ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Ludei just confirmed that it was tested on r163. I'm doing some testing now to see if my problems go away using r163.

    If that's the case, Ashley, what could have changed from 163 until now that effects this?

  • You're welcome. I just didn't want you to go through all the trouble of adding ads, just to find out later it's not an option on OUYA and your game will most likely fail to pass.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • No, what I mean your game won't pass if you have ads. I've never seen an ad on a ouya game, ever.

  • Appears to still not work, debugging now.

    I get the exact same error.

    04-25 06:36:00.361: E/IDTKLog(10943): IDTK_LOG_ERROR: [JS] Invoked in void com::ideateca::service::js::utils::JSUtilities::PrintException line 94: JavaScript Exception ( Tag: 'timer'): TypeError: Cannot call method 'isLoggedIn' of undefined

    04-25 06:36:00.361: E/IDTKLog(10943): at Acts.socialServiceRequestLogin (c2runtime.js:23410:34)

    04-25 06:36:00.361: E/IDTKLog(10943): at Action.run_object (c2runtime.js:16279:10)

    04-25 06:36:00.361: E/IDTKLog(10943): at EventBlock.run_actions_and_subevents (c2runtime.js:15758:38)

    04-25 06:36:00.361: E/IDTKLog(10943): at (c2runtime.js:15731:9)

    04-25 06:36:00.361: E/IDTKLog(10943): at Runtime.executeSingleTrigger (c2runtime.js:12958:10)

    04-25 06:36:00.361: E/IDTKLog(10943): at Runtime.triggerOnSheetForTypeName (c2runtime.js:12905:16)

    04-25 06:36:00.361: E/IDTKLog(10943): at Runtime.triggerOnSheet (c2runtime.js:12853:13)

    04-25 06:36:00.361: E/IDTKLog(10943): at Runtime.trigger (c2runtime.js:12842:12)

    04-25 06:36:00.361: E/IDTKLog(10943): at Layout.startRunning (c2runtime.js:14021:16)

    04-25 06:36:00.361: E/IDTKLog(10943): at Runtime.go_textures_done (c2runtime.js:11295:29)

    My code where it hangs. It doesn't get to my Title screen (first layout). It just sticks on the Ludei splash screen. However, the game isn't completely frozen as ads still load and display LOL.

    I'm trying some suggestions. I'm curious if it working for others.

  • Ludei updated the plugin. I'm testing it now.

  • Are you opening the zip on a the mac or on a pc first?

    I ran into issues when I would download the compiled zip, extracted it to my PC and then copied to my mac (using dropbox).

    Once I downloaded and extracted the zip directly on the mac, the issues went away.

  • Ashley

    I'm sure iAP works fine, I was talking about iAds. Doesn't the current plugin only support banner ads and not fullscreen ads? Unless I am missing something, I don't see a way to call full screen ads.

    As for my point number 3.

    Here is an example of events. Those highlighted are not available in the ejecta plugin, but all of these can be useful in different situations, I have used most of them to make my apps more user friendly. Maybe they are not needed for the base functionality of Ejecta, but they are important imo.

    For example, maybe I want to pause the game while the leader board is loading and showing a loading sprite. With the On Leaderboard Closed/Open event I can destroy that loading sprite when the the leaderboard is displayed or closed. Same thing with Achievements. Just little stuff like that. Maybe it's possible to do such things in the current plugin and I just haven't dove in deep enough?

  • It's so frustrating because CJS works so good, when it works. I have 5 games published using it, but with important features missing.

    As Ejecta grows, I would be happy to switch to it. Right now, it is just missing some key features like.

    1. No monetization besides iAds.

    2. No support for full screen ads.

    3. Robust list of events and actions.

    I haven't played with Crosswalk yet, but from what I understand there is no ad support currently and no google play services support.

  • I don't think OUYA allows ads.

  • I create app. Export as CocoonJS (I don't minify script) and cloud compile and install the signed debug apk on my device and debug via the eclipse debug window.

    Here is the error I get.

    04-22 09:20:43.463: E/IDTKLog(28882): IDTK_LOG_ERROR: [JS] Invoked in void com::ideateca::service::js::utils::JSUtilities::PrintException line 94: JavaScript Exception ( Tag: 'timer'): TypeError: Cannot call method 'isLoggedIn' of undefined

    04-22 09:20:43.463: E/IDTKLog(28882): at Acts.socialServiceRequestLogin (c2runtime.js:21392:34)

    04-22 09:20:43.463: E/IDTKLog(28882): at Action.run_object (c2runtime.js:14269:10)

    04-22 09:20:43.463: E/IDTKLog(28882): at EventBlock.run_actions_and_subevents (c2runtime.js:13748:38)

    04-22 09:20:43.463: E/IDTKLog(28882): at (c2runtime.js:13721:9)

    04-22 09:20:43.463: E/IDTKLog(28882): at Runtime.executeSingleTrigger (c2runtime.js:10948:10)

    04-22 09:20:43.463: E/IDTKLog(28882): at Runtime.triggerOnSheetForTypeName (c2runtime.js:10895:16)

    04-22 09:20:43.463: E/IDTKLog(28882): at Runtime.triggerOnSheet (c2runtime.js:10843:13)

    04-22 09:20:43.463: E/IDTKLog(28882): at Runtime.trigger (c2runtime.js:10832:12)

    04-22 09:20:43.463: E/IDTKLog(28882): at Layout.startRunning (c2runtime.js:12011:16)

    04-22 09:20:43.463: E/IDTKLog(28882): at Runtime.go_textures_done (c2runtime.js:9285:29)

  • NO worries. My google app is locking up every time I am requesting login or accessing leaderboards .

    I posted on Ludei's facebook page. They always say to use their support website, but they never, ever answer any questions on there, so I just publicly ask questions on their facebook. They tend to answer .

  • OUYA no longer requires you to create a free to play demo and include iAP to sell you your games.

    Freedom of choice just got freer…for OUYA DEVS.

    With the newest OTA, creating a PAID GAME on OUYA is our new alternative to the FREE TO TRY model, and it's super simple:

    It's as easy as 1, 2, 3... 4… 5!

    1. Create your product here:

    2. Upload your game here:

    3. Select whether or not it is Free to Try when you fill out the game's info

    4. Choose whether or not your game has in-app purchases

    5. If it is a paid game, you'll be required to choose a Promoted Product

    Remember, you can still create free-to-try games, free games, and free-to-play games, the same as always. Now there's one more option to enable you to publish your game on OUYA as smoothly as possible.

    You can even change an existing OUYA game from Free to Try to Paid, as long as you have a Promoted Product already in place! Gamers who already purchased your game will not be affected by this change.

  • shaircast no the game is called Hovering Hal. The services didn't actually work since I was using CJS, but they are in the code. In a quick test last night, the game froze at the point of opening the leaderboard, so I will playing more with it today.

    Mayfly Yeah, I just downloaded the zip. Then followed their instructions.

    Manual Install

    Close Construct 2

    Checkout the 'master' branch from this repository

    Copy the file src/cocoonjs_prelude.js into CONSTRUCT_2_INSTALLATION_FOLDER\exporters\html5\, make sure to replace the file when you are asked.

    Copy the contensts of the folder /src/plugin/cocoonjsads into CONSTRUCT_2_INSTALLATION_FOLDER\exporters\html5\plugins\cocoonjsads.

    That's all!

  • OUYA just recently changed their dev policies. No longer are you required to offer a free to play demo of your game, and then make it available to purchase using the OUYA iAP. Games can be published at a set price without offering a demo. I haven't really gone into it yet, but it seems like this is a good choice to just use CJS, and put a price tag on the app. Would be great if anyone can report experiences. I'll try it out this weekend.

  • Almost done. I just need to record the preview/promo video and it's then in the hands of Udemy.