Download Construct 0.99.84 (unstable)
This is an
unstable build. You can help Construct's development by downloading it, trying it out, testing and reporting bugs. If you have projects you want to work on without possible bugs getting in the way, stick to stable builds.
Link to previous build (0.99.83) changelog
Intermediate build to keep things moving. Thanks to R0J0hound who has submitted several fixes for this build (hope they work ). I'm not sure if David's platform fixes from the last build are included - there's some confusion over its submission to the codebases, but I rebuilt Platform anyway, so let me know if anythings better (or worse?).
- [CHANGE] Ball behavior: adjusted bounce/move-out-when-trapped algorithm. It's different, not sure it's any better, but might solve some problems people have been having.
- [FIX] Layout editor object tooltips no longer cut last letter off layer name
- [FIX] Crispify shader is back (not sure where it went!)
- [CHANGE] Skips VC2005 redist and DirectX setups if /silent or /verysilent flags used on installer; should allow easier deployment to networks since there should be no prompts during install this way (the machines still need the VC2005 redist and DirectX updated to August 2008 - these setups are saved in the Construct installation directory or you can deploy them another way)
- [FIX] On some machines the XBox 360 controller object would fail to load at startup. Possibly fixed same issue with Bone movement
- [FIX] Possible array crash in comparing X or XY
- [FIX] Script editor action names now better match the runtime (R0J0hound)
- [FIX] Crash accessing private variables from Python (R0J0hound)
- [CHANGE] 'global' system expression changed to 'globalvar' since 'global' is a reserved keyword in Python; allows access to global variables by name and index (R0J0hound)
- [FIX] Crash drawing Sprites on non-SSE2 processors (R0J0hound)
- [FIX] Incorrect sprite rotation when setting a corner filter (R0J0hound)
- [FIX] Issue with XBox360 suddenly losing input should be fixed