Anonnymitet's Forum Posts

  • You can use Rex plugin here:

    It even has a built in system for getting the elapsed time which you can use.

  • All my sounds and music is in the sounds folder and it have never been a problem for me and it loops perfectly. Only time I use the music folder is for long songs set not to loop.

  • This is one way:

    When the player quits the app just save the date and time and when the player starts the game again then just take the actual date and time and compare it with the old stored date and time to get how much time has passed.

  • Hi Anonnymitet , I checked. Its the Australian iTunes store.. not sure if its featured on any other iTunes stores. Which AppStore country / region are you?

    I'm in Sweden so that explains it. I can also inform you that I couldn't start the game on any of my iPads, one iPad 2 and one iPad Air both running iOS 10.2. Just a black screen.

  • Congrats! Now put an ad in your game and tell them to vote for it on greenlight Would be cool to hear about the ad revenue for chartboost now when you'll get a lot of users.

    And by going though the roof what kind of download numbers are we talking about?

    Edit: Tried to find it on the store front under "new games we love" but couldn't on my app store

  • Colludium Nice, looks like we are making similar games then

  • I see, it is never too late. By changing it now at least it will stop new "I hate mobile ports and will vote no whatever it takes" voters to lower your ratio In fact the yes ratio doesn't matter at all only the yes count. So you can have 5000 yes votes and 5 million no votes and you'll get greenlit anyway.

    But 50% is a pretty good ratio these days and I've seen many games lately with less than 300 yes votes getting greenlit so they have lowered the bar a lot as the greenlight voter traffic has dropped during the last year.

    So my guess is that your game will be greenlit within the next three weeks

  • It is mostly an optical illusion. If you animate the player and change things to more normal color the "jankiness look" disappear. But retro games are drawn at integer pixels so they can look choppy with really small sprites so you have to apply some tricks to make it look more smooth.

    Here I just animated your sprite and changed colors and it looks better straight away:

    The more you scale the less it flickers as there are more pixels to draw around:

  • Very tight controls and a good balance of being difficult but not impossible. The platform mechanic is really good - makes me want to start making a platformer lol....

    Thank you This is actually a sequel to my other game so this platforming gameplay is just a tiny part of the whole project. What type of game are you working on atm?

  • Nice to see the game on Steam. I voted yes I would recommend to remove the android and ios logos at the end. A lot of people hate mobile ports on greenlight and press "no" just because of those logos no matter how good the game is.

    So better to leave them out when trying to get greenlit. My friend had a game on greenlight with those logos and got a bunch of no votes and when he removed it the no votes percent was reduced greatly.

    So just my advice Anyway good luck. I know you'll get greenlit it is just a matter of time.

  • The controls seemed tight and the game was fun, I am really not sure what more feedback I could give you apart form keep up the good work.

    Thank you. It is just an early prototype but I want to get the controls right early in the development and avoid floaty controls

  • To be honest I went into this thinking that I wasn't going to like it. With that being said, I really enjoyed it a lot! When I finished the level I found myself wanting to play more. The way you have the obstacles set up is exactly how it should be done in games like this. Your image memory is quite high and I'm not sure why for such a small level. Are you using a big background image rather then tiles? That may be something to look into moving forward. Also, I'm not really digging the art style of the player character. IMO it doesn't really fit with the rest of the art (which I think is great). Good work so far!

    Thank you for the feedback. Glad to hear that. This is just a level to try out traps. I haven't put any effort into the placement and level design so I'm glad you liked it anyway

    About the image memory I also wondered about that. I use tiled backgrounds for almost everything and no art is scaled. The biggest image I have is the background which is a 18kb 96x96 pixel png before being imported to C2. So I have no idea why it is so high. Maybe the imageusage expression that C2 returns should be devided by 10 or something?

    The character is just a placeholder and I haven't really settled for the look yet. Just like my other game on Steam this will have a lot of characters to choose from so I'll experiment a bit more with the design.

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  • Added more blood particles and water obstacles today. If anyone has any ideas for fun traps and obstacles for a multiplayer platforming racing game then let me know

  • I'm working on a new multiplayer game and have been playing around now with the controls a bit. So I would like to know what you guys think about it. This is just a test level so there isn't much yet but I hope you can get a feel of it anyway.

    How are the controls?

    What do you think about the art style?

    How does it run on your computer?

    I would greatly appreciate your thoughts <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Try the test level:


    WASD = Move and Jump

    T = Tackle and Ready button

  • Have you changed them? If so that might be the problem