ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the great feedback from everyone.

    I got the impression from Ashley that C3 will continue with HTML5, just with an updated UI than can be ported to other platforms like mac and possibly have the ability to allow custom plugins to modify the UI as well, like in Unity.

    I could be way off there .

  • Updated the first post with links to each episode

  • I don't ever really use the Launcher app, so I can't really say. I can say I have very rarely had issues with CJS unless I had a plugin installed or was using a feature in C2 not supported. This sounds like something that might only actually function when not in the launcher. I would email for some help. If you can provide them a CAPX, I think it would help.

  • Yeah, testing in the launcher will show Ludei's leaderboard. You need to test the built APK.

  • Yeah, to make the layout by layout loading to be usable, we need a way to show a loading bar between layouts.

  • You probably want to use Unity.

    For motion capture, Poser Pro Game Dev can do it with a kinect and imports into Unity.

  • This week is going to be a little different and we not 100 percent sure how it's going to come out. We were asked to do a Q & A session with a university in Kent, England that is using C2 to teach their Game Development course.

    We appreciate all of the amazing feedback. I have also been in contact with Ashley and he has agreed to be on the show as a guest as well. We are working out those details now

  • I went into it in great detail here

  • There seems to be a few pixels of "play" that needs to be considered too. I had 4 sprites that were 256x256 it would not put them in a 512x512 sheet. However, if you make them 254x254 then it does. I saved a ton of memory usage in my last game by looking over the exported sprite sheets and finding places I could optimize this.

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  • Well, doesn't 3 64x64 images take up less video memory than 1 128x128?

    64x64 = 16kb

    128x128 = 65kb

    So it's actually doing it the most efficient way for video memory, right? Or am I wrong?

  • I would also post this info on the github Click on issues and post it there. They seem to check there most often.

  • -Add option for lock proportions when rescaling images. If you have an irregular in dimensions image like 460x 234 and you want to half size or 3/4 size it, you need a calculator. Ideally, the Resize Image Canvas tool could have the functionality to do math in conjunction with the locked proportions. So, in the dimensions mentioned above, one could put 460/2 or 460*0.75 on the Width field and get the desired result on both dimensions.

    Yes please! Plus everything else.

  • I have the splash screen removed already. As you can see in my Hungry Hal game on google and iOS ( I am able to use a custom loading layout instead. I posted a video about it on facebook a few months ago.

    IMO, the cost was very fair for not only having the splash screen removed, but that by having it removed allowed for a custom loading screen. Plus, I have the option to remove it from any of my projects from now on.

    With that said, yes. I have been a supporter of Ludei for several years. There were ups and downs but it was always the best solution for my projects. I just hope official support comes back to C2.

  • Very cool. I have the mame collection on my laptop already, but this is a good resource when I don't have it .

  • Game Center and Google Play Services both work fine in the latest CJS. My game, Hungry Hal, was compiled using CJS 2.1. Leader Boards and Achievements working in iOS using Game Center and Android using Play Services. The game is running great on even iPhone 4s and Samsung S3 phones. CJS works, and it works fast.

    Would I like to have layout to layout loading to save on some memory, sure. But part of game design, imo, is working around problem areas. Especially in mobile.

    Keep watching. Ludei seems to be working fast (much faster than they used to ) and I think some awesome things are coming.

    ludei, wanna pay me to make some video tutorials for all that is CJS+C2? Or teach a live class via stream? .