AndreasR's Forum Posts

  • Hey guys.. please try out my first multiplayer game (made on C2) published using Cocoon!

    Play Store link:

    Note: This is a Beta version, you may be paired with a bot (random name) if no real player is found.

    AndreasR Can you please add it to your first post as Beta version? I need more and more Beta testers for feedback.


    Sure, game was added at the beta section of the first post.

    Good luck with your project



  • I see. It seems that the android version is meant, not the plugin version itself.

    cordova-android: 6.1.2, failed version requirement: >=6.3.0[/code:x9us218c]
    So the latest file plugin needs at least cordova-android 6.3.0 or higher.
    You can specify this in the config.xml as well. Cocoon is working with this version by default.
    [b]Apache Cordova android v6.2.3[/b]
    [url=] ... onfig-file[/url]
    [code:x9us218c]<engine name="android" spec="" />[/code:x9us218c]
    However I'm not sure if cocoon ignores this line and uses its default version.
    Just give it a try.
    P.S. it works fine on my end, have you added any additional plugins needing such a high cordova version?
  • Cocoon

    [2018-03-02 03:40:00.799] [DEBUG] AndroidBuilder - [prepare] cordova restore platforms
    [2018-03-02 03:40:00.812] [DEBUG] AndroidBuilder - [prepare] adding engine android@6.2.3[/code:2rvdltyr]
    [code:2rvdltyr]Installing "cordova-plugin-file" at "6.0.1" for android
    Plugin doesn't support this project's cordova-android version. cordova-android: 6.1.2, failed version requirement: >=6.3.0[/code:2rvdltyr]
    just buy this package for this plugin,
    I needed it for today, a pity
    I wish I could update this plugin anyway

    You can specify the version for each cordova plugin. Just enter the version at the "spec="*"" parameter, for instance "spec="6

    .3.0" at the file plugin (at config.xml in your cocoon project).


  • >

    > Hi,

    > the cocoon plugins are free. You find all information in my guide here



    > Guide for Apple: ... tunes-ios/


    > No I do not use PhoneGap, only CocoonIO.


    > Regards

    > Andy


    Thanks for the help!

    When I installed those plugins, however, I was no longer able to play a preview on my PC. Kept getting an error message, and have gone back to the old one. Frustrating, as it appeared to be working on the devices (exported).

    You had that happen before?

    You're welcome.

    You must add "System -> Is on Platform -> [Cordova]" as condition whenever using a Cocoon action / condition.

    Then the JS doesn't show.



  • Iolva Have you done any iOS games?

    AndreasR Are you using PhoneGap at all? Might you be able to point me toward where I can get the CocoonInApp Plugin? Or is it part of this bundle?

    The same code/game works fine with my Android build, and I'm struggling to see anything I'm missing with iOS. Looking at some walkthroughs tells me to ensure it's set up in xcode, but because I use PhoneGap I skip that phase.


    the cocoon plugins are free. You find all information in my guide here

    Guide for Apple: ... tunes-ios/

    No I do not use PhoneGap, only CocoonIO.



  • Does this still work? I'm seeing a lot of queries about things not working in the latter few pages of this thread.

    I've recently purchased Ultimate IAP, and I'm unable to get it to work with iOS. Android seems to work fine, but when I press the purchase button in my app, nothing happens at all. I read that the same thing was happening with the official IAP plugin, so I was wondering if there's anyone who recently released an app using the IAP plugin in this bundle on iOS without issues.



    I'm using the CocoonInApp Plugin and it's working fine for my iOS games.

    When nothing happens it's mostly an unknown InApp ID or a missing cordova plugin.



  • how to insert on mobile, to enter a parameter for keyboard: on key pressed? Thanks

    As far as I know the "Keyboard" plugin only works on desktop computers, not on mobile.



  • Ported construct2 cordova plugins to construct3 cordova plugins.

    Download construct3 version (Download again)

    Thanks Sang Ki Kwon

    Awesome news, thanks!

    Any chances that you make a cordova firebase analytics plugin?

    Because Google Analytics is deprecated for apps / games.




  • Ashley won't help you on that.

    Better open a topic at the cocoon forum.

    I recently built for iOS and had no issues.

    Did you check "Minify Script" at the export window in C2? Moreover have you exported as "Cordova"?



  • Thank you so much AndreasR

    Sure, you are welcome!

  • Hi,

    you can export it as "Cordova" and use to get either an apk file or / and a xcodearchive (for iOS).

    Guide is up here



  • Guide updated "Add inapp products to Android, Google Play"

    Guide can be found here: ... -products/

  • i read all the forms on scirra and cocoon most of the links are off. could you make a new video about this subject. thank you very much.

    Well it's difficult to say what's your issue is. It works for me so I guess it's just a small issue in your project - either cocoon or construct.

    If you want I can check your capx file. Maybe I see what's causing the black screen.

    I actually have a video for that.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now



  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hi,

    the JS Error on desktop is normal. To avoid this, just add "System -> is on platform [Cordova]" each time you are using any cocoon conditions or actions.

    I'm using CocoonAds in all of my games and none is asking for the location persmission. ... uffybounce ... ienerparty

    Just scroll down and see "Permissions" then click "View details". There you can see the permissions. None is asking for locations.

    I can recommend you my cocoon developer templates. ... lates-1879

    Here you find examples.



  • Andy, thank you for your answer. i am using construct 2's admob plug in and i built with cocoon but nothing change is there a trick. I tried to use cocoonAds but it always raised error when i tested it. After i builted black screen showed. forums includes same problems but there is no satisfied answers. Are there any link for help.

    thenk you .

    My game shows like this on Google Play Store:


    if you want to use the CocoonAds plugin, you have to add "Native Admob ads for Android / ios" to your cocoon project. The plugin is located at Plugins/Cocoon.

    Otherwise you'll get a black screen like you said. ... #cocoonads

