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  • yea, thanks, i found guide on the forum about else in this situation, but it works properly only in suck case. but i have under one event subevents about whole group of my sprites, where each has to be switched from 1 to 2 anb back. by using "else" i cant realise it, but i also found that i can do it following way:

    --if button pressed and variable = 1 then add 1 to variable

    -if variable >1 then make it 0

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  • How can i do switcher from 1 to 2 and back by 1 button?

    i do something like

    -if button pressed and variable = 1 then make variable 2

    -if button pressed and variable = 2 then make variable 1

    but as i can see, these events work one after one, so i always have my variable = 1

    of course, i can do it by 2 buttons, but i wanna with one, is it possible? pls help me

  • yea, compare two values, right.

    thank you=)

  • In topic "Native Expressions in Construct 2" i saw this info:

    & also doubles as logical AND, and | is a logical OR operator. These are useful combined with the comparison operators, e.g. score < 0 | health < 0, which also return 1 if true and 0 if false.

    so, if i understood correctly, i can use "|" and make event like "if value equals 1 | 2" if i mean 1 or 2.

    but the problem in following, it doesnt work. or i do something wrong. i just want to do action if my varieble equals to not only one figure, but more

    help please.

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Member since 29 May, 2014

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