AllanR's Forum Posts

  • It can't really guess how you want to handle situations like that, you could only want one action to run. So using For Each tells it specifically what should happen.

    another way you could do it is to change the action on even 2 to say Add Sprite.pickedcount to killCount

  • you have to add PlatformInfo to your project with Insert New Object

  • Nice job! :) just like I remember back in the late 70's

    minor bug - if you die while the mothership is on screen, the sound keeps playing until the next mothership appears.

  • check that all the files from the export are getting uploaded to the server. check the console (f12) to see if there are any errors - probably 404 (file not found)

  • did you try setting the parallax values for the menu layer to zeros. then that layer will not scroll with the rest of the layout. that will keep other UI elements in the correct place - like score, health, etc.

  • check that you have the same layers on the 3rd layout - if the layer doesn't exist then the menu wont show.

  • error 404 is a file not found issue, which means not all the exported files got copied to the server. try uploading again.

  • Another possible approach would be to place sprite buttons behind the words you want clickable. You might have to use a sprite font to make sure the text renders the same in all browsers.

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  • this is how I would do it...

    I made it so that you can only select each color once, but it doesn't have to be that way.

  • on disk they are compressed. In memory they are uncompressed, ready to show on screen.

    do you need all 200 at the same time?

  • I would probably do it like jsutton suggested...

    the reason your file was just showing 1 was because the action where you updated the text object saw a bunch of numbers and was doing a logical & with them and coming up with true (1).

    the example you started with can only show up to 31 for the days. I modified it by taking the modulo off the month (the % 30.417)

  • looks awesome! :)

  • are you using ssl on your server? it might need that to connect from the exported version.

  • I don't think there is an easy way.

    do you need to sort time stretching over more than one day? then I would store the raw unix timestamp. then format it when you display the stored times.

    another option would be to store the time in 24 hour in the y=0 element of the array and the 12 hour format in the y=1 element. then when you sort the array on the x axis it will sort the way you want and display from the second element.

  • I made a quick sample. I think you are making it harder than it should be.

    my sample uses Wait which normally I try to avoid because people use incorrectly, but it works well here.

    after a dropper spawns a drop I have it wait 2 seconds before the dropper returns to frame 0 to make it less likely to have the same dropper picked for the next drop.