AllanR's Forum Posts

  • the sample I posted does create the mesh at runtime.

    In event 3, the second action - Cloth -> set mesh

    it then goes on to create a dot over each mesh point. I used ROJOhound's code to create the dots. Take a look at the "Mesh distortion" sample project on C3's start page for an alternative way to create the points using lerp.

    If you mean create the mesh points in some random location, then no. You have to create a grid of dots over the whole image, in as many rows and columns you want. Once the mesh points are created you can move any point, but that will then distort the image.

  • in event 2 you need to "parse" the AJAX.LastData to get the JSON object ready to use...

    the allplayers data is an array inside the JSON object so you need to specify an index to the entry you want (or set the path)

    I used your count variable (I made it global for debugging, but that isn't necessary)

    you will need a reliable way to associate each entry with your text objects, I just pick one by its instance ID, but that will only work it they were created in the order you want.

  • I would paste the portion you want to show on a drawing canvas and use that in the dialog system.

    You can also load the canvas into a blank frame of a sprite and then use that sprite.

  • I was going to say you need to look into Mode7,

    but I see you have commented on threads about that already. There is no easier option that I know of.

  • I made a sample two years ago that uses an industry standard format called StepMania Song File (uses the extension .sm)

    there are plenty of songs you can download to look at, and probably programs that will generate the beat files based on your input.

    I don't remember much about the format now, but you can take a look at what I did:

  • ok, more testing and I found a temporary work around - just don't give any tilemovement orders until after a few ticks of the game running. Something is still happening under the hood for the first couple of ticks when the layout starts. (I didn't test restarting a layout or going to another layout)

    adding another condition to event 14 makes it work fine:

    system compare two values -> TickCount > 2

  • I was doing more testing when you posted about the bug report... I added this comment on what I found:

    Further testing I did showed that on the first tick of the game (tick 0), each guard got the correct target waypoint to the next waypoint (since they start on a waypoint). Tick 1 they still have the correct GridTargetX and Y, on Tick 2 the GridTargetX is changed (even though no actions were executed). They all arrive at the "new" target coordinates and stop - just not on the next intended waypoint, so they do not get further instructions.

    For Guard Id 1, his GridTargetX was changed from 41 to 40. He then stops at that spot, 1 grid step away from the next waypoint.

  • there are a couple things I do (besides trying to limit global variables by making invisible objects with instance variables to group related things)

    - you can type the first letter, but only the first letter. keep pressing a letter to cycle through all the options in a list that start with that letter.

    - use the scroll wheel of your mouse to scroll the list to the area you want

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  • I checked old versions - the stealth game was released in R212, and works fine in that version and R213.

    In version R214, it stops working. That version "fixed" a bug with tile movement:

    "Tile movement: move back to previous tile if movement blocked by outside factors (e.g. Bound to Layout)"

    so obviously that change affected this game somehow.

  • I have a file I downloaded back then, just put it on my server...

    it requires an addon - HTML Element

  • if it is in the files folder, you need to use AJAX to request it at the start of your layout.

  • seeing as C3 runs is a browser environment, and it is generally frowned on to let a browser directly access hardware, there is no built in way to access a COM port that I know of.

    I would have suggested node.js

    there may be some javascript library out there that you can load into C3 scripting...

    I briefly looked into it last year when trying to connect to a camera, but didn't get very far.

  • oh, just uploaded another version... now you can toggle showing or hiding the Dots, and I made the dots bigger (the way ROJOhound had them), and if you touch a dot, it drags that one (so the edges work better).

    re-download the link above if you want to see what I did.

    EDIT: also made which ever cloth you drag move to the top of the layer

  • ok, I changed the way Drag and Drop works - uses touch, and you don't have to touch one of the points, it picks the nearest one on the cloth that you touch. (so you can't miss)

    I didn't change it to use a family because of the Array issue and the Limit function needs two instances picked at the same time, which makes that a little more complicated (you either need two families or pick the first instance and save its position, etc.)

    so, instead I made the cloth have different frames for different images (used flags as an example).

  • yes, a family would work fine - just put all the instance variables that are currently on the Cloth sprite on the family object.

    family objects can't be a container, so you will have to create an Array instance for each family member and manually Pick it with the family...

    (I normally would give the family object an Instance variable called ArrayUID and store the Array's UID to make picking easier.)