AndreasR's Forum Posts

  • Another Great One Andy...

    Thank you very much, Mark! It's highly appreciated

  • iOS Version is now available for download

    Get it here

    Google Play

    Download the game from Google Play


    Download the game from iTunes

  • When i export project with sound from construct 2 to Cordova and build over cordova build apk. music don't play.

    Which format to take .aac , .mp3 . flac will be work at android ?.

    Please see this guide.

    It also applies on the cordova build. ... lus-built/



  • New update is on upload! Check out what's new.

    Download: Google Play

    iOS Version is in review and available soon!



    • Settings didn't load on menu
    • Player moved forward on jump
    • Fixed swipe mechanisum for the accessories
    • Player got hurt at the jetpack level even when flashing
    • Fixed parachute landing after second chances


    • Random genarator for level changing adjusted
    • UI moved up


    • Halloween stuff for your sausage
    • Tutorial for the shield added
  • New version is out for beta testers! Soon the iOS version will be ready for downloading.

    Download: Google Play (open beta)



    • Accessories didn't flash when player was flashing
    • Portal on jetpack level was jumping
    • Player disappeared at left side on kitchen level, but game was still running


    • Banner ads limited to menu now
    • Time for flashing doubled (time where player cannot be hurt)
    • GameOver sound removed
    • Removed random level starts, now always starts at the kitchen
    • Revamped space level compeletly

    Thanks for testing and playing it

  • Is it a bad idea to make your google play game only playable if the person is logged in? Like they gotta log in to their GP account in order to be able to play, (as well as post to the leaderboard.)

    This would ensure that they can't play the game unless connected to the internet, and thus they will see ads? Then they would have the option to buy the premium version/pay iAP to unlock full game, that has no ads, no login requirement, and can be played offline.

    Good idea? Too draconian??

    I once released a premium game and it got pirated unto a foreign android site, for free.

    well this depends on your game. If your game needs a login / internet connection to get data from a cloud service (like Google Firebase), then yes.

    However only allow player which are logged in in GPG to play due to see ads, will give you a lot of bad reviews.

    I would let the player the choice, so you might earn less, but you get better reviews and so more player in total, which can aslo lead to higher income then.



  • Hi

    I have a simple endless runner which creates a high score when the player dies.

    I want the ability to post this high score into a MySQL database so the player can compete with others.

    I don’t want them to have to login to submit scores.

    Does anyone have any hints/tips?

    Thanks in advance


    This should fit <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> ... -php-mysql



  • AndreasR

    YW mate Glad to help.

    Grate that you fixing it looking great

    I give it another go today to check the updates and here is my second report

    Ho yeah I forgot to mention the most important, the Device that I tested it on is

    Tablet: Samsung Galaxy Tab A SM-T585 16GB Black, 10.1

    So I went ahead and tested it on today and I have to say is so funny the Game as is unpredictable on which Level you will start, you see this time the first attempt to Play I hit the Play button and it started in a new Level that I didn't see it before, is the Space surfing in Board and it looks really cool I really like this Level my favorite so far, So here is some things that I noticed:

    1-Any Level you play at the first time the Music works but if you die just once and restarts in the same Level the Music will not work again, and this happens in all the Levels (space, rocket, and The Runner)

    2-On Menu when you hit the button Play it choose random Level, so you never know in which Level you will end up is like surprise is nice but maybe you didn't programmed do that, I mention it just in case

    3-On Menu the same, the first time you will hear Music but after you die and came back to the menu it wouldn't work most of the times

    4-Another thing I noticed is on the cocoon screen it flicks very quickly like is trying to display two things at the same time and then corrects himself to the coocoon screen, this is happening very quickly so unless you press attention you wouldn't see it, is like a littel conflict there

    5-[quote:oqsr0205]I changed that so that the player doesn't get stuck on frontal collison. He just loses a life and starts flashing (indestructable mode).

    If you mean that when it gets push from the front of the obstacle loses the life then it doesn't happen at all on my side I test it on both tablet and phone unless I miss understood something there are no life taken on my side, also is a mix, sometimes it will push the Player back to the end and sometimes the player it will flash and get through but no life taken

    6-This is not a bug but I feel like a lot of times after the player jumps on (Runner Level) it gets push back to much to the back and you cant keep up, is like once you are at the back nearly touching the Left edge that's it there is no way that you can catch up to the front doesn't matter how good you jump or control the player after and I think this it will explain this:

    [quote:oqsr0205]2) Should also be fixed with the upcoming version, thanks for letting me know!

    This mostly depends on the screen ratio of your device, so I haven't had this issue on my iphone.

    I still get this happening on both the phone and Tablet


    The Runner Level it feels much better since the first time that I played when you Jump, Im not sure if you fixed the Gravity but it works much better as it dosnt fly back when it jumps now

    Other than that it looks Grate the Game AndreasR keep it up, wish you Good luck, Sorry to be the annoying guy but I think is worth for you to know all these things jeje

    All those points happened on both Table and Phone

    Devices Tested on:

    Tablet: Samsung Galaxy Tab A SM-T585 16GB Black, 10.1

    Phone: Samsung galaxy s8

    Hi tarek2

    The update isn't live yet, so you played the same version

    However you found some new bugs, which I will fix with the upcoming update.

    I'll release it tomorrow, hopefully

    Yes it was meant to be that the level starts randomly, however I changed that now. So it starts in the kitchen every time. I'm not sure what's better though.

    I personally like the random level choosing on start, however some users reported that the would love to start in the same level.

    Thanks for your help, it's highly appreciated!



  • nope i cant download it the message is simple:

    This is an unreleased app. It may be unstable.

    This app is incompatible with your device.


    thanks for your update. The only limitation set is the android SDK version.

    We target the SDK version 21, what is Android 5.0.

    If your device runs an older Android version, you cannot download the game.

    What Android version does your phone have?



  • Try to install the "inappbrowser" cordova plugin to your project.



  • >

    > > Hello, Google Analytics doesn't work for me. I created a mobile app in GA, added the plugin into my game and copied the tracking ID to it under "Android track id". But when I run the game from my mobile device, it shows no users in the real time view.

    > >

    > > What have I missed?

    > >

    > > Thanks!

    > >


    > You also must install the cordova plugin at your Cocoon / Cordova Project


    > Regards

    > Andy


    Hey Andy, thanks but when I uploaded the exported zip file into, I already have this as one of the plugins "". It wasn't there before so I am assuming this comes with Cranberrygame's package. Is this not sufficient? If not which plugin should I be using?

    Thanks again.

    Basically yes, but this means that you haven't deleted the config.xml file coming along with the C2 export.

    Please see a full guide here.

    Remove your project from cocoon, export a new version from c2, delete the config.xml file then zip the content.

    Upload this as a new project to cocoon and then install the github plugin ... plugin.git

    Via the "Custom" tab at settings -> Plugins.



  • your game is not compatible with my mobile "Huawei LYO L21" and its a new one...


    thanks for that info. What actual issue do you get?

    Can you download it but not start?

    Some further information would be very helpful!

    Thank you

  • Hi AndreasR

    Congrats for your new Game

    I thought to give you a hand testing it and I will leave you some things to look at that I found strange it may be bugs or may not:

    1-I see that you have some solid obstacles that block the player if he doesn't avoid them by Jumping and they meant to push back the player. but about 70% I managed to get through them by just keep typing the screen, what I mean is every time I got stuck in one of these obstacles they started to push me back for a short but because I keep typing the screen to jump at some point the pushback solids it gets inverted and they push me to the front managing to get away from those obstacles like if they are none solids, even I managed to get through the Microwebs many times so I think you have a problem there unless you did it specifically to work like that, in that case, forget what I said.

    2-If you get pushback to the back Edge of the screen were is the black bar where it suppose to be like the player loses the game, a lot of times it pass that black bar enough that you can't see the player anymore but the player is still running so basically is like I should have lost and the Game should be restarted but it doesn't I'm still in the Game jumping until sometimes I get to see the player Again and sometimes not till I lose.

    3-This one is not a bug but I was curious because I tried to the same thing for many attempts but I couldn't as I'm not sure how it happened, it happened once though. I think it was the first attempts I played the Game suddenly I teleported to a different level where I was flying up with a rocket and you could go just left or right to avoid the spikes, but I remember to go to that level I dind hit anything that triggered to go there like any (sign or Icon) of a bonus hiding level or something like that while I was Running, I was curious because after that I was trying to go that level of the Rocket again looking for any signs or icons to hit while Running, but I didn't see any and I did tried many times. And it was even more strange because when I was on that Rocket Level and died many times but It restarted straight on that Rocket Level again every time I died until I thought to look around on the Menu and all that stuff to see what else you have on the App, so after when I tried to play again it just when back to the running Level every time and I looked and looked to hit any icon to go to the Rocket Level while running but not luck jeje, so I thought maybe just to let you know just in case.

    Sorry for long post I hope you don't take it wrongly I'm just trying to help let me know if you have any questions

    Hi tarek2

    thank you very much for your detailed report. I'm thankful for your help!

    1) You are right. That's actually a known and already fixed bug (at least hopefully fixed). The issue was that the bullet speed was too high so that the solid object

    just flew through the player. I changed that, so that the player doesn't get stuck on frontal collison. He just loses a life and starts flashing (indestructable mode).

    If he lands on the obstacle, he will not get hurt at all.

    2) Should also be fixed with the upcoming version, thanks for letting me know!

    This mostly depends on the screen ratio of your device, so I haven't had this issue on my iphone.

    3) There are portals in the game bringing you to a diffrent world. In total there are 3 diffrent worlds at the moment.

    • Running
    • Space
    • Jetpack

    However to change the level you must collide with a portal. But I changed it a little bit for the upcoming version, so please try again in that version.

    Like you said, once you leave the game, it will starts from the kitchen again. But maybe I change it, so that you also start from the kitchen (running) level when you died in another world.

    I hopefully can release an update this weekend. It will include a lot of bug fixes and some new features. I'll post the changelog here once it is ready.

    Thanks for your support!



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  • Hello, Google Analytics doesn't work for me. I created a mobile app in GA, added the plugin into my game and copied the tracking ID to it under "Android track id". But when I run the game from my mobile device, it shows no users in the real time view.

    What have I missed?


    You also must install the cordova plugin at your Cocoon / Cordova Project



  • Just enrolled for the german translation