andreyin's Forum Posts

  • Oh, whoops! I thought that was just a text saying what the controls were, didn't know you could click on it haha.

    Trying it out again now.

  • I really liked it but I usually play these games using the arrow keys, so I sucked. Maybe you could add custom key support?

    Also be careful when setting W S A D keys, not all keyboards are QWERTY.

  • I made this little launcher for my game and decided to share it.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Basically, you can choose a window size and set custom keys for the game, then it saves to a "settings.json" file in a "data" folder, wherever the game is located at.

    The one thing missing is giving out an error if the player presses a key that's already assigned.

    Capx :

  • If you add your font to the project and export it, it'll be in the "package.nw" file, but I'm not sure if Node-Webkit uses it properly...

  • Hi,

    So, I was messing with a demo I exported on Node-Webkit and I noticed that the package.nw file is just a .zip with all the images/code/music/sounds inside of it.

    Since C2 does a good job obfuscating the code, I'm not worried with it.. however I'm a bit worried that people can change the images of my game, put it in the "zip" file, and run it. I tested it here, and the game run perfectly, even with the modified package.nw file.

    I asked this question in the node-webkit group on google, but I'll also ask here.. is there a good way to protect that file from anyone modifying it ?

    Maybe check the md5 hash of the file to compare it in-game, and give an error if it doesn't match? I know there's a plugin around but I couldn't find a way to retrieve the hash out of the package.nw file at the beggining of the game to compare it..


  • Save your project as a "project", not as a .capx file. A .capx is just a .zip file of your project.

    When you save as a project, there are folders with all the graphics, event sheets etc. You can even open the event sheets and see the code for them.

    I like to save everything in a dropbox also, so even if a file gets corrupted, I can go back (not that it has ever happened).

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  • The "Scale" event is just a width/height multiplier. If you want to change the height/width of an object using a scale-like event, just multiply them for a number.

  • I've made this work in my game but it's kinda hard to explain..

    First, my main character is global, so it keeps the variables when the layout changes. Then, I have 3 different variables:

    lastDoorType - checks the last door type the character has entered

    doorX - The new X position in the layour the player should appear when he moves into a new layout

    doorY - Same as above, but with Y

    Then I have 2 diferent objects (since my game is a platformer),

    doorM0passLeft and doorM0passRight.

    I have an image point called "end" on it, so I can check when the character has finished walking into the new layout.

    I'm explaining all this so I can just show you my code.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    There's probably an easier way but this is working out great for me.

  • You don't really need the "every 0.1" event, or the "for"..

    "Overlapping" checks if an object is over another object. While it is, the event keeps repeating. For instance, try creating 2 new objects and test what happens when you have a variable add 1 while one object is overlapping another. The variable will trigger every tick.

    There's a "on collision with" event that triggers just once when something collides with another object.

  • +1, I usually bookmark the event then press F2 after searching, would be easier to just go back to the selected event..

  • When editing an image, do you get a warning like this?

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Go to the Project properties and change "sampling" from "linear" to "point".

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I still don't understand it, but it wouldn't hurt to have a Layer.ParallaxX and Layer.ParallaxY.

    In any case, the free version doesn't allow that many layers (it only allows about 3 or 5 IIRC).

  • This is kinda confusing.. isn't it better if you have a variable that sets the parallax, instead of the other way around?

    Like this?

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • GeometriX Whoops, should've read the thread before posting! Sorry! D: