Agree that C2 works great in all browsers, I'll try a few more test samples to see if I can help pinpoint where the problem lies. At least there will be some error reports or samples for either side to work on.
Btw, I got 3 warnings in CocoonJS console log:
Not implemented canvas addEventListner: webglcontextrestored
Not implemented canvas addEventListner: webglcontextlost
Not found getElementById: c2canvasdiv
Seems like some things weren't implemented. I've already feedback to Ludei. Hopefully this helps.
Isn't Box2D a physics engine? I don't think it's the same problem. What we're facing is most probably a rendering issue. Just Static background images alone can bring down FPS significantly.
Yup, we're doing that too. Since this WebGL problem only affects iOS devices, its likely that there's some bugs with CocoonJS.