bad_wolf's Forum Posts

  • I agree with Bartalluyn, C3 is a great game development tool. By the way, those Youtube tutorials look great. Make sure you follow the link.


  • Thank you again. My favourite adventure game is the Medievil - Primal series on PlayStation one (Medievil 1 and 2), Primal (Playstation 2) and Medievil (PS4). Also, Atlantis for PlayStation One comes to mind.

    Medievil the hero Daniel Fortesque has to defeat the evil sorcerer Zarok. He has to make his way through 20 levels full of corpses, enemies which he has to defeat with swords, bow, hammers, axes. There are also puzzles to solve. Every time he kills an enemy the chalice is filled until full. Then after finishing successfully he goes to the hall of heroes to get extra weaponry.

    A better candidate is Atlantis which is a graphics/text-based adventure full of weird puzzles. In this adventure there are enemies but they are not killed by weapons but by solving puzzles or riddles or search for alternate paths.

    Hope this helps to get your ideas.


  • Thank you so much. Can I suggest a tutorial about an Adventure game with puzzles, keys to open doors, hidden rooms and defeating enemies and solving the logic?

    Whatever tutorial you create, your efforts will be appreciated.

    Keep up the good work!


  • I am sure you safely can buy a C3 subscription. A subscription means that there is a regular flow of cash to the company, which is a better guarantee for the future than a lifetime license like C2.

    When I was using C2 which I also like very much, I taught about the lifetime license much often. I find the subscription system Scirra chose, very reliable. Even when I have no internet connection, I can use C3.

    I hope at the end of this year to go back home to Botswana. When I am here in Europe, I am too busy and have too much work. However, at the end of the year, when everything goes according to plan, I will write my own adventure game which I dreamed of doing since my C2 license.

    It is more important to be persistent in the goals you pursue than worrying about the tool you use to accomplish that goal. There is also a complete offline version of C3, which is installed as an exe on your local hard disk. You only need to login once a week. I am sure whatever happens, Scirra will make sure at least you can remain using that.

    Last week I received an email from Scirra about the end of life for C2. Still, there are people using it and it is still on this laptop too. We can regret this but we have to move forward. C2 was nice but C3 is nicer.


  • Try Construct 3

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  • For the fourth time in a row, since the release of C3, I will renew my C3 license. I do not see any reason to cancel my subscription.

    I am not concerned about the future of Scirra. C3 is also moving towards the educational markets which in my opinion, is a very good move.

    I trust if Scirra decides to end development on C3, they will inform us and give us time enough to find another solution. However, I do not see any reason for concern now.

    Instead of feeding such concerns, just feed your creativity and create nice interesting games with C3. That is your best guarantee for a bright game development future.

    Be creative!


  • Hello Dop2000,

    Thank you so much for your advice, which is much appreciated. Exactly what I need, just to go from box to box onto the board.

    It seems Scirra filled the gap Rex Rainbow left.

    Wish you all the best.


  • Hi all,

    Can you help me find a tutorial for Construct 3 how to create a board game. I found some tutorials but they are C2 based and use the RexRainbow MoveTo plugins.

    I cannot find what I need here on the forum.

    Thank you so much for your help.


  • Hello Ashley,

    Thank you so much for your reply which is very usefull.

    What I did, was just uploading all the images I needed to a directory on Google Drive from my browser. Then I saved the C3 project also to Google Drive.

    However, I was misunderstanding the whole Cloud principle. I was trying within the project, to create a sprite and then importing an image on Google Drive. I could not find the particular image on Google Drive.

    Now I will import the image from my local disc into the project. then I save my project to Google Drive and my problem is solved.

    I do appreciate your support.


  • Hi again,

    I ran in another problem connected with Google Drive. I have the images and resources directory fully copied to Google Drive.

    Now I create a new sprite and want to use an image stored on Google Drive. However, I cannot access any of the images on Google Drive.

    Can you tell me how I can use my images stored on Google Drive with objects in my Construct 3 also stored on Google Drive.

    Thank you again.


  • Hi all,

    Please, can you explain how I can use my Construct 3 project saved in the cloud with the images and sounds which are on my local disk? I like to work on several remote locations on this project. However, the images and sounds are not present on those remote computers. I just start the C3 browser, log in to my account and then open the file stored in Google Drive.

    Now I uploaded all the images and sounds onto a separate directory on Google Drive. When I create a sprite (for example) I will use an image which is stored on that directory on Google Drive.

    Now I can work on whatever place on this planet where I have the internet on my project without losing the links to the image.

    Is this correct? Am I right in my assumptions? Is this the correct way to use Construct 3.

    Thank you for your input which is appreciated.


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  • Thank you very much Plinkie for your helpful reply.

    I like to make the boardgame looking good on all screensizes. Therefore in "Project" properties I choosed for Scaling the value "Inner". Then I created another layer for the HUD with a Parallax of 0 x 0. I read the blog from Ashley about screensizes and viewports.

    I will draw the board in Affinity Designer at a dimension of width 1024 and a height of 800. That should be enough to put everything on the board. The final export will then be in PNG format.

    This seems to be a difficult topic for many people. Two years ago I would not have bothered about all those devices, now I do.


  • Hi everyone,

    Can you give me some advice please. I am creating a board game in Construct 3. I am drawing the graphics in Affinity Designer.

    Now imagine the game Ludo. You have a squared board where the pawns are moving around. For the board, I am planning to draw it completely in one graphic, start positions, home base and the path itself.

    Then I will place invisible sprites over those areas the player can move. I will connect object variables to those fields which identify the type of field, which color is on that field. I think in this way I do not need an array to store those information.

    I was intending to use SVG graphics for the board itself. However after reading this forum, I will now use PNG for all the graphics.

    Also when I draw the complete board, which size do I need to draw so it fits from desktop screen to cell phone?

    Thank you very much for your time answering my questions.

    Have a nice day.


  • Hi Graham-s and Frozen Well Studios,

    Thank you very much for your very useful advice. Planning when and how much time I set aside will be the way to go.

    Your replies are very much appreciated.


  • Hello WackyToaster and Mumu64,

    Thank you both for your advice, which I do appreciate very much.

    It is true, because it is a hobby I prioritize other professional tasks above it. I have to set a certain time every week apart for my hobby.

    I already worked in the past with only 2 to 3 hours sleep a night. It is indeed not advisable because it is very bad for your health. After my heart attach on the 9th of June this year, I changed my life dramatically.

    I am going to set one evening in the week apart for game development and also Sunday mornings.

    Thank you again for your replies.

    Enjoy game development with Construct 3.
