AndreasR's Forum Posts

  • Hello, i couldnt find a solution about location permission problem . Did you find ?

    Thank you


    this permission was needed for the AdMob plugin. However Ludei changed that as far as I know.

    For my apps, it doesn't ask for the location permissions any more.

    But if your app does, it's propably the ad plugin. It uses the location to send specific ads to the user.



  • how do i save the data..i have many users and it will be save in database

    I recommend you rexrainbow 's Firebase plugin. There you can store data in a cloud. It's more saver than making an own database.



  • AndreasR

    Can you try this with cocoon?


    just checked the docs. GA only supports HTML5 builts with the plugin.

    As long there is no counterpart for cordova, it will not work with Cocoon Canvas, however

    WebView+ might work. Haven't tried this yet.



  • I tried emailing the person who sells this plugin but never got a reply. Can anyone tell me how

    to enter my App ID and App secret to connect to my facebook app?

    I'm not using this plugin, but I guess it should work the same. ... ation-code

    Just add the variables for "APP_ID" and "APP_NAME" to your config.xml. Make sure to enter the right plugin path to the cordova plugin.

    Edit: just saw that this plugin is using the same cordova plugin as in my guide. So you can copy / paste the implementation code. Just

    exchange the ID and Name value.



  • My anti virus tool blocked the download due to a ransomware infection of your plugin file. Can you check that?

    I'm using Avast Internet Security.

    Plugin demo looks good! Great job on this plugin.



  • Thanks for the reply. I followed the instruction and can now submit my app to app store

    Glad to help!



  • Hi,

    I made a guide a while ago.

    Please see here ... tunes-ios/



  • Does it work with Cocoon's Canvas+ engine (mobile platforms)?

    WebGL is supported as far as I know.



  • I have so much questions

    I will publish my first game use with COCOON platform so I need more info.

    1.) This template includes Achievements? (Android and IOS)

    2.) I will use all cocoons plugins for IAP, Ads, Google play and Apple Game Center. Do I need to buy cranberrygame Cordova plugins?

    (I will buy ; IAP and Ads plugins from Toby.R for Cocoon => Monetisation)

    3.) Do you planning release new Templates? I will buy this soon => Game Templates - Bundle [15 Items]

    4.) I didn't see, This bundle include Cloud save tutorial ? (Googleplay and Game Center)

    Thx for answers : )

    Hi Quasar

    thank you for your interests in my template. I'm glad to answer your questions. Please see below.

    1) Yes it does include Achievements for Android and iOS. You just need to enter your achievement ID's at the "es_leaderboard". If you need further help on this, I can update the docs.

    2) The leaderboard template uses the "Cordova Dialog" & "Cordova Analytics" plugin by cranberrygame. However those aren't mandatory for the leaderboard.

    If you do not want to buy the Cordova Plugin package I can make an update without using those plugins. Just let me know then.

    3) Yes. I'm currently working on C3 migration for my templates. Also some new are in work. If you need anything specific, let me know.

    4)I have no template / tutorial for cloud saving with Google Play Games / Game Center. Only firebase. However this template isn't optimized for mobile (doesn't work with cocoons canvas+, webview however should work well).

    Let me know if you have any further questions.

    P.S. Good choice for Toby's plugins



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  • I'm having some performance problems with moveto. I use and it works smooth as hell with the launcher app. When I compile it to iOS the objects running with moveto behaviour don't run smooth at all. It lags quite a bit and i'm on an iPhone 7 Plus. Are there any performance tips?


    I'm using this behavior as well. But I never had any performance issues with it while using Cocoon.

    I test my games on an Iphone 6s.



  • Is there a tutorial on how to do this in construct 3 using the GooglePlay and GameCenter objects? All the tutorials I found used some 3rd party plugin. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    I'm currently working on such tutorials.

    I keep you posted



  • Update submitted:

    v1.0.3 - 2017-12-01

    • Construct 3 version added to the template.
  • >

    > > I want to write and read array to/from localstorage?

    > > how to do this?

    > >


    > To save it just set "LocalStorage -> Set key [key] to [Array.AsJSON]


    > to load it fetch the key and set load the array like


    > On LocalStorage Item get => Array => Load From JSON [LocalStorage.ItemValue]


    > Regards

    > Andy


    Hey - thanks for this!!! You just saved me a day of work

    Sure, you're welcome

    Regardas Andy

  • If you save as a project folder and open the .caproj file in a text editor it has a list of them.

    Great hint, thank you!

  • Is there an easy way to see all used plugins / behaviors?

    Plugins aren't that hard to find out, but used behaviors.
