Waltz's Forum Posts

  • I've made a temporary website using C2 and I would like to change my site to a Wordpress site.

    However, the site keeps loading from the user's cache.

    How do I disable the cache to load the new website properly?

    I need to automatically route the user to the new website and not ask users to clear their cache manually.

    I've tried deleting all the old files, but I still load from my cache.


  • Hi All,

    We've been having several rejections from Apple's Review team for 2 months now, and we can't see to replicate their error. The problem also doesn't go away after multiple optimisation attempts. Somehow our IAP buttons doesn't seem to spawn correctly on their reviewer's device. We've tried on all out devices and we can't seem to replicate their error. We even borrow the an iPad Air exactly the same specs as the reviewer to test, still can't get that error. All our devices are working fine even when we try to overload it by opens tons of apps.

    Any ideas how we should go about this problem?

    Our game was compiled using CocoonJS, but it shouldn't be CocoonJS or Construct 2's fault because the exact same codes were used for the iPhone version and that was approved. We don't publish universal because iPad retina display will give memory problems for iPhone 4. So we just change assets to and reuse the same codes for different devices.

    We think it might be the reviewer's iPad that is the problem. Is it ok to request Apple to test on a another device?

    Anyone encountered such problems?

    Thanks for your help!

    Link to our game:

    iPhone: https://itunes.apple.com/sg/app/smashin ... 72646?mt=8

    Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... ationz.sgt

  • Based on experience, my iPad 3 can manage around 300mb of memory.

    For iPhone, it depends which model you're working with. I guess to be safe, try to get it below 200mb of memory. If you're using retina sizes, you probably have to resize them smaller (480,320).

  • Ashley

    Is it possible to create an export option that automatically reduces images sizes and positions, etc to cater for lower resolution export?

    E.g. 960x640 > 480x320 or 2048x1536 > 1024x768

    Most of the time we start creating games with retina display sizes but end up with memory issues. This feature could safe us a lot of time manually reducing sizes and adjusting positions.


  • Free?

    You need to host it somewhere else and give them the link for Kongregate.

    They will iFrame it into their site.

    You should be able to find some free servers out there that you can use.

  • The FPS for Phonegap doesn't make the cut. Use CocoonJS, it's cloud compilation makes it easy to deploy to multiple platforms.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • KFC

    I've posted on this before.


    I think it's probably due to the packing of sprites into spritesheet.

    You can try these settings:

    pixel rounding - Yes

    point sampling - Yes

    letterbox integer scale

    See if it helps with your case first.

    If it doesn't, try using different sprites for your images so they don't get packed into a sprite sheet. That works for me.

  • Trying running it in CocoonJS.

    Remember to disable WebGL to get better results for iPhone.

  • Yup, as a HTML5 compiler, Ludei have to find a way to solve this in order to take things further with the Construct 2 community.

    We're trying out game closure currently. It's really a pain in the **** 3 days straight and we still can't get our game running. I think it might be too technical for the C2 community to handle.

  • Ashley

    Agree that C2 works great in all browsers, I'll try a few more test samples to see if I can help pinpoint where the problem lies. At least there will be some error reports or samples for either side to work on.

    Btw, I got 3 warnings in CocoonJS console log:

    Not implemented canvas addEventListner: webglcontextrestored

    Not implemented canvas addEventListner: webglcontextlost

    Not found getElementById: c2canvasdiv

    Seems like some things weren't implemented. I've already feedback to Ludei. Hopefully this helps.


    Isn't Box2D a physics engine? I don't think it's the same problem. What we're facing is most probably a rendering issue. Just Static background images alone can bring down FPS significantly.


    Yup, we're doing that too. Since this WebGL problem only affects iOS devices, its likely that there's some bugs with CocoonJS.

  • Apparently when WebGL is turned on when exporting to CocoonJS I lose about 20+ FPS as compared to exporting with WebGL turned off. Tested on iPhone 4.

    I've did a simple test, no codes or logic just static background images alone and it still happens. With WebGL on, there seem to be some efficiency issues when rendering images.

    I've check with Ludei and they said there's some issues with C2 exportation. Issues like multiple changes over the same texture, or multiple uploads to the graphic chip that may slow down the framerate.

    Is there anyway we can optimise this?


  • Yup, I guess we can try using alternative methods to avoid this problem, but the fact that is happens only when they are packed into spritesheet its kind of weird.

    Previously when they were individual images none of this happened. Maybe when extracting images from spritesheet there's some slight measurement error?

  • I think your screen size is too big. It usually happens when scaling down. I'm viewing it on a 13" laptop screen 1366x768 resolution.

    The seams usually disappear when you up your screen resolution or screen size, but we cant guarantee everybody have such big screens or resolution.

    Here's a screenshot.


    The reason why we cut BG images up is because we have some border backgrounds with alot of empty spaces in the middle. So cutting them up will save a lot of wasted memory. Smaller tiles usually can save more memory for odd shaped borders.

    Also if the image is 2048x1536, it will waste 2048x512 of memory. So, its become a common practice for us now to cut them into 512x512.

  • Hi Ashley,

    Here's the link to the capx.


    Here's the link to the exported version.


    Maybe the problem lies with the scaling?


  • When I tile my sprites together, there'll be seams around the sprite edges. It doesn't happen in preview mode, only happens after exporting.

    I've tried pixel rounding, point sampling and letterbox integer scale. Nothing seems to properly. They just reduce the seams, but there are still random visible lines in the background.

    My sprites are all 512x512 so in older C2 versions they don't get packed into sprite sheets and everything's pixel perfect. This problem came up after the 2048x2048 and 1024x1024 sprite sheet implementation.

    Is there anyway I can prevent my animation frames from packing into sprite sheets? Or any other ways to solve this?

    Thanks in advanced.