AnD4D's Forum Posts

  • <img src="" border="0" />

  • Interesting indeed. I attempted an isometric game a while back, but found it pretty tricky.

    Best of luck to you.

  • Have you tried using the cocoon plugin and changing the physics from accelerated to web?

  • szymek

    Thanks... the tutorial I was following skipped this. It told me to move the config file, so I did that... then when I went to export, and was looking around for my ID, the SDK couldn't see the config because it was moved.

    Thanks a lot!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I think a fuller, complete tutorial should be created.

    I'm at a point where I can't export my Tizen game from C2 because I need an ID, and I also can't get an ID until I submit it to the store. WHAT?!?!?

    "The Content ID is a 12 digit number issued to you by the Tizen Store when you submit your app."

    Are these 2 different things?

    I read somewhere that other people got their IDs from the SDK (Which is very poorly put together, and required reinstalling 6 times before it accepted that the installation file wasn't invalid.

    Can anyone that has managed to navigate this maze, please inform me where I can find my ID, so I can export my game, so I can get my ID to submit my game, please?

  • Oops, forgot about this. I'll look at it tomorrow. If you want to alert me to a post, please use the symbol and my name :)

  • When you add it in to Construct, click on the SpriteFont, and look at the properties. Tweak these slightly (character width, etc).

    Look at the h in your image above. It is picking up a line of pixels beside it. I assume it's a capital H, or maybe even a border.

    Do you mind if we see a capx or a sprite sheet?

  • Can't see the picture... I can't get on with the sprite font plugin either, but probs for different reasons...

    I see it now... the sprite sheet you're using is wrong. The tool previously posted will help.

    I don't like it, because I have to go in manually and set up all the letter spacing each and every time. Very frustrating. Only tool I've needed to do that for.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Click Mute button to toggle mute on and off for tagged sfx

    2. Click the circle to play a sound

    Observed result:

    Chrome - The sound can still be heard, as though it plays before the system knows it's muted. It is sharply cut off, resulting in a minor tapping sound. I thought it was tagged sounds it had a problem with, but it's happening if it's untagged too.

    Internet Explorer - Works best out of the 3 main browsers, but if you tap very fast, you can still hear a tapping on occasion.

    Firefox - Worst. Doesn't seem to know when to mute and when not to. Results vary.

    Expected result:

    Mute should be silenced, and not play anything at all.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 SP1

    Construct 2 version:


  • Here is my game:

    I try to do it in the Gunslinger group

    You need to send a capx, not a project. Can't open it and help you atm.

  • Tobye - Sorry, I didn't realise you were referring to the trigger once event as well.


    In my project, I'm trying to keep to as few events as possible. I have all of the buttons in a family. Many of them are different sizes, but I want them to all have one thing in common. When the mouse is over them, they pop up from their current scale to 110%. For this reason, I can't use scaled 0.55, as that would affect all objects, including those that are already the correct sprite size.

    I suppose now I can use the trigger once with *1.1 and /1.1, and that gives me the effect I want, but I can't see the point of having scale at all for my project.

    The only time I've ever needed to use scale is regarding buttons so far, but I'll switch that over to size.

    Still struggling to think of a single time I would ever need to use scale over size. Using scale, you'd rarely ever want to go over 1, as you would start to see pixels.

  • Tobye Have you tried out what you just stated?

    If I have something that says if cursor is over object, set size to self.height*1.1 and self.width*1.1 I have an ever growing object.

    What about the other issue I mentioned? Do you know a way around that?

    Regarding your second point, I do see the benefits to that, but I feel it would be more beneficial to be able to use scale anytime I want, rather than only to revert an object to an original size. I can just as easily use the size function to get back to an original size.

    As it currently stands, I don't see a use for scale if I have a slightly oversized (or undersized) object.

  • Bit of a rant, but I'd be interested if anyone else agrees with me on this.

    I'm nearly done with my game, and I'm currently going over all of the graphics. Say for example I have a button sprite that's 200x200. I then scale it down to 100x100 in the level editor.

    I then add in a line of code to say if the cursor is over the sprite, increase its scale to 1.1. Now, to me, this would suggest it would increase the size to 110x110, but instead, it ignores the current size, and increases it to its original sprite size + 10%, so I end up with a sprite that's 100x100 when standard, but suddenly 220x220 pixels when the cursor is over.

    To sort this out, I decide that I'm happy with the size 100x100, and change the size of the actual sprite to 100x100. I go back to the editor, and find that my object has noted that I just halved the size, and so it does the same, now measuring 50x50.

    Having to go through my levels and fix this is really frustrating. I'll know in the future how to avoid this (by having an object dump layout) but I can't see how this is useful as a design choice.

    I think the scale function should work on the size of the current object, not the sprite size. In its current state, this makes the scale function useless for me if I intend on working with slightly larger sprites.

    Grr link

  • Hey, I've recently put together a new video showing the process of putting together a level. It's pretty long, but some people may find it useful or interesting.

    Wish I knew how to embed videos here though...

  • Hey guys!

    I'm about 2 weeks from completing a game I've been working on for the past few months, and it's coming along really well!

    I've decided to document the time left until its release, and thought people that are currently working on their games might find it interesting. I'll be posting about the problems I'm having, as well as sharing a few hints and tips about working with Construct 2.

    Link to blog

    On top of that, I'll be posting videos of other programs and prototypes I'm currently working on. You may learn a thing or two in these videos, but I'm not setting them up as tutorials.

    Anyway, I hope those who visit it like what they see, and feel free to share feedback and ideas either here or on the blog!