— The vertex morphing can only be used with the new created meshes because the meshes that are loaded inside a scene have their matrices locked by the 3D editor, I will add examples later
so that means, if i clone a material and morph that one the vertices should work with morphing with that one?
also i noticed, if i clone a box for example, i played with the last example myself also, the one with the wall, and i cloned a box from there, i took the one with name Box and cloned it 10 times on scene loading, everything worked perfect, but ...
when i tried to modify their scale size it didn't work for the clones, i can alter their position or colors by calling them all Crates collectively that means every Crate object wold do the changes, just the new ones, dont rescale they just react to position and color change... do i need to enable them or something? also i did enabled the mesh after creation so should work, but sadly it doesn't. am i missing something?
also if i try to pick the new clones by the name Box since their a clone of the initial crate with mesh name Box, they are not picked, are they getting a sequence number or something when created? or are they set on default to Box001?
take your time, the progress so far is amazing, i cant wait to get some Audio Analyser Demo done with it, its already taking shape hehe reacts awesome to music beat rates. and Performance is just incredible i dont brake under 60FPS no mater what i do. its perfect.