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  • Hi,

    How do I do complex math formulas like the one here:

    check the one with PRODUCT. I need to use for loop or there is another way.


    From Level 1 to Level 140:

    ( 10* ( (Level- 1) + 1.55 ^ (Level-1) ) * (isBoss * 10) ) this should work.

    From Level 141 to Level 500:

    (10 * ( 139 + (1.55^139) ) * (1.145 ^ ( Level-140 ) ) * ( isBoss* 10) ) this should work also.

    From Level 501 onwards:

    i dont know what the II sign means... its product of the above and beneath number however dont know how is represented in C2. probably is ceil() system expression but im not sure.

    edited : since the sign with double II is pi

    (10*(139+(1.55^139))* (1.145^360)* (pi/(i=501^Level))*(1.14+0.005)*(pi/(i/500))* (isBoss * 10)) - im not sure this will work... but you can test it out.

    edited again: (pi/(i/500)) i think should be calculated with atan(i/500)

    In which II is the product symbol or pi in C2 and [] are ceiling brackets.

    Edited 5 or so:

    continuing with my stupidity probably

    Hero Cost Formula (cost of upgrading from "Level")

    The cost to level up Cid-Summer Cid, the Helpful Adventurer from level 1 to 15 is:

    floor((5 + Level) * 1.07^Level - 1)

    The cost to level up Cid-Summer Cid, the Helpful Adventurer from level 16 is:

    floor(20 * 1.07^Level - 1)

    The cost to level up other hero by one is:

    floor(BaseCost * 1.07^Level - 1)

  • int(random(animationframecount+1)) as blackhonet said, or use round or floor (random(0,animationframecount)) will cut the .3231321 digits after the full number

  • yes i get the same results, up and down margins are ok, but left and right are shrinking, that is cause of the layout not being the right size.

    here is my capx 436x240 capx

    here is my android versions on 436x240 for me no more margins apears doesnt matter what i do if i go out of app or restart it or do anything no margins only the 1 px from phone but nothing if i rescale/close/restart app.

    also the fullscreen action doesn't work on mobiles... not sure if that is what your saying... its just the stretchtofill thing... even in preview c2 doesnt let you request fullscreen via browser plugin. but that is something i missunderstood for sure... hope the capx above and androids are working well for you .. and fixes the margin issues. if they dont... then i have no idea.

    however i didn't updated my intelxdk, im still using 3641 version. and C2 r239

  • It is not normal that the first time you run you have full screen but if you do "close all" then you lose the full screen.

    no the first time i run the app i get margins i never get full screen ... the margins are there on my android phone from beginning doesnt matter what i do afterwards, is the resolution not being in the phones aspect ratio specifications, the only fix is to just enlarge the width of the project by 30 -40 px however you should use the default size 640x480 (which wold fill in for square tablets also not only wide screens.) or the half of it wold be 320x240 i should test that also on 320x240 this intrigues me also. cause a project at that small scale is much faster on android devices then a project above 640x480 like dramatically faster, and it only makes sense, less memory used to drawcalls.

    Edit2: so i redone the test on 430x240 that fixes the margins, however now remains the 320x240(but this is 4:3 aspect ratio) maybe the smaller layout you need.

  • im building now a apk with a orange bg for android as intelxdk tutorial compiling should do, then il try one with the cordova package inside

    im using the same size as you 400x240 and leterboxscale with landscape locked.

    give me a moment.

    Edited1: same results as you said on 400x240 its missing like 20 pixels each side... but then i guess the aspect ratio is not 16:9 or 16:10 ... that is the issue you have... that 400x240 it should be 480x260 if im not mistaken

    let me add another 20 pixels and make it 420 x240

    Edited2: yep so its the aspect ratio you need to follow the 16:9 or 16:10 what ever the size of 440 x240 is .. i did the test on the size of 420x240 and the margins are shorter then before, they now missing like 10 pixels ... so im guessing just increase the width of your project to 430x240 or 440x240 if that is not a big replacement for you project system, but its only 30 - 40 px difference shouldn't make a big of a difference. unless you have everything scaled down to 1 pixel movement.

    430x240 should fix the margins... however to be more safe you can try 440x240

    since i never seen a 4:3 aspect ratio mobile phone... maybe ipads or tablets are squarish.. but not mobiles...

  • Have you tried to change the fullscreen mode to leterboxscale instead of leterboxinteger?

    i never had this problem with intelxdk... seen people having it... but in R239 and R240 never faced it.

    also have you tried without converting in intelxdk without using the cordova special stuff?

    i used that one time... fked up my app i moved away from it. and since then i never had issues. however i never used ingame ads.

  • > check this tutorial should cover all aspects from making a facebook game to publishing


    Thank you for your reply but It's outdated and its tutorial how to make game facebook, not work on mobile.

    for mobile in intelxdk for your app to get access to the internet you add the following in the special permission boxes -> *

    but the tutorial tells you how to connect a facebook game code and secret code to the facebook plugin in the C2 project everything else doesnt matter if its mobile or not... C2 is crossplatform, means you build for facebook/pc what ever/ you publish everywhere without changing nothing.

    that said your doing something wrong if the sign above doesn't help you. follow the tutorial again and add the special permission from above.

    P.S also you need for facebook settings to be ready, and you to submit the game to review for special permission, if you dont send it for review the app wont work cause facebook will block your access. which probably happens now.

  • set loader style in settings of project to nothing , and above pixel rounding set use loader layout to yes and change the default layout to show to the loader layout you have the animation on.

    this however will skip the preloading of music and everything else that C2 preloads.

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  • play sound at object. and you have angles to play the audio towards, and have a angle to increase or decrease the audio ... you can make the play audio at angle of position of player and curent sound position and update it... however i think will restart the audio...

    this is best to use for car engine sounds short FX's and not music... but im not entirely sure if the restart of audio to update the angle is necesary or automatically updates once the angle is set and player position is changing interactively.

  • you have to disable the physics behavior then pin to rope... other way if both behaviors are active the position from physics and pin wont work.. since they will conflict with each other.

  • why do you create objects? why not use the hats body and pants objects and have multiple frames, and every 3 seconds or when u need it just change the frame....

    and then add a condition of each curent item and check for it if its already existing then reselect another 1... creating objects is a bit cpu intensive... changing frames and using the same object is faster and easier.

    youl need a local variable though... to save the curent frame of each item.

    now depends on how many hats and pants and items you have on screen... i see you using for each familly ... that means you have quite some objets at 1 time in screen...

    edited: here is the capx i was saying proving my knowledge for multiple items, i created instead 1 familly holding the entire sprites, and keeping the 2 variables the curent frame and picked frame.

    there are hats/belts/and feet

    every 3 seconds for each famillymember we change the pickedframe variable to random 0 , selfanimationframecount

    then we check the curentframe variable and picked frame if their not equal then we set curentframe to the pickedframe value and set animation to curentframe

    else we pick again a new frame.

    however my aproach is only applying to items that are not randomly generated, for that better to use the plugin above i guess... or create the obejcts hats/etc separated from their famillies... and then apply the code in my capx.

  • you need 3 localvariables or globalvariables, 3 numbers lets name them targetx and targety for position of mouse, and 1 boolean, that will toggle the movement, lets call it move

    and then we create the bellow pseudo code.

    on left click - set targetx to mouse.x
                  - set targety to mouse.y
                  - set move to 1
    if move =1   player set angle towards position targetx targety
                      - move forward 5 pixels
    /////////////////////////////////        now we add the condition to stop the movement        /////////////////////////////
    compare two variables expression from system and we add the distance formula distance(x1,y1,x2,y2)
    distance(player.x,player.y,targetx,target.y) =< 20  -  set move to 0
    and that is it.
    and here is the capx [url=]move to point[/url]
    you may want to adjust things inside for optimisation like trigger once on distance =< 20 and change the global variables to localvariables on the player so you save events
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