Android-Music's Forum Posts

  • Device name: NVIDIA GeForce 6600

    Pixel shader: 3

    Estimated VRAM: 236 MB

    Motion blur: Yes

  • I did it several times but it still won't launch. Other plugins work correctly.

  • Ashley, I've written detailed info in Construct 0.99.4 topic.

  • Same error as before. :-/

    EDIT: The sprite plugin won't work normally.

  • Man, thanks, I've tested the exe but Construct still won't launch preview and gives me the same error.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • [quote:2p1wzl7e] A crash inside a plugin's non-event code has been intercepted! This may be a bug in the plugin, or a problem in Construct. The application has exited. Available details of the location of the problem are below(this may be approximate).

    Plugin: Sprite.csx

    Object name: Sprite

    Instance: 1 (of 2)

    Tried to reinstall but it still showes the error. Such an irony(the problem got my balls

  • BTW:

    Guys, don't forget about Bone Behaviour! It still needs to be fixed! You know, that bone object multiplying issue!

    Otherwize great release! Got some noticeable speed improvement! I couldn't test my project in 99.4 but I suspect that's because I started my project with 98.5(works fine in 98.9). Menus are awesome: the program design goes better and better! Other things are also great but sometimes Construct crashes at unexpected moments so I still use 98.9 build. Waiting for 1.0.

  • Ok, what have I submitted to the tracker:

    [quote:1fv5cqn2]I've added a lot of events to my game so I had to sort them with help of

    event groups and created several events and actions for activating and

    deactivating them(event groups). All thing were done in one event sheet.

    When I create a new layout and include that event sheet, none of event

    groups are working. I tried to activate them with additional events but

    that didn't help much - the engine went glitchy. Unfortunately I have no

    file to attach.

    Marked this as a bug but made a post here too cause I'm interested if there's someone who met this situation before and this topic was discussed here before or maybe this is not a bug or something else...

  • Oh c'mon Rich, no one can create flash embed plugin better than you!

    Ok guys, who is interested in creating this wonderful plugin?

  • Oh man, embedding! That sounds already awesome!

    EDIT: maybe you should add swf embedding opportunity? That'd be really amazing!

  • I think swf import could be also very useful, especially if you wanna import a 60 fps high quality animation but don't wanna make your game size horribly large. I've met this situation once when I wanted to import my 3d spaceship landing animation but I had to reduce the ship size and set the framerate to 12 fps. Lucid, I saw a thread about flixel on Newgrounds recently. Yeah, looks very promising.

  • Check "Feature Requests".

  • One question: will there be flash support? This is very important to me.

  • That's me on front(me with my brother near and our drummer at the back). That's our band, my brother is the leader( my ex-girl made a photo so I think you can understand why I'm on front). /

    <img src="">

  • Got a simple question:

    I have two doors, both are same sprites. When the char comes to the first door, it opens but not alone, the second door also opens. How can I make only one door open first and only then the second one? How can I make each object behave separately? Forward thanks.