AnD4D's Forum Posts

  • Ashley - When I do not use dt with force in my game, the physical objects move slowly on mobile devices, even with framerate independence on. When I use DT, the physics moves as expected. This was a change I made only yesterday, and it improved my game somewhat.

    Not sure what else I can do then. As I said, force doesn't appear to be working for me the way I want it to without DT.

    It's only when I use the new frame rate half function that things break now.

    What are my alternatives?

  • The problem seems to stem from the frame rate independence. Toggling in and out of it causes more issues.

  • Ashley - Thanks for doing this. I just tried it out with my game, and as you said it has some unusual behaviours. I have a event that reads:

    Every tick - Apply Force Self.Physics.Mass*12*dt at angle 90

    This creates a gravity in physics that I can turn around or completely turn off.

    In any case, I'm finding that it appears to be twice as strong now. I believe it's the DT that's causing the change, which is unusual. Please see this capx for an example:

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  • Waltz Ashley

    I recently sent them my entire finished project to see if they could improve it, and got a message back today saying:

    "We've solved this problem in our Box2D binding, you'll be able to use it in the next release of CocoonJS, which will be announced in about 1~2 weeks."

    So that seems very positive indeed :)

    Thing is, Ashley told me to contact them a while back, but I kept holding off, assuming that the acceleration issue had been reported many times before. Sorry about that!

    Hopefully we'll see some improvements in the next build.

  • As far as I can tell, the one displayed as my avatar is different to the one that appears on my profile. Very odd.

  • The technology behind how C2 works is still relatively new, and it's only going to get why hamstring yourself when there's so many interesting developments going on in the HTML5/javascript/jquery not to mention C2 world?

    digitalsoapbox For me, the thing is that we're in a digital distribution age. I'd like it if we could release a 30fsp game now, using the tools we have available to us, and then when things are faster, we can switch off that limiter, and just be happy with 60, uploading our improved version over the old one.

    I do not feel my game is overly ambitious. I do not have parallax backgrounds, I have around a maximum of 4 layers, a small amount of particles, and generally no more than 170 objects per each level. With approximately 20 on screen at any one time.

    My game isn't overly ambitious, but for some reason Cocoon just doesn't like physics. Of which I generally have 1 non-immoveable object. I've waited for Cocoon to sort their plugin out for months, and halving the fps just seems to be a useful assist until Ludei pull it together.

    I feel if it helps people get their products on the digital shelves, it's not too hard to change, and there is a demand for it, it should be done.

    But this is Ashley and Tom's 'baby'. If they feel strongly enough that it shouldn't be added, they shouldn't feel the need to add it.

  • Roccinio I really do apologise if anything I said came across as insulting. That really was not my intention. My main point was to say you're still pretty new, right? I've been here for 2 years, and I originally didn't even have an exe exporter.

    I'd hate to call my time wasted. I've been checking my game quite frequently on mobile devices, and 3-4 months ago, it was running perfectly fine. I'm not sure if I've changed something along the line that has slowed my game down, or if C2 or CocoonJS is what has changed, but after having several months thinking your game will work, and then being told the exporter will improve things, only to have it break... I felt that if I 'cut my losses' I would be even worse off.

    I find myself waiting for the next version of C2 to come up hoping that I'll be able to get faster speeds. Those 2fps really would make the world of difference to me.

    At least now I have a finished project, so when the time comes that I can release on those devices, I'll be a happy chappy. I've also been focussing on upgrading artwork and fixing bugs for the last 3-4 months, so I'm pretty sure I've got a bug free game (we hope) <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    In any case, that's going off topic. I would really like to apologise again if I had insulted you. I've looked back through my post, and the only thing I can see was the jab at the end regarding posting without spaces. That's just a personal pet-peeve, and I only hinted it toward you rather than targeted. In any case, sorry about that.

    I've seen your posts before, and you're always very polite, so I'd hate to think I'd been rude to one so nice.

  • Roccinio

    I see you've had an account for a little over a month. Long-time lurker before that? In any case, how much of a game have you made? Have you reached a position where your game is simply unattractive because occasionally the smoothness changes?

    I've spent the last 7 months working on a game, and I finally finished it 2 weeks ago. I've paid out to get art put together for it, and put in hundreds of hours. I could release my game on PC, and get fine results.

    The thing is, I have built the game primarily for mobile devices. It'll work great on a PC, but for now, that's not my specific target. I've been accepted by Tizen, but can't do anything about iOS or Android just yet. We don't yet have a decent exporter.

    You're talking about XB1 and PS4? Construct 2 has been accepted for Wii U, and yet we don't have an exporter for that yet, so unless you are fine with waiting another year or 2, then go for it. I'm currently looking at the present, and at present, I have a game that looks great at 60fsp, and good in 30fps.

    The problem is, on mobile devices (like my Galaxy Note 10.1 or Samsung Galaxy S3, or iPad3 - which I consider pretty powerful) - I'm getting speeds that fluctuate from 60fps to 15fps. This game has been built under the impression that Cocoon would eventually become worthwhile, and I've been testing my game frequently on my devices to ensure that it works. The only problem I'm having, is the physics, and as I'm certainly sure you're aware, accelerated physics in Cocoon doesn't work.

    This means my game can not be released.

    Clearly there's a difference between 60fps, and 30fps, right? Have you ever played a game that's smooth when you stand still, but ever so slightly jerky when you move? That's a bit annoying, isn't it? That's because you're comparing the two rates of speeds. If the game was ONLY slightly jerky, you'd consider it the norm, and wouldn't automatically make the comparison.

    We're not asking to make this the default, we're asking to make this optional for if and when we need it. As ChrisAlgoo said, "a consistent 30 is better than something inconsistent".

    *Also, note the spaces I put between my paragraphs. It makes it easier on the eyes. Similar to a steady frame rate...

  • Trying to follow the instructions for this is crazy. It's like i'm working backwards. First I edit my html, then I install GITHub, then I install Game Closure...

    I hope they do make a plugin, as their tutorials are for people who appear to have some kind of knowledge of programming or web editing.

    5) replacing everything in resources/media/ with the audio assets from your game

    update the AudioManager in Application.js accordingly

    First part - Check

    Second part... care to share how?

    To download the Game Closure DevKit, issue the following commands at the terminal:

    What on earth is the terminal? Where do I find the terminal?!?!?!

    Sorry, just venting... and giving up. Back to slow Cocoon I go with slumped shoulders and a heavy heart.

    Wouldn't be such a problem had my game not been finished for almost 2 weeks now!

  • How does this differ to the MMF2 sprite font? I never had any issues with that... but I guess it was harder to change fonts? I can't really remember.

    I know I tend not to use the C2 sprite font for words (numbers are fine). I do wish it was a little more automated. As though it calculated the character width itself and based the spacing that way, instead of me having to tweak things frequently, making sure that the gaps surrounding M's and W's are different to I's and l's.

  • Maybe it's just that my game isn't set up for DT correctly. I've gone through, and there are a few things which I've skipped over because I felt they weren't needed... it's just the timer and the frame rate independent physics that don't seem to match.

  • jayderyu

    Seems like quite a frustrating work around using canvas :( It's possible that it's not a simple change to make for Ashley. I'm sure if it was, judging by how many people are requesting it, and how regularly it's come up, it would have been added by now.

    My game could really do with it. A physics object is spawned, and the game just slows down just enough that things go from silky smooth to slightly jerky.

  • In the cocoon Plugin, change the physics from accelerated to standard.

  • I still can't seem to get my head around dt. I have a physics object that is set to frame rate independent and a timer that adds up in real time milliseconds.

    Play it on my pc = fine

    Play it on my mobile device, and the time counts as normal in real time, but my physics object moves slowly.

    I also notice slowdown when additional sprites overwhelm. The drop from 60 to 30 can be disorienting. If I felt my game worked fine at 30fps, I'd like to limit it.

    A game recently came out on pc. Naruto full burst. It's fixed at 30 fps, and some people aren't happy, but I think it runs great. Sure it may run better at 60, but I don't need any faster.

    I feel my mobile game would benefit greatly from a locked 30fps, but Ashley is the genius here, not me.

  • I want this. Fixed at 30fps, rather than a subtle change in frame rate every now and then.