[quote:2l0e31xp]i'm just asking you to inform me in which areas Construct lags behind
Actually I was going to ask you where Construct lags behind Gamemaker. Personally, I've never actually used Gamemaker - I did try to give it a shot but it crashed on startup and nobody on the forums could help me (I'm sure it's just a bad luck/my PC ***** thing). Also, since we're constantly actively developing Construct, if you let us know where you think Construct is behind Gamemaker, we can either help direct you to the right features to solve the problem, or add new features which improve it.
I think the main area Gamemaker is way ahead of us on is popularity. With a huge community comes lots of other benefits like lots of tutorials, documentation, and numerous useful sites. We don't have a lot of that right now, but obviously we hope to one day take over the world, and we still have things like Deadeye's excellent Platform School tutorial and the freshly started community site Construct Corner.