AndreasR's Forum Posts

  • Happy to hear you found my works useful

    I checked out the game, found one super minor issue but still thought you'd like to know.

    The price says "8,49 z" while it should be "8,49 zl". I believe that the sprite font width is just too small.

    Hi Toby,

    thanks for that hint. The problem is that the spritefont doesn't inlcude this char "l".

    I'll add it with the next update.


  • Hi!

    We are running our first open beta for our new game "Tasty Escape ". We would love to hear your

    first impressions of the game. Every feedback is welcome.

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    Used features

    • Build with Construct 2 & CocoonIO (CanvasPlus)
    • GameCenter & Google Play Games
    • Inapp Products
    • Ads & Rewarded Ads
    • Player accessories selection
    • Pixel art



    In this project I used a lot of plugins by him. He offers a great support and a big variety of awesome addons for C2 / C3.

    Used addons are

    • MoveTo / MoveToPlatform
    • Board (for accessories selection)
    • RandomGen / Gashapon
    • FSM (very useful!)

    The game also uses two great plugins by Toby. Plugins used are

    • Level (player levels)
    • Layout Preloader (very very useful, check out the scirra store for this great addon!)

    Thank you!

  • Hello everyone!

    I’m looking for someone to add a few thing into my game, like an online leaderboard, shop system, and a new autogeneration System with a Capx provided for $35.

    This is for an infinite runner game.


    the budget seems very low for all the tasks you are asking.



  • AndreasR

    Thanks, I had fixed the issue of negative of remain distance. Now it will be 0 when moved to target.

    But I did not find the first bug -- It says remaining distance 0, but it's still saying "moving", please provide a very simple capx for this bug.

    Hi rexrainbow

    thanks for the quick fix. I figured out why the "is moving" boolean remains at true.

    I made a simple capx, please find it here. ... .capx?dl=1

    It's caused if you let move the player to a position he already is. So the distance is actually 0 from the start, but if you call the event "Move to [current.X, current.y]"

    the "is moving" boolean is true, but the player doesn't move actually, so it never gets set to false.

  • Hi rexrainbow

    I'm facing a strange issue with the "MoveTo" behavior.

    It says remaining distance 0, but it's still saying "moving"

    The player is exactly in the position he has to be (that's why the remaining distance is 0).

    However sometimes it's "-0.00053", then the "moving" boolean is set to wrong.

    Could it be an issue that the "moving" boolean will not be toggled when the distance is exactly 0?

    Thanks for your help!

  • Hey

    Some people watched video ads in my app. And I see that in my panel, but there is no cash for this.

    Is that mean, that they should click on this video? But this is revenue Ad, when they got something for watching this Ads.



    clicks are better paid. However you also earn from impressions. But only "7" impressions will not leave any cash.

    Wait till you have more impressions and check again. If there is still nothing, there could be an issue.



  • Do I need to install any cordova plugin to make the "CaptureScreen" plugin working?

  • cranberrygame

    Any chance to get a Construct Firebase Analytics plugin (corresponding to the deprectated Google Analytics plugin?

    The cordova plugin is already ready. ... -analytics

    thanks for your work and plugins!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • AndreasR

    I see you online, hence tagging u here. Have you tried this Facebook share Plugin? Does it work on Android and iOS?

    Not yet, sorry.



  • >

    > > Please anyone can help me here.? I just want ads shows inside the game, admob cocoon plugin does not work, it shows black screen, and coedeva plugins also not working with coocon, the ads not shown at all, the game works good with admob coedeva plugin but the ads did not show.

    > >


    > I'm not sure why it doesn't work on your end.

    > For me it's working well.

    > So it must be a misconfiguration or a missing plugin. However if you have installed the plugins, it should work.


    Can you show me a picture of the admob plugin that you used inside the cocoon, also inside the construct 2, I am using the original one in construct 2 which is cordeva

    I'm using the "CocoonAds" plugin in C2 and the "Native Admob ads for Android / iOS" at cocoon.

    And that's working fine for me in all my games.

    I'm currently on my mobile device, so I cannot post a screenshot of c2.



  • >


    > Hi,

    > I made a few guides for that. Just see here.




    Cheers AndreasR, I was actually looking at your Android APK sigining tutorial earlier today - I wasn't sure whether C3's APKS also needed aligning (and whether that's just something that is always required of a signed APK regardless of how it's generated).

    Also can I reuse my keystore file from a previous project or should I generate a new one?

    This must be done to each apk file, no matter with what engine / tool it has been created <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    Yes you can reuse your keystore file. I'm using just one keystore for all of my games, too.



  • Bump - any help at all would be great <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">


    I made a few guides for that. Just see here.

  • Please anyone can help me here.? I just want ads shows inside the game, admob cocoon plugin does not work, it shows black screen, and coedeva plugins also not working with coocon, the ads not shown at all, the game works good with admob coedeva plugin but the ads did not show.

    I'm not sure why it doesn't work on your end.

    For me it's working well.

    So it must be a misconfiguration or a missing plugin. However if you have installed the plugins, it should work.

  • AndreasR

    I think what happens is that your "Player is on screen" event is triggered first on start of the tick, before the Pin behavior does its job.

    You set position of Hair to the PlayerAnimation sprite that hasn't moved yet. After that Pin behavior adjusts PlayerAnimation position to Player sprite, and the Hair stays behind (lags).

    If instead of pinning PlayerAnimation to Player, you do "PlayerAnimation Set position to Player" (the same as you do with hair), then there is no lag.

    You should use either Pin behaviors, or "Set position" actions, not the combination of both.

    Hi dop2000

    I got it working now. I set the position of the player animation to the player every tick, but I pin the accessories to the player animation.

    Now it doesn't lag afterwards!

    Thanks for the hints!



  • Ok I figured something out.

    I have a rectangle sprite as player (for collision box). This object has the platform behavior.

    To this object I have pinned the player animation (another sprite object). This object is not lagging behind.

    So to the player animation I have pinned the accessories, like glasses, hair and so on to its corressponding image point.

    This objects are lagging behind, because the aren't pinned to the actually moving object.

    If I pin them to the player object having the platform behavior, those objects also stop lagging behind.

    Any ideas why this is happening?

    Edit: Made an example ... .capx?dl=1