ARC7's Forum Posts

  • As an alternative:


    WIN + RUN (Enter the following code):

    Chrome --allow-file-access-from-files

    "And drag and drop the HTML file to Chrome and ignore the message"

  • If you use the Q3DOimoPhysics behavior you will have gravity force on the Z axis.

  • oh dang that stinks. is a fix in the works? or is .js a dead format?

    wasn't their a blender plugin?

    Apparently the Blender plugin does export animations because it allows you to name them, but the 3DSmax plugin only exports the static model.

  • problem is that is a big hurdle. most of the short comings can be worked around. but not being able to play 3d animations well is a major hurdle.

    Actually the problem exists in the plugin that exports from 3DSMAX to .js (If you export models but don't allow to name the different animations) then Q3D doesn't detect any ID animation even if they exist.

  • It is a pity that the creator of Q3D did not follow the Plugin project. The Plugin is very good and optimized and for 4 years it seems to me that it has not updated it. Can you imagine if it kept updating? It would be a monster and of course it would sell like gold. I bought it 2 years ago.

    The only thing I have not been able to do is export the animations from the .JS files naming them from 3DSMax. I can only export them without movement.

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  • Exact. Everything is trick because there is no gravity as in a platform mode, here you have to do trick to achieve it. Thank you.

    I will continue to work it.


  • Thank you. I have already solved that one of the template, the problem that I still have not touched is the movement of depth but with "jump". That has gravity in the platforms and in edges and objects. Thank you.

  • Sounds good. We should share our .CAPX test in order to make a good ENGINE BeatEmUp do not you think?

    As something that looks as easy as the great game River City Ransom can be so complicated to program. I mean movements and how they interact with boats, fences and even the same characters charge other characters and throw them, etc. In short, those guys from Technos Japan are geniuses.


  • My idea is to achieve the engine equal to Double Dragon or River City Ransom because I like that you can kick boxes and you can climb on certain edges or to the drums. I am not so interested in hitting the walls but if you climb on certain slopes. tHANKS.

  • I will also keep working on it. I do it before i publish it.


  • Hi. I was developing a BeatEm Up type Double Dragon and the real challenge is the movement of jumping on boxes and walls with the movement of depth and not of platforms. I still can't do it correctly.

  • OK. Thanks Ashley

    But r.274 in BETA.

    r.272 crash on:

    When to copy / paste

    And when you save project.

    Just for consideration. But when r.274 is released I will install it.

    Thanks for the info Ashley.

  • It is CRASH repeatedly.

  • The version "r.272.

    It is repeated repeatedly and throws a" debug.log "says this:

    [1114 / 013832.211: ERROR: (56)] CreateFile: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)[1114 / 115336.878: WARNING: (67)] duplicate annotation name metrics_client_id, discarding value 2fcb5a60894d4dc28b684bb52ef10037[1114 / 115336.914: ERROR: (178)] WinHttpCrackUrl: The operation completed successfully. (0x0)Thank you.

  • Hi. Yo can share yout file .Capx example of Q3D TV please?