Diginampl's Recent Forum Activity

  • ive faced a problem, when i play a game made in construct 2, built in cocoon, my music player stopps all the moment. so i can turn on a music, launch a game, as fasr as game is launched my music turns off. i can switch it on, but when i back to my game it stopps again. there are no sounds or music in my game at all, by the way

    can i somehow play the game with my music from a phone?

  • When i launched my game on the phone my phone`s music stopps. Probably any1 knows how to fix it?

  • solved

  • I see black screen after building, i means that i have to attach some plagin but i cant see any appropriate in cocoon. if someone knows how to implement it, help pls

  • Somewhy when i play in my game on my mobilephone my music stops, music not from the game, i havent add any, but music from my mobile player

  • Ive installed my game built in Cocoon and i can se only first word of its name (while installing i see full two-words name). how and where i can adjust it?

  • Ive added appodeal plugic to my construct 2 game, after added the plugin on cocoon.io with this link:


    as it`s mentioned on its website, and i ve got an error after building. help me if you can


    Uh oh!

    "/workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/libs/android/appodeal-1.15.9.jar" not found!


    existing file: MPNativeAd.h

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    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdConstants.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdData.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdDelegate.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdError.h

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    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRendererConfiguration.h

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    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRequestTargeting.h

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    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdSourceDelegate.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdSourceQueue.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdUtils.h

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    skipping existing file: MPNativeCustomEvent.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeCustomEventDelegate.h

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    skipping existing file: MPNetworkManager.h

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    skipping existing file: MPProgressOverlayView.h

    skipping existing file: MPQRunLoopOperation.h

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    skipping existing file: MPTableViewCellImpressionTracker.h

    skipping existing file: MPTimer.h

    skipping existing file: MPURLActionInfo.h

    skipping existing file: MPURLResolver.h

    skipping existing file: MPUserInteractionGestureRecognizer.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTAd.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTCompanionAd.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTCreative.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTDurationOffset.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTIndustryIcon.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTInline.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTLinearAd.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTMacroProcessor.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTManager.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTMediaFile.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTModel.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTResource.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTResponse.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTStringUtilities.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTTracking.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTTrackingEvent.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTWrapper.h

    skipping existing file: MPVideoConfig.h

    skipping existing file: MPXMLParser.h

    skipping existing file: MRBridge.h

    skipping existing file: MRBundleManager.h

    skipping existing file: MRCommand.h

    skipping existing file: MRConstants.h

    skipping existing file: MRController.h

    skipping existing file: MRError.h

    skipping existing file: MRExpandModalViewController.h

    skipping existing file: MRImageDownloader.h

    skipping existing file: MRNativeCommandHandler.h

    skipping existing file: MRProperty.h

    skipping existing file: MRVideoPlayerManager.h

    skipping existing file: MoPub-Bridging-Header.h

    skipping existing file: MoPub.h

    skipping existing file: NSHTTPURLResponse+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: NSJSONSerialization+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: NSURL+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: UIButton+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: UIColor+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: UIView+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: UIWebView+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: mopub-ios-sdk

    skipping existing file: Info.plist

    skipping existing file: audio_mute.png

    skipping existing file: audio_mutetvg@2x.png

    skipping existing file: audio_on.png

    skipping existing file: audio_ontvg@2x.png

    skipping existing file: InfoPlist.strings

    skipping existing file: UnityAds.h

    skipping existing file: Info.plist

    skipping existing file: InfoPlist.strings

    skipping existing file: UnityAds

    skipping existing file: libAPDUnityAdapter.a

    skipping existing file: __vungle.db

    skipping existing file: vg_close.png

    skipping existing file: vg_cta.png

    skipping existing file: vg_mute_off.png

    skipping existing file: vg_mute_on.png

    skipping existing file: vg_privacy.png

    skipping existing file: VungleSDK.h

    skipping existing file: Info.plist

    skipping existing file: __vungle.db

    skipping existing file: vg_close.png

    skipping existing file: vg_cta.png

    skipping existing file: vg_mute_off.png

    skipping existing file: vg_mute_on.png

    skipping existing file: vg_privacy.png

    skipping existing file: VungleSDK

    skipping existing file: libAPDVungleAdapter.a

    skipping existing file: .DS_Store

    skipping existing file: YMAAdRequest.h

    skipping existing file: YMAAdSize.h

    skipping existing file: YMAAdView.h

    skipping existing file: YMABlock.h

    skipping existing file: YMABlocksInfo.h

    skipping existing file: YMACreative.h

    skipping existing file: YMAErrors.h

    skipping existing file: YMAIcon.h

    skipping existing file: YMAInterstitialController.h

    skipping existing file: YMALog.h

    skipping existing file: YMAMediaFile.h

    skipping existing file: YMAMobileAds.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdAssets.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdDelegate.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdErrors.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdImage.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdLoader.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdLoaderConfiguration.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdTypes.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAppInstallAd.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAppInstallAdView.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAssetsAppearance.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeBannerView.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeContentAd.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeContentAdView.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeGenericAd.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeImageLoadingObserver.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeTemplateAppearance.h

    skipping existing file: YMARating.h

    skipping existing file: YMAVASTAd.h

    skipping existing file: YMAVASTErrors.h

    skipping existing file: YMAVASTTracker.h

    skipping existing file: YMAVersion.h

    skipping existing file: YMAVideoAdsRequest.h

    skipping existing file: YMAYandexVASTAds.h

    skipping existing file: YandexMobileAds.h

    skipping existing file: YandexMobileNativeAds.h

    skipping existing file: YandexMobileVASTAds.h

    skipping existing file: module.modulemap

    skipping existing file: YandexMobileAds

    skipping existing file: YMMVersion.h

    skipping existing file: YMMYandexMetrica.h

    skipping existing file: YMMYandexMetricaConfiguration.h

    skipping existing file: YMMYandexMetricaPreloadInfo.h

    skipping existing file: YandexMobileMetrica.h

    skipping existing file: module.modulemap

    skipping existing file: YandexMobileMetrica

    skipping existing file: libAPDYandexAdapter.a

    skipping existing file: apd-report-btn-cut.tiff

    skipping existing file: apd-report-btn.tiff

    skipping existing file: apd_background.tiff

    skipping existing file: apd_background_mrec.tiff

    skipping existing file: apd_close.tiff

    skipping existing file: apd_close_fill.tiff

    skipping existing file: apd_star.tiff

    skipping existing file: appodeal_adbadge.tiff

    skipping existing file: appodeal_mute_off.png

    skipping existing file: appodeal_mute_on.png

    skipping existing file: appodeal_pattern.tiff

    skipping existing file: Localizable.strings

    skipping existing file: Localizable.strings

    skipping existing file: Localizable.strings

    skipping existing file: Localizable.strings

    skipping existing file: Localizable.strings

    skipping existing file: Localizable.strings

    skipping existing file: Appodeal

    skipping existing file: APDBannerView.h

    skipping existing file: APDDefines.h

    skipping existing file: APDImage.h

    skipping existing file: APDInterstitialAd.h

    skipping existing file: APDMRECView.h

    skipping existing file: APDMediaView.h

    skipping existing file: APDNativeAd.h

    skipping existing file: APDNativeAdLoader.h

    skipping existing file: APDRewardProtocol.h

    skipping existing file: APDRewardedVideo.h

    skipping existing file: APDSdk.h

    skipping existing file: APDSkippableVideo.h

    skipping existing file: APDUserInfo.h

    skipping existing file: APDUserInfoProtocol.h

    skipping existing file: Appodeal.h

    skipping existing file: AppodealBannerView.h

    skipping existing file: module.modulemap

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/README.md

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/package.json

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/README.md

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/package.json

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/plugin.xml

    skipping existing file: AppodealPlugin.java

    skipping existing file: AppodealPlugin.h

    skipping existing file: AppodealPlugin.m

    skipping existing file: appodeal.js



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    [2017-07-27 07:21:21.940] [DEBUG] AndroidBuilder - Uh oh! "/workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/libs/android/appodeal-1.15.9.jar" not found!

  • Thanks

  • Hi there. How can I check time and data from a mobile phone or from the internet to implement everyday bonus or bonus every 2 minutes, for instance?

  • oh, that was a bit confusing a few minutes i was thinking about ur words. gladly i finaly got it, my thoughts about random were wrong, random is in the 4th line not 3th as i said. loopindex just a place in array (0,1,2...), but my "for" starts from 1, so when FOR=1 i have a place in array under 0, when for=2 array has 1, thats why i have to subtract 1, therefore loopindex-1.

    probably my explanation of my understanding is a bit wrong, but for me my question is answered, thank you so much=)

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  • pretty stupid question probably, but please help me to figure it out.

    here is an image about how to get random text from txt file via ajax.

    i actualy understand most of it except "loopindex-1".

    i realise that in this line (3) we put a new text from last ajax date which is separeted by new line, but i cant undestand second part of the code (loopindex-1). according to the manual there should be like a number of token, but here we get it randomly as i see.

    so how does it work, this loopindex-1?

  • i wann create hats for my character, so i have created point "1" everywhere i need on my basic animations like "running", "jumping" etc, and everytick my hat set position to this point "1" on my character. but my character also has position to other sprite which is origin platformer. and when I am running, my hat has delay, so character is running, but hat has position not on the point, but a bit behind. it happends when im moving, running or jumping, when im standing everything works alright.

    I actualy can make different animations for each hat, but it would be stupid, so i wanna just set position, but it works different.

    can some1 help me with this problem, or suggest another way to arrange my hat?

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Member since 29 May, 2014

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