DozeMaster's Recent Forum Activity

  • > "Destroy on Startup" - is a good feature.


    - I agreed with you from the start, the only reason why I had so many evolution steps - the needed feature is absent.

    So, yeah, both hands up.

    I know Yura, i wasn't arguing with you was trying to make a statement for scirra team to take it in consideration more, i expressed myself weird i guess!

    TheRealDannyyy yeap, exactly what i was saying is something that wold make C2 feel more natural or as you said it make it more "comfortable"!

    Happy New Year Guys!

    • Post link icon

    The good news might be that since it takes so long, i doubt that it is only mac/linux port of c2, and I recon it is going to be something we are not expecting HNY

    hahahaha, i was just thinking at one thing... what if... C3 will be ported for Mac/Linux but by mistake Windows will be dropped?:))))) hahahah

    Read the latest blog post guys! Ashley talks about the C3 progress there.

    Zonacas not sure why you people are expecting C3 to be made? even though scirra team said specifically is something they do cause they want to... i never seen a indiegogo campaign or kickstarter for C3 so we can call it vaporware .... (plus vaporware is more for techwearables(ie. magic bracelets that will make you coffee and transform into a lover when you need it) and not software.)

    have you given scirra money for C3 development so far? no... you bought C2... stop demanding something that is out of your power... lets just wait and see

    the only issue is that the hype the C3 news bringed was to high, and the community just exploded with expectations, which is ok... but at this point is all turning in just extreme exaggerations...

  • you should come checkout the Construct 2 discord channel ??.

    p.s. I wish my electric potato had a pc speaker, it's great for old dos games.

    nah discord, been there done that, left it cause most people are focused on their own activity, plus it gets my attention to much, and i tend to be "Sir 'mIRC a lot" and cuts my productivity! i help in forum where i can and when i can, is better this way.

    thanks for invite though!


    the audio input post is really interesting, hope its going to be updated, i think i can make use of it in a app or 2! lol

  • As much as I would like to see this feature implemented into the C2 engine, I doubt that anything will be done about this judging by Ashley's response in the past.

    If you want a 3rd party plugin to destroy multiple objects at once, HERE is a plugin that pretty much does that.

    that is awesome thanks, however i did not made the topic to get a plugin or behavior, but to possibly raise the interest in the feature so maybe we could change Ashleys mind?

  • Discussion of this topic moved to the store item page

    here LAST BUMP!

  • Bottle Flip Game Source —Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    Bottle Flip Game: Beta Source

    as seen on

    Scirra arcade


    Current version 1.3 of 2.1

    This is a Beta Game Source

    What is a Beta Game Source?

    This is not a full game and Construct 2 with at least a personal license is required to edit the file. While it is playable, there are some more features to make it a full game.

    #By buying this Beta Game Source you will have access to all future updates.

    Also reviewing and sharing this Beta Game Source will bring the frequency of the updates down, meaning if there is interest/demand updates will be released much faster.#

    Dev Log Topic

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Bottle Flip Game Source

    ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dev Log So Far --------------------------------------------------------------

    You can play the game on the following link : Updated Beta V1.3

    For mobile (Android - ARM) gameplay BottleFlip Beta V1.2 Its a bit intensive at beginning of stage 1, il do some optimization on next update.

    Current unoptimized event sheet counts at 79.

    Template Description :

    Bottle Flip Beta: is a casual game template, where you flip a bottle from a furniture to another, to pass levels, gain coins and unlock features.


    Current Version 1.3 - as seen on arcade and store

    Update status so far:

    1.0 - Passed

    1.1 - New GUI - to be implemented - We are here - save state removed for now, angle&power meter added. SaveState Removed for the moment.

    1.2 - New Sounds and Music - almost ready, licensing details remain to be discussed, most likely il be using a free royalty sound pack.

    1.3 - Store to unlock new bottles/other items - implemented.

    1.4 -Achievements - - to be implemented.

    1.5 - Other Game Play Modes - partially implemented only 2 modes atm .

    1.6 - Implementing Vungle/admob for mobile revenue - to be implemented.

    1.7 - collision check fixing - to be implemented.

    1.8 - more graphics to spawn for each level passed - to be implemented.

    1.9 - Preparing plugins/icons/descriptions for cross-platform export - to be implemented.

    2.0 Adding Save state, and local storage functions - Partially Implemented since V1.1- removed in V1.2.

    2.1 - Some graphic effects to be added, and available in scirra store. - Scirra Store Available

    Changes in V1.2 - reduced the dead-zone distance to 50 px, fixed the backwards drag, it only works in front now, or if your 1 degree towards right side.

    Power & Angle meter added, few color changing effects for each level, more furniture pieces.

    Added a few graphic elements to the loading layout and menu layout.

    New in game GUI

    Edited : v1.2.1 available, optimized the memory usage, drop'd down from initial 58 mb to 13 mb now, approx download 230kb from initial 1.3mb. mobile version updated also, reduced the screen size, from 1920x1080 to 854x480 for faster processing, before was running on 20fps, now can be seen on android 40-45 fps after first 2 seconds, android was tested on Galaxy A3 android 4.1+, while on desktop platform, shouldn't drop under 60 fps, unless its a very old one.

    Edited : v1.4 almost completed, for those who want to know when the coins are going to come in, here it is.... it has arrived

    Edited: V1.3 made it available, i switched the v.1.4 goals to v.1.3 since i worked that before the achievements, now remains to add the achievements, and after that to add the localstorage and other hud elements(i.e reset button,pause etc)

    Short Edit on V.1.3 : New slightly improved physics, reset game button added, back to menu button added, (there is a known bug where you buy a new bottle then go back to menu and the items locks back to initial status, thats why the reset button comes in place, until i fully implement the store.), Achievements options are added, however they are not working, they are there just for placeholders.

    If you played the game when it had the save feature and you are using Chrome, Clear Hosted App Data and Media Cache from Browser History - keep in mind doing so, it might cause all the games data you played on other websites to be lost, facebook games etc.

    -----------------------------------------------------------------Dev Log End-----------------------------------------------------------------

    -----------------------------------------------------------------Store updates---------------------------------------------------------------

    Since its a end of year product, this item will be added in the 70% discount bundle as with other products i released so far.


  • ?? 0 lag sound file analyzing

    ?? input analyzing

    ?? sound card analyzing

    ??? can you explain what you want to do exactly? i know what you mean, when you say windows system card analyzing ... but you might confuse things... you mean you want to analyze the system speaker? the one that you hear bipping when error or bios is rebooting? cause you cant do that ... that is not a part of the sound card.

  • X3M i recently played a bit in C2 with the plugins physics 0.5 right? there are some features that are missing, for example, we got impuls at X Y Z of the ball, and intensity... but we dont have impuls towards a position on map, on a point X Y Z or maybe im missunderstanding the usage.

    can you make the examples public again for the beta 0.5? i need to take a look at the physics example you had. i think there was a physics example with the mario style thingy no?

    im more interested in a 8 ball pool type of gameplay or ball impulse usage, more then player or box movement, cause that sort of i have it partially figured out.

    also wanted to ask you, what is the default view of the babylon3d?

    when i say default view... C2 canvas is X left to right and Y top to bottom right?

    babylon is X - acting as Z(depth) as i see or my camera is just messed up, y- up down as normal, and Z as X does that happen to you also? O.O?

    what i mean is ... is the default camera position pointed from a top perspective keeping the XY untouched and just Z being deepth? or is it 90 degrees to left or upsidedown?

  • Has anyone seen this sort of inconsistency before?

    yes things tend to brake in C2 if you build a high resource game, or more then 30% usage. i seen it happen multiple times, but most of times, happens due to the collisions or image points not being in the centered place, for pathfinding behavior.

    also you have to keep in mind C2 is highly dependent, on the FPS it runs at, so if your game is running at under 30-FPS on some computers stuff will definitely brake there sometimes, when the code in that part of the gameplay is very requested. even if normally should be a visual delay only.

    e2: you should search topics on how to optimize your game, and make it run faster, save resources, eliminate webgl dependency, anything that can raise cpu utilisation, or gpu etc.

    e3: also you should do a multiple machine gameplay test, and create a recommendation specs so user can know what type of machine they need in order to play it without finding/ experiencing bugs etc.

    e4: i see on the gamepage you already have a spec build rec

    OS: Windows XP 
    Processor: Intel Core 2 CPU 
    Memory: 2 GB RAM 
    Graphics: NVIDIA GT/s 4xx or Equivalent 
    Storage: 200 MB available space
    OS: Windows 7 
    Processor: 2.4 Ghz Dual Core 
    Memory: 2 GB RAM 
    Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 600 Series or Higher 
    Storage: 200 MB available space[/code:3vgcok8w]
    however there is not a big of difference between them, is the user who experienced the gameplay using a similar machine atleast as the recommended or minimum one? or is using some absolute machine?
  • (Evolution of my solutions)

    *Add behavior "Destroy outside layout" and place it outside layout - not good for all the cases.

    *Add all the objects you want to destroy in a family (I call that family "Destroyable"), and easily drag into that family all the sprites you want to destroy, and on start of the layout destroy only that family - cons: you have to create a family for each type of plugins: Sprites, Particles, Texts....

    *Instead creating objects in the main layout and destroying them - create objects in another layout and never use that layout

    i agree with you, the work around's for this feature are plenty, but why do that? instead of just ticking a box?

    doesn't it feel more natural?

    i dont deny the family placing object that u can destroy is smart, and most of the mentions you did i already knew or thinked by now at them, but the new people wont or if they will they will probably take the same course of learning as we did, however not all objects in C2 can be placed in 1 family, tiled-backgrounds and texts for example and buttons are different entities, while sprites and sprite-maps are another thing, also sprite-fonts.

    having this feature, as we already have with the "make global" is much easier, and since Construct Classic already proves it can be done, i dont see why it didn't stayed in C2?

    going back to the work around, the family one since plenty objects in C2 cant be placed in same family, you will still horde a bunch of families, also having the sprites all in a separate layout, will kill your app performance even if that layout is only used for object archive. the image memory/ download size is considerable increasing when you have sprites/objects in a layout no matter if its used or not.

    if the checkbox is to much maybe? even if i doubt that, can be a behavior made that can be added?

    but i think the destroy on start of layout, was planned to be implemented long time ago, it might be was just forgotten in favor of other better things, which where more important, at the time of transition.

    what do you guys think?

    lets put it to a small civil vote just for results to show up then if scirra team wants to implement it they will decide, im just curious how many of you will want to choose option A or B.

    option A :


    *Add behavior "Destroy outside layout" and place it outside layout - not good for all the cases.

    *Add all the objects you want to destroy in a family (I call that family "Destroyable"), and easily drag into that family all the sprites you want to destroy, and on start of the layout destroy only that family - cons: you have to create a family for each type of plugins: Sprites, Particles, Texts....

    *Instead creating objects in the main layout and destroying them - create objects in another layout and never use that layout

    • or make a hord on start of layout of all objects you want to destroy.
    • add fade behavior and activate the fade on start of layout etc
    • work arounds can be many
    • edited: as

      newt said and myself above mentioned, maybe create a custom plugin/behavior.

    option B:

    • 1 checkbox that you set on each object to destroy on start of layout.

    if we count the work arounds this 1 checkbox feature has, youl find is like 1 implementation to remove about 5-10 workarounds.

    1 action to eliminate 10 others.

    just say +1 A or +1 B.

    im dying to see the results.

    Edited: even if this issue was addressed early on C2 transition from CC, its a feature that should be taken in consideration, even if its not a fire-burning implementation. its one of those things that as i mentioned above multiple times, wold make things feel more natural. i know C2 development is not anymore that important, and the new C3 transition comes above all, i totally get it, but as Newt said bellow, if this was asked early that was probably in 2012-2013 ... its 4 years later now i think is scirra's responsibility to have the feeling of improving the software, and support this type of implementation officially, and not only to mantain isn't it? cause we all can say use a third party/custom behavior when comes to more work on table. but the 3rd parties/behaviors/plugins, wont be always updated with the latest version of C2, as more then maybe 80% of C2 plugins that are made by people around community is outdated, and brake when a new C2 releases.

    and i know C2 for now is still going to be developed, until the C3 or R300 which will become C2 last update presumably, and the C3 release will happen, but till then we still have another year or 2 to go, and C2 will still remain the one product that will count as sales.

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  • you may want to try tone.js plugin by rexrainbow

    it has fft size equilisation and many things more, and you can take the file bindata and use lerp(bin1,bin2,reactiontime) and get a overall volume which im using atm here .

    P.S works with any audio file, even with some video files

    and has also microphone capturing examples around in the libary there rexrainbow knows better though. i was only interested in the ability to be able to play any format and use the FFT/waveform analyser

  • hi, i was fiddling with Construct Classic, and i found this feature that most of the objects have there, which i find very interesting and i think very useful, the action or object attribute im talking about is "Destroy on Startup" is a checkbox that will destroy any ticked object on beginning on startup of a layout.

    which personally i find it very useful, since instead of just adding the event request for each object on "start of layout" -"destroy", that wold make in larger projects, the requirement to just create a entire event sheet just to add the destroyable/removable objects on startup, now i dont know if this request was asked before or not, i tried to quickly search for it but couldn't find anything related to it in C2.

    personally i wold love to have that function under make object global. wold make life much easier in C2 when comes to cleaning up sprites/objects we dont want to have in the editor on start of layout, and without adding the request in event system.

    what you guys think? good not good? i give it a +1 as a future C2 implementation. Ashley

    everyone also id love to have the [at] everyone to call most of users or team scirra in a post then just to write a user name like calling group scirra etc or the friend groups we have in profile to be able to call them in forum posts that we make.

    for example we all know that if we go to inbox we can add friends , we can add the friends into a group and so on, now imagine having the ability to call that group of friends. just with [@] groupname +1 Tom what do you think?

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