ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • I would be interested to know what kind of revenue you generate once you game starts getting some plays.

  • I don't understand the question. Why do you need the keyboard instead of using the mouse to simulate touch?

  • That looks right to me.

    Have you tested it out? Is it not working?

    To enable it in the cloud compiler, make sure you have the boxes checked.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Oh, that I am not sure about actually. But give it a try and let us know :).

  • Why not just use the facebook object in Construct 2?

    Once the user is logged in, use the wall post action.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • It's pretty easy. You setup your gamecenter leaderboard on iTunesConnect (Manage your apps, then manage game center). Then just link to it using the cocoonJS object.

    First you need to initiate the log in to gamecenter, than you can display the leaderboard based on the id you gave it in iTunesConnect.

  • Don't use 160, create a variable to hold that number like speed=160

    If spr_ship X < 51 AND Left Arrow is down set speed = 0

    Something like that?

  • How do you put ads in chrome games? HTML ads through like LeadBolt?


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Here is how I do it.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Replace the function calls with your events.

  • I my paid apps on chrome are kids apps. They don't do great. $10-$15 a month.

    I have really dove into chrome much. Probably would make sense to host the game myself and put ads on the pages like most others do.

  • I use a combination of tactics, which is why html5 is so great.

    paid apps on iOS.

    free apps with ads on android

    free with ads and paid apps on windows 8 and windows phone 8

    I have some stuff on Blackberry, but it doesn't do great. mostly kids apps, so that might be why.

    free with ads on amazon

    paid on google chrome

    sell non-exclusive rights of games to publishers.

  • Publisher ID from AdMob goes into mopub (your first screenshot).

    The mopub adunit goes into the Cocoon Cloud Compiler.

  • It's already part of the CocoonJS object in Construct 2, you don't need to download it.

  • I've had my share of issues with CocoonJS, but now it seems to work great for me. Hit me on skype if you want (ArcadEd), and maybe I can help you troubleshoot the issue.

  • I'm not a moderator, or someone really important, but I have been around for a while.

    I would be happy to start one up, and I could include some prizes. I really love making games, but I also really enjoy teaching beginners. My Learn Construct 2 facebook page has over 1200 likes.

    I'm not sure if me starting one up would really make a difference though. Tom, mod me and I would happy to head this up if it's something Scirra might be interested in. If you need some info on me, or do a back ground check to see if I am mod worthy, I would be happy to oblige :).