ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • sweetiewill

    The SDK we are using is based on whatever CocoonJS has implemented. It's hard to get any answers out of them though. I would hope they stayed up to date on the SDK considering MoPub is the only Ad network they have implemented.

    We don't actually install the SDK ourselves, it's all done automatically with the CocoonJS compiler.

  • EncryptedCow hopefully I am not being a pest. Any luck on the branding addition?

    I've been chatting with FGL and asked them if the branding was required. Doesn't sound like it is, but it will be an important way for your game to get shopped around to potential publishers. Here is a quote from the last email I got from them.

    "Thanks for keeping us posted! Hopefully you were able to get the branding bit integrated, since that will be a big part of selling non-exclusives hassle free."

    So whenever you get the time, hopefully it's not a big burden :).

  • I wasn't gonna do it. I was not going to create a flappy bird clone. Then I started thinking, what a great way to bring some hype to my Hungry Hal game that is coming out soon.

    Enter, Flappy Hal.

    It's a flappy bird clone with a twist, you will find out when you get the skull.

    Flappy Hal b3

  • I'm leaving on a 5 day vacation on Wed. Up in the mountains with just the family. I'm hoping the quiet time will give me a chance to get it all outlined. Then it's a matter of recording each course.

    I'm hoping by the end of March. Not sure if I will release videos as I make them and continue to add to the course, or wait until they are all done.

    I'll probably host it Udemy, like my other courses. As for what it's going to cost, I'm not really sure yet. I have to see how much time it takes to put it all together. I tend to under value my work though :).

  • Global Var timer

    Every Tick

    ----- Add dt to timer

    ----- Show int(timer) in a text object

    Put above in a group

    If you want the timer to pause, deactivate the above group.

    When you die deactivate the group and set timer to 0

    Reactivate group when you are ready for the timer to start going up again.

  • On the Start of Layout for my title screen.

  • I will be covering how to publish games as well.

  • I'll look into PlayHaven as well. One thing I will probably do with this course is continue to grow on it as new options become available. Maybe even do some live sessions for the members of the course for some Q and A.

  • Yeah, you still need to use mopub, you just turn off the mopub marketplace for your game.

    I'm out the door now, but tomorrow i will take a look at this.


  • Phonegap really is not a good option for making games. I've used it on simply word search apps and it worked ok, but that was pushing it.

  • Also, I have 4 games on google play using CocoonJS, Mopub+admob and never had any issues. Some have been up there for over a year.

    I do turn off mopub ads because I didn't really like them, so I just use admob ads.

  • Pretty much on the Robots thing.

    Maybe I can take a look and see if anything jumps out at me. If you can just send me the APK you uploaded to google play, via pm.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I've never seen that before, but good luck actually getting in touch with anyone at google.

    Do you have any idea what it could have been? What ad service are you using? Be careful with some services because they may install push notifications and other crap that might come off as spammy.

  • Awesome. I just submitted a game without branding, as I don't think it's required. I'll let you know if it gets through.

  • EncryptedCow

    Hey bud, just curious if you had a chance to check into this? I'm still using your older version that is working fine.