthwhile to sustain your wonderfull application. On that moment your application dies.

    Now my question : how many of you offer lifetime licenses for the applications you develop? How many of you are working for free for your boss or your customers? I am sure this conclude the discussion about the subscription model.

    There is indeed room for improvement in C3 and to be honest that need will remain for the future too. C3 is an excellent tool with very good customer support coming from the Scirra team and the community. We all have something unique here, both in development but also a friendly way of helping each other. There are a lot of tutorials which teach us how to use this remarkable tool.

    Instead of keeping with C2 and threads like this one, why are we not combining our efforts to make constructive threads which helps us all?

    For new or prospective users, reading threads like these, I advise you to try out the free C3 version. It is very limited, however you will get the chance to make your own conclusions. I saw threads like these showing up too much in the past and their only intent is push a personal frustration or disagreement onto the community. I rarely find them constructive.

    Make some efforts, learn, fall and standup and above all believe in your idea. That is what development is all about because when it was easy, many more people would do it.

    For your information, I am not connected with Scirra in any way but I am very good with bookkeeping. What you read in this reply is my personal opinion.


  • I do appreciate C3 over C2. I do not have much time for game development because I can only do it in my very limited free time.

    Nevertheless login on any computer let me use C3. Wherever I have time, I can use C3 as long as the computer has an internet connection.

    A few weeks ago I showed C3 to two young men in Botswana. Both where unemployed and desperatelly looking for a job. One is a graphic designer, the other a sound engineer. Despite the very poor internet, I could show them C3. As an example demo I created a simple breakout game from one of the C2 books I own. Once they grasped the way C3 works, they saw a lot of possibilities.

    We discussed if it would be possible to create interactive ebooks with C3. Or a kind of living books.

    I should spend more time with C3 and learn the tool inside out. We can do more with it than we think. It would not surprise me that in a few years from now, we can use C3 for more than gaming alone. I believe it will be possible to create sofisticated demos to make processes more clear or teach in an interactive way how something is done.

    I strongly believe in the future of C3. There is much to say about the subscription model. You can agree or disagree with me, however that subscription model secure the future of C3. A lifetime license is very nice for the enduser, however for the developer resources drain out fast.

    Now for C3, its future is wide open and the sun shines bright on it. Lets be creative and make our ideas come true! Keep up the good work, Scirra team!


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  • Thank you very much for your long and interesting reply.

    The book title is "Learning Construct 2" written by Aryadi Subagio and is now already many years old.

    I find it an interesting book which I read regularly. It is published by Packt. The author is very positive about Construct. Maybe at that time, it was more difficult building simulation games with Construct.

    Anyway I do not use any other engine than Construct. My game experience level is very small because I have to do that in my spare free time. I really wish I could have more free time to build games with Construct.


  • Thank you mumu64 for your reply and insights. I also thing that the author of the book was a little short with his opinion about C2 (despite he wrote an excellent book about Construct 2).

    I only make small games for our young daughter. So my experience is very limited. Your idea to use an array to keep track of the layout (rail, switches, signals and trains) is the way to go. The game has to keep track which section of a track is occupied or not, or how fast a train is going.

    I should think of creating a "class" which I sub-class for every section of track in the game. However, this is not possible I think in Construct 3.

    But when my thinking is correct, "families" do just that. Objects in families, do share the same events and behaviours. I am gonna find out what objects share the same events and hehaviour and how I can divide them in families.

    I will keep you informed here.

    Thank you again and have a great day.


  • Hi all,

    I like to make a small railroad simulation game with Construct 3. I have the book "Learning Construct 2" which mention that simulation games are very difficult to make in C2.

    What I need in that small simulation game is a timetable of scheduled trains. then a random ocurancies of problems which can happen, a defective train, a slow freight train, track maintenance, improvements and so on. Also the traffic on those tracks has to be increased or decreased depending on the hour, day.

    The user control the switches and the signals. When there is a train crash, the game ends.

    Can this be done in Construct 3? Can Construct 3 make simulation games?

    Thank you very much in advance.
