armaldio's Forum Posts

  • Hello everyone,

    I'm making this post to let you know I'm available to be hired.

    I'm specialized in web development, so here are my scope of actions:

    • Showcase website
    • Game API and integration with 3rd party apps
    • Technology consulting
    • Server/API development
    • Construct plugin (C2/C3)
    • Command lines / GUI tools
    • Ask me something else!

    Here are also my experiences:

    Resume (in French):

    My website:

    Construct related creations:

    - C2 Addon Parser: A module to extract ACE (Actions Conditions Expressions) table of a plugin

    - C2 Codebox: Contruct 2 plugin to add a code editor element.

    - C2 Contacts: Construct 2 plugin to manage contacts in android

    - C2 NFC: Construct 2 plugins to interact with NFC in Phonegap/Cordova

    - C2 Addon Utility: A toolkit for .c2addon from Construct 2

    - Construct Addon Installer: Never worry about installing an addon by hand again 💪

    - Construct Addon Parser: A webservice that parse construct addons (C2/C3) and give you a JSON reprensentation of it.

    - Modules ABIs Finder: Easily query abi and target versions of common desktop runtimes (electron, nw.js, node) - Created for greenworks

    - ElectronForConstruct: The Community Driven Desktop Exporting Method - Export your games to desktop using Electron instead of NW.js

    - Greenworks Prebuilds Website: A website to easily query and download in bulk multiple greenworks versions

    - Command Line Interface: A small utility to manage your ElectronForConstruct projects

    - Greenworks Prebuilds: Automated builds for greenworks including a combination of Electron, Node.js, NW.js, Mac, Linux and Windows. Most common versions/abi are built.

    - WebCreationClub

    - Alfred Botler: Discord bot that manages the Construct Community.

    - Awesome Construct: A curated list of tools, tutorials, examples, and much more, for the awesome game development engines Construct 2 and Construct 3



    Discord: Armaldio#5087

    Twitter: armaldio

    Based in France, working remotely

  • Hello,

    Quick update: the link is still the same:

    And now it also works with NW.js!

    • Post link icon

    The following is a response to

    Ashley by the Discord Moderators:

    The discord server is far healthier than these forums because you can voice your concerns and talk about obvious and real issues related to the software without being ignored, glossed over, argued with or worse - banned for trying to help.

    You personally acted in a way that seemed like trolling on the discord to the point where someone snapped and did resort to foul language. People are doing their best to be helpful and forthcoming with threads with up to a dozen people reporting on a widely known issue, simply to be met with "You are wrong, there is no problem", this results in frustration.

    The tone of the channel is active, welcoming, friendly and accepting. Newcomers and pros get to help each others and share creations. People get to discuss things how they really are instead of a bent up, untrue sugar coated vision. This is extremely helpful so users can scope their creations accordingly and achieve their best potential instead of trying something that's not gonna work and falling flat.

    The software is good and the channel lets people get the most out of it. I have only positive things to say of the people who frequent there.

    We strongly share the same opinion with and are quite frankly shocked that you're actively trying take action against your own community by calling for more authoritarian methods and using rules based on your feelings (e.g. recently introduced "anti-trolling" rule).

    One of the main reasons for our Discord server was to give discussions mostly started on the forums more freedom, by moving them to our server. Based on what many members of the Construct Community could notice is that by introducing things like the before mentioned rule, you've essentially decided to remove any valid criticisms based on your feelings, whether you want to address a certain issue or not. This behavior of yours has led to frustration among the community and punished individuals leaving the forum to join a place which supports free speech and the freedom to voice their concerns without being afraid of falling under a vague rule. This could explain why you've started to experience more and more unpleasant times on our server, that is your own fault and nothing on our side could've prevented this from happening.

    Our server has rules and systems in place which allow members (including yourself) to report users for breaking one of our rules. As far as we're aware, no one made use of our mentioned reporting command or tried to communicate with us about this at all, so we had to assume that everything sorted itself out as it usually does inside our server. Heated debates on the Internet are a frequent occurrence and allowed on our Discord, however direct personal insults as displayed by one individual against you will be taken action against (1st strike has been issued accordingly). We're also making it very clear that our server is not official, in order to make this even clearer we've taken action and added a reminder to our rules channel.

    This topic could as suggested by your own rules be considered as "trolling" or "trashtalking" behind our backs and we (The Construct Community) are deeply disappointed that you would take this approach instead of doing it in a more direct way. We very much appreciate Scirra being part of our server but if Scirra considers this to be impossible under our current ruling system of law & order, we'd like to thank you for being with us for the time being and wish the best for the future!

    ~The Construct Community (Discord)

  • Hello, just a quick message to tell you that I'm working on it.

    Here is the link:

    Join our Discord server for more informations:

    It's currently working with Electron (a custom alternative to NW.js). If more people are interested, I may release a NW.js version.

  • The jam have finnaly started

    It's time to announce the theme of this first DRY jam!

    No more waiting, the theme is :


    You can use physics or not, joints, or whatever you want.

    You only goal is to make the best realistic rope. Put it in different contexts, make it interact with the player, the limit is you imagination. The more you do with your rope, the more we'll be happy!

    Don't forget to make your code easily reusable, it's a main point of the notation.

    If someone you know still not joined the jam, it's not too late to join!

    I have to say, good luck and have fun!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • The jam start tomorrow at 10am, be sure to join the jam!

  • Cryptwalker Is there something still unclear ?

  • Hello everyone,

    I'm hosting a new game jam: the DRY jam! #dryjam

    The DRY Jam is a competition in which you will not have to write a complete game, but only one of its mechanics.

    DRY stands for Don't Repeat Yourself.

    The perks of making the best mechanics is that you could even take it and use it inside any project you want. It's plug and play.

    This is the main principle of modularization, or in other words, not repeating yourself.

    The jam have started!

    The theme is



    Jam: 4th October - 11th October (one week)

    Voting: 11th October - 25th Novemeber (two weeks)


    There will be 3 winners :

    A winner choosen by the judges.

    The community winner : The winner of this category is choosen by people who votes here.

    The social winner : The winner of this category is the one that have the most retweets / likes on his submission.


    A translation plugin for Construct 2

    Water essential pack for Construct 2

    Moveroute Editor for Construct 2

    SeaMonsters - Isometric Template

    50$ worth plugins from TobyR

    Steam4C2 - basic edition?

    More infos on the page !


    You can join the official jam Discord server here.

    There is no official jam twitter account, but you can still use the hashtag #dryjam


    After the submission period is over, voting will begin. All participants can rate other entries in the following categories on a scale from 1 to 5 stars! Please leave feedback on each template you rate; it's more helpful than just a number!

    Here are the 4 topics that will be rated:

    The features: the overall impression about how well made is the mechanic

    The design: the presentation / art of the mechanic

    The code: is the code optimized, modularized, plug and play ?

    The contextualization: does the environnment have an impact on the mechanic ?


    This jam is a good way to create templates ready for the store

    Feel free to promote your template by sharing this page, the winners names will be shown here

    More infos on the page !

  • Hello,

    I have a problem with one of my plugins.

    It works perfectly in preview mode but when I export it, some datas that I rely on seems to disapear.

    It's a translation plugin that iterates over each plugin to find instance variables names and values

    But when exported, the key "instance_var_names" is not present, which break the whole plugin

    Preview :

    Export :

    Is there any way to get it back, or to access it ?

    Maybe Ashley, it's a bug ?

    Thanks for your help

  • BlackFalcon7842

    This plugin does not trigger any window to enter a phone number or a message (for this -> , don't mind the deprecation, it's only for the mail part. This one will open your default text message app with a given text and phone number)

    When using the "Send SMS" action you have to provide the phone number and the message to be sent.

    Hope I answered you correclty

  • BlackFalcon7842 #Old addons

  • Yeah I know, that's not really a problem, the plugi' itself is easy to use BlackFalcon7842

  • Hey matriax

    The new plugin kinda do that, just read the manual and tell me if it fit your needs

    Head over the "Easy way" -> ... e-easy-way

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

  • Unconnected


    Any new updates on getting more plugins added?

    Not having a place for plugins like this cause more forums to pop up as well as out dated plug-ins being used.

    It could be beneficial to Scirra to help. Maybe it would be possible to team up with Scirra to implement something.

    I'm not responsible of the plugins that are added, they are added by devs that want it.

    I'm still waiting for a C3 announcement to know if there will be a Plugin Manager inside C3.

  • newt Kyatric

    There is not a new server, what danny wanted to say is that this post is maintained by Coin Coin, that is not active anymore, but we wanted to edit things in the post and keep things up to date, so he made a new "promo" page

    The only one you should keep is
