AndreasR's Forum Posts

  • I see your point. From this point of view, I have to agree with you.

    However if you should ever consider to make a "Rexrainbow Firebase Plugin" standalone package,

    I would think about to integrate it in my template.

    Of course, not the plugins themself but the updated c3p file. So every customer can decide to purchase the package from you to use the construct 3 version of my template.

    So if this is a deal for you, just contact me in a private message.



  • Hello. I ported the Firebase plugins to Construct 3 and I bought this Firebase Leaderboards template and tested this, and it works fine.



    Thanks for porting Rexrainbows plugins to C3. However I only use free plugins (as far as possible) for my templates.

    Also thank you for purchasing and testing my template with Construct 3.

    I recommend you to make separate bundles instead of one big bundle. Just my personal opinion.

    For instance, what would be the price for the "rexrainbow firebase package"?



  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi, how cool is the table. Congratulations!

    I will buy, but I wanted to know first if it works normal in construct 3.

    Waiting for reply


    Thanks for your interesst in my leaderboard template. Sadly rexrainbow has decided to not port all plugins to Construct 3. The firebase plugins do count to the not ported plugins.

    So it will work for Construct 2 only, for now.

    Best regards,


  • Can anyone help me understand where it went wrong?

    Let me know if you need further info.

    Thanks in advance.

    You call the restore every tick with your code here. But that's not the root of your problem.

    In order to test IAP, you must upload your apk first to Google Play and download it via the store.

    If you just copy your exported apk to your device, it will not work.

    At least, this is how I can remember it.



  • One idea that comes to mind is to let the text box be normal and under a “text changed” condition you can check what was typed and limit it to numbers or numbers with decimals. Actually you could use float() with this too.

    textbox: on text changed
    compare: len(textbox.text)>0
    — textbox: set text to float(self.text)


    thanks for that hint. This could be a way.

    But I do not understand why the "Number" type does not support it from scratch?

    It's html, shouldn't be a big deal at all?

    Thanks a lot!

  • Try: round(N * 100) / 100

    for 2decimal places, or 1000 for 3 decimal places, etc...


    Thanks for the reply, but that's not what I want to achive. I want to allow the decimal input in a "TextBox" object when set to "Number".

    From sratch it does only allow interger.

  • Hi,

    I want to allow decimal or double numbers in a textbox.

    I set the type to "Number", but only integer are allowed.

    Is there a way to allow decimals (0.00) or double / float?

    Thanks a lot

  • hey

    thank you for your reply. I will send you my example capx file, although I'm thinking of trying different way of exporting my C2 project(canvas+ is not officially supported.. :/). Do you know which way is currently the best way for C2 Android exporting ?

    For construct 2 I always use "Cordova" as exporter. Then I build my game with

    However cocoon is updating their whole cloud compiler, so it's currently not stable.

    A few friends of mines are using Cordova CLI build, but I have no expierences with it.

    I purchased a c3 license a while ago, therefor I'll focus on the build-in export service for android and ios for my next projects.



  • AndreasR

    Not so much crowdfunding as finding a developer and joint hiring them. So maybe crowd funding lol. However, after talking with Chadori, it seem the issue is a bit harder than we hope. Canvas+ doesn't support websockets, so even with a cordova plugin this may not work. See more here:

    Now I got it. Well this is a limitation by canvas+, but not by Cocoon at all. WebView+ also can offer good performance. And if there was a working firebase plugin for cordova, I would switch to WebView+.

    It always depends on your game. Canvas+ isn't the answer to all performance problems ;)



  • Has anyone fixed this issue ?

    It's been a while since my last built with cocoon. However such issues are mostly caused by a missconfiguration in either Google Play or / and Cocoon / Construct.

    Can you share a capx example showing your leaderboard code? Also did you setup the Google Play Service completely? You need to "bind" the app id to a bundle id. For this you need to assign the Google Play Service to an apk.



  • Hi,

    once an app was uploaded and published with your bundle id, you cannot remove it. You only can unpublish it. If you want to re-upload a new version as an entirly new app, you need to change the bundle id.

    So either you update your old apk (when you have found the accurate key) or you retire it and upload a new version with a diffrent bundle id to your google play account.



  • Starting on Sunday 00:00 AM this and all other items from me are on sale!

    Save 50% for 10 days!

  • Starting on Sunday 00:00 AM this and all other items from me are on sale!

    Save 50% for 10 days!

  • Yo solo necesitaba el complemento para poder abrir el juego que tenía en construct 2, ya no utilizo ese complemento (pero lo importe al navegador y me funciono sin problema)

    Yes I also have no problem to import it. However it behaves strange on my end. At the moment I bypassed it.

    Hopefully there is an update for this, or another addon with the same functions.



  • Crowdfunding isn't a bad idea, let me know once you gut a campaign up!

