andreyin's Forum Posts

  • Really weird! I use Dropbox as a safety measure, and I highly recommend it. With Dropbox if something like this happens, you can right-click a file and see every old version it has, and download it. It's amazing.

  • CocoonJS translates the data to use Android/iOS cache, so it's the same as any other game.

    Have you actually tried it out? Write a quick app and use CocoonJS and Webstorage, it should work.

  • You can use WebStorage to store variables and arrays in CocoonJS, I think.

    You're mistaking C2's save STATE function as a real save. The "save state" that C2 has is exactly like an console emulator save state - it saves everything. In WebStorage you can save arrays, variables and all that, then you can load it manually.

    Your save array idea is doable with the normal array, no problem.

  • Here's mine, Balloon Rescue:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • The problem is that in your code you're just telling the platforms that, if the player is touching the screen, the platform should move or not, but you're not telling WHICH platform should be moving or not.

    To select an instance so it works you have to either use a "pick" condition (like platform -> pick nearesth/furthest) or use the "on object clicked" condition so it picks the platform you've clicked on.

    Here's the capx:

    I've also made the platforms rotate only if you click on it's borders, hope you don't mind! I made 2 different image points on each side and compare them to wherever the player is touching, so if the distance between the touch and the imagepoints is less than 30, it rotates instead of moving.

  • No problem, glad to hear it worked!

  • Paradox I just found about about TokenAt this week and omg, wish I knew about it sooner. Would have saved me SO much trouble and variables that do basically nothing until a very specific condition is met.

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  • You use the "scrolling" event.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • naelian you're right, and the game does work! But the platform behavior has some weird issues with low-fps, for instance, if you move a character to the right it keeps "warping".. I have tried to fix this before but to no avail, I still have to look into it using the debbuger.

    Also I thougth that the textbox update thing only really slowed down on CocoonJS? I'm aiming for a Node-Webkit release.

  • Weird, but why are you saving it as a .txt? You can save it as a .json just fine and open it with notepad. Maybe that's it but I doubt it..

  • My only problem with the debugger is that it's REALLY slow in my game. I get around 10-20fps running it on Chrome, and 20-30 running it on Node-Webkit. I tried running it on a preview server using another computer but I couldn't get it to run (nothing showed up).

  • You could try using the pin object to pin the position of the enemy to the bullet, pushing him backwards.

  • I think I've got it but I don't have a way to test it. Basically it's just a "for" that goes from 0 to gamepad.count. You can set which button is being pressed inside of it.

    I have no idea if the pin at the Start of Layout is working also.

    edit: Whoops, I forgot to set the angles to gamepad(loopindex,0).

    And I forgot to mention, whenever using a for you can use "loopindex" to use it on expressions.

  • Construct 2 uses CocoonJS to export to Android and iOS, so if you're looking into using the dialer you'd better off asking them.

  • Did you get to fix everything?

    Best thing about threads like these is that if someone ever stumps in a similar problem they can just read what you did. Thanks for sharing!